We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Death and Dying". If you have expertise in Death and Dying and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
A death in the family is always difficult and we feel compassion for those who find themselves in this situation.
Our research tells us that we choose our paths (especially the key players and major events) before incarnating. However, when we say "we" we mean our souls. Once we're here on ... Views: 1493
While waiting to attend a focus group for seniors, I read an article on ‘Twixers.’ This term refers to young people ages 24 to 29, who still live at home, have worked numerous jobs since leaving school, are saddled with large education debts, and are not yet ready to get on with transition ... Views: 960
My e-zine, Tame Your Brain!, is dedicated to showing people how to live their lives successfully. However, I felt that death should be dealt with, too. We have an opportunity to make one last contribution. Let’s make sure we make it our best.
Are you going to die . . . soon?
Hm. That’s a ... Views: 1100
Those mourning the death of a loved one are often told to find closure, let go of the deceased loved one, and go on with their lives. For most, this admonition is tantamount to saying forget about the person. In truth, no one ever forgets the beloved and never wants to since our memories and our ... Views: 1612
As in any tragedy of this magnitude, much of what follows are the questions that attempt to put our families and us at ease?
Questions like; why do people do these things? what should I do to protect my family? and how will this change our world? These questions spring from our hearts as we ... Views: 960
What is the correct response for a metaphysical person to the terrible events of September 11th? It is a major challenge to fathom what happened, and what our personal response should be. This article will set out a few themes that are worth considering.
The key attitude must surely be to ... Views: 1100
One of the things that struck me forcibly about the events of September 11th 2001 was the terrible resemblance the attacks bore to a Hollywood blockbuster disaster movie. It was quite uncanny......
Desperate terrorists seize passenger airline planes and plunge them into the WTC towers. The ... Views: 1349
Your probably wondering why such a fit and healthy young lad like me (I wish!), with his bright future ahead of him would be writing about green woodland burials; the way I see it is that sometime in the far-flung future (touch wood) I will be participating in my own burial (as if I have the ... Views: 1104
Meaning affects everything we do; and equally important it affects the body and its physiology as attested to by the many examples of body-mind relationships, such as the placebo effect. Finding meaning in death is not always easy, and sometimes it is hard to find.
However, the search for ... Views: 5486
We do not accept what happened on September 11, however lets seek to understand and discover possible causes/reasons behind the attack.
What are the underlying causes for this violence?
Does Islam blame the USA for desecrating - invading the Islam Holly Land and is that one of the underlying ... Views: 1621
We are still reeling from the events of September 11, 2001 and may be doing so for some time. This doesn¡¦t even take into account any military action which seems imminent. On a personal level, as well as on a consciousness level, we are feeling the emotional "aftershocks" of a day of great loss ... Views: 980
It's about midnight on September 11, 2001. This morning when I woke up I assumed the day would be filled with the normal stuff of my life - walking my son to school, checking e-mail, coaching, working on the launch of my site. The important things? After 9:00am it all changed, forever. Like ... Views: 877
No one knew. Jack’s 21th birthday was only a few months away and collage would be starting in the fall. He and his young bride Alice had done so well and overcome a number of obstacles just to get this far. At eighteen, while high school sweethearts, the two married awaiting the arrival of their ... Views: 1084
There is one person who is and does the universe. We saw God crash into God on the day America was attacked. Why did God crash into God? The answer is in the question. Something wants to expand its knowledge. The One person who you are reverberates within itself to re-know itself through ... Views: 928
If you become depressed every time someone dies, the depression and stress will shorten your lifespan. One important skill for coping with death is knowing what to say when someone is struggling with dying.
The ideal is to be like to Energizer Bunny on Alkaline batteries. He just keeps going ... Views: 4288
And More Guilt and New Perception
Diane to God:
Dear God, I wrote my letter to Molly, and I wrote her beautiful answer. It felt so good. Did I correctly pick up Molly?
I have been thinking about guilt and how it feels like a contraction and a narrowing of focus. Today I have been on the ... Views: 1012
And More Guilt and New Perception
Diane to God:
Dear God, I wrote my letter to Molly, and I wrote her beautiful answer. It felt so good. Did I correctly pick up Molly?
I have been thinking about guilt and how it feels like a contraction and a narrowing of focus. Today I have been on the ... Views: 1019
Diane to God:
Dear God, I keep holding onto Molly's physical death and feeling guilt and pain, sadness and fear. I tried to do everything I could to make her physical life comfortable, and I feel like I have failed in her last days of sickness and death. My husband keeps remembering ... Views: 1138
Earth Is Temporary Home Diane and Molly #5
Diane to God:
Dear God, I am in the process of giving away Molly’s toys, equipment and clothes. I guess I am doing my part in creating Heaven on earth with all the tears I am shedding. I know Heaven comes with the laughter, too, and I do ... Views: 1102
Magnitude of God's Love #4
Diane to God:
Dear God, I want more than anything to be one with Molly. Since this is already true, I want more than anything to experience the oneness. I ache for the sound of her voice, the touch of her hand, the sweetness of her smile.
There was an intensity ... Views: 1147
As caregivers we sometimes encounter feelings of negativity, such as resentment, hate, anger or even fear. We might even experience mixed feelings bouncing back and forth from a negative to a positive.
Most of us don't like to admit that we can have these feelings which may be provoked by ... Views: 1078
Many members are currently caring for a loved one who is moving through their end-of-life stages. I have pondered whether or not to post this under caregiving articles or as a journal exercise for a while. This evening a dear member asked me to include it as a journal exercise so that hopefully ... Views: 1277
It appears to me that how we cope with grief is directly related to how we look at our own mortality or death. Death is not something we like to focus on. But in reading so many books on death and dying by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross and Stephen Levine, it has become evident to me that the more ... Views: 1812
The phenomenon of life presents many similarities in the process of birthing and deathing. 'We come into this world alone and we leave it alone, ' is perhaps the biggest reality we must face as caregivers. This is nature's life cycle. While there is so much preparation for a birth, why is it ... Views: 1429
Generally speaking, people are unaware that there are definite references in the New Testament that unequivocally imply reincarnation. In fact, many ask why, if the subject of reincarnation is so important from the religious point of view, there is so little mention of it in the Bible.
One ... Views: 2258
Magnitude of God's Love
3-year old Molly was frail from the beginning of her life. Due to the squeezing of the umbilical cord before birth, she never had even enough muscle strength to lift her head. She was, however, very bright, talkative, and endearing. She died very recently.
You can read ... Views: 1093
I harm or heal myself
One thought at a time.
I discover myself and others
One thought at a time.
I live my life
One thought at a time.
My telephone rings,
I choose a thought.
I choose to choose from among the many positive thoughts.
A connection with the outside world.
A friend. A client. ... Views: 956
All Is Well
Diane, mother of 3-year old Molly, writes to Gloria, the author of this series:
Dear Gloria,
Last Night
Diane to God:
Dear God, as You know, Molly was congested for three days. Last night I became concerned about what to do, but her illness was similar to other times when ... Views: 1090
Due to the constriction of her umbilical cord, bright 3-year old Molly cannot even lift her head, and breathing is difficult for her. This is second in a series of questions Diane, Molly's mother, asks God.
Letting Go
Diane to God:
Dear God, the letting go of responsibility for ... Views: 1036
Gloria Wendroff grew up without religion or thoughts about God. No one, least of all Gloria, would have guessed that one day she would become a Godwriter™ and, through God’s words, bring thousands of people closer to God and their own hearts.
Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, ... Views: 2957
Sandra to God:
Dear God, I would like to know about the existence of miracles. Not about flowers growing and birds singing, but a miracle such as good health restored. Will You answer?
[Sandra has been married for many years to a man twenty-five years her senior. Her husband is now 80 ... Views: 1117
Dear God,
My sister is presently in the hospital making her transition into the light. I feel it would be comforting to if you would directly give my sister, me and my family words of inspiration at this time. Is her departure from this plane at this time Your Will and/or the will of her ... Views: 7099
HEAVENLETTER #1541 The Unseen
I clasp you to My heart. We could say I keep you protected. In truth, there is nothing to protect you from. There is nothing that can assail you. There is nothing that can destroy you. You think there is because you think your life depends upon your ... Views: 1072
There is an interesting phenomenon that I call the Pendulum Effect, the fact that sometimes, in order to create the change we want, it is necessary to swing the pendulum to the extreme opposite end so that it may finally come to rest in a centered, balanced position. That is my explanation for ... Views: 1649
A disaster of any proportion can shatter the sense of safety and stability of anyone who feels close to the disaster or its victims in any way. With a disaster involving such a public icon like the World Trade Center in NYC, involving so many people who were simply going about their morning ... Views: 1068
HEAVENLETTERS are here to reach every soul on Earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God * Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #1385 When a Friend Dies
God said:
Beloved, the ... Views: 2094
Waiting? OK. But will a lightness of heart ever come? Does time really heal all wounds? Mothers who have experienced child death assure us that "it will get better." Friends and loved ones may tell us that "it is time to get over it and get on with life." We hear about closure, but researchers ... Views: 1333
Graphology is a scientific system of identification and assessment of character and personality of someone through detailed examination of, and study of, his or her handwriting sample.
- Kathy Gulley-Stevens, Certified Master Graphologist and ... Views: 13056
Thou shalt not just stand idly by
while others might be saved
or take freedom for granted still
while others are enslaved
Thou shalt not forsake others
who through sickness are in need
or overlook the famine
and the many we could feed
Thou shalt not through indifference
miss ... Views: 923
On Sept 12, 2001, "passion to profit expert" and author Walt Goodridge sent a special Inspiration to his mailing list of subscribers. The words of solace and comfort struck a chord among many. Since that time, counselors of youth groups, churches and schools have used it to help children and ... Views: 1159
When we listen to sounds, we can distinguish between two phenomena: “sounds” and “listener listening to sounds”:
“Sounds” is when we are hearing all sounds indiscriminately, like a tape recorder does; when all sounds are impacting on our awareness with ... Views: 1038
August 1998 marks the first anniversary of the deaths of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. Rather than honor their memory with platitudes, why don’t we memorialize them with our own lives by following their examples?
Their deaths remind us how a person is measured.
How do we measure a person? ... Views: 909
Beloved Ones, the passage into death is not one to be feared, but one that signals the completion of one phase of life so that another can begin. For in truth, there is no such thing as death, only ongoing life for souls in an ever-expanding process of exploration and learning. The journey is ... Views: 1432
Almost everyone has experienced at least one harrowing event in which they felt they might have died. An automobile accident or near accident, a fall, an illness. A car speeding past them careening off the road while they were walking along. A kitchen towel you were holding just started to catch ... Views: 1264
The process of dying is one of the great stages of learning of the human soul, often met with fear and resistance, yet even in the presence of these, filled with the growth of the soul in its appreciation of its relationship to life.
There is no one way to experience dying so that it produces ... Views: 1170
After months of chasing treatment options, of refusing to give up hope but finding none, she is gone and he is reeling.
The couple - Jess Doherty, 41, a television producer, and Rebekah Morris, who was director of KLRU-TV's advertising and public relations department - have left a legacy ... Views: 1290
New Yorkers have come together in welcome ways in the weeks since 9/11. We stop and talk to strangers on the street. We try to help each other well before we formally meet. Or we join in funerals for firemen we never knew, raising money for their families, while recognizing each other from ... Views: 1302
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
My view of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is where a witnessed event or series of events is so traumatic (foreign to what we are used to and extremely severe) so that an emotional and possible autonomic response is implicitly embedded into our unconscious mind ... Views: 1800
The week of September 11 I happened to be corresponding with one of the administrators of the Bach Centre in England. I mentioned my gratitude for Rescue Remedy, and he responded that it had been in wide use at the Centre that week, as well.
That correspondence—as well as other ... Views: 1102
Thank you Baby H.
There are babies everywhere in my life. Number of pregnant friends: 3. Number of friends who have given birth this year: 3. Number of babies born to friends to date: 14. Number of friends on baby-making duty: at least 3 that I know of. Conception and birth is a complex and ... Views: 972