Many years ago I experienced something incredible, bordering on mind-boggling. I glimpsed and felt what it was like to die and cross over to the other side. In essence, I experienced what mirrored a near death experience (NDE) without any of the trauma or crisis that typically accompanies such ... Views: 1923
So many people have taken the courageous step to walk away from careers that no longer provide them with intrinsic or energetic rewards, literally choosing personal happiness and inner fulfillment over the need for a high paying job that leaves them emotionally bankrupt.
For example, a ... Views: 1233
In readings and energy sessions with my clients, I often get new ideas for helping individuals heal from age-old emotional wounds or traumas that continue to spark pain and anguish. My work with Ancestral Healings* has gone a long way toward addressing the psychic and emotional pain many ... Views: 1528
Even in the best of times, life can be challenging. Sometimes failing health or loss of a job may be at the root of our concerns. Other times it may be smaller things, such as feeling left out, being criticized or feeling judged by others that sends us for a loop. And that’s the focus of this ... Views: 889
Entities are disembodied souls who have not made the full transition to the other side, or gone 'into the light'. For one reason or another, they have chosen to remain on this Earthly dimension after their human existence has ended in physical death.
There are several reasons why a soul may ... Views: 1617
Even in the best of times, life can be challenging. Sometimes failing health or loss of a job may be at the root of our concerns. Other times it may be smaller things, such as feeling left out, being criticized or feeling judged by others that sends us for a loop. And that’s the focus of this ... Views: 2372