Where has the time gone?
I found myself pondering this question over and over these last few days, and couldn't help but notice the impact it was having on my mindset. As the anniversary of my fathers death approached, I became focused on the fact that time was whizzing by.
I was "shocked" ... Views: 987
It is interesting, that with so many people embracing the network marketing industry that there are still people that look down at it. While it may be true that some people have acted unethically, the reality is that most people who have built a successful network marketing business, have done ... Views: 1053
Goals--we all know that they are supposed to help us achieve great things. We may have even taken a class to learn how to accomplish the goals that we set. You may have heard countless professionals say that without a goal you are less likely to succeed. Have you ever wondered it's really about ... Views: 1025
"Change; to make the future course of something different from what it is"
So you want things to be different? Being at a turning point in your life can mean many things, but most importantly it can mean change. Change is often met with resistance, and may be looked at as a source of stress, ... Views: 2390
One of the saddest days of my life was the day that my father ended his struggle with cancer. Initially there was the relief that he would no longer suffer, followed by the acceptance that there was no other answer for him, they had done all that they could, and his life cycle was complete. But ... Views: 1250
As we grow up, we are often told "Don't ask for that", it's impolite. We are programmed to think that asking for help, support or direction means that we can't do it ourselves. And frankly this just doesn't make sense.
Like many lessons that were taught to us, this is one that I think we need ... Views: 1214
Have you ever felt like you just want out of the twhirl? Perhaps it's a conversation at the water fountain or that you are just tired of dealing with people who see the glass half empty. Maybe something has triggered you, and you find yourself focusing on the junk rather than the ... Views: 901