Walking this Earth are many souls from the stars. Though we all walk in human form many find it hard to operate…like a piece of technology with no operating manual. Though we find Earth to be a beautiful place, our hearts still harken to the stars… to a far away. Memories and voices from the ... Views: 2916
Losing weight is a funny thing and a great mystery to so many of us. What makes us lose weight? What makes us gain weight? It seems that there are as many answers and there are people. Throughout this article I wish to share with you a perspective that has allowed me to lose weight and a bit ... Views: 2756
written December 18, 1999
As the Millennium approaches, many of us Lightworkers are faced with making the decision to return to the 3D work world. For some this is a real inner conflict because it makes us feel as if we have somehow failed in our missions. I wrote the following article to ... Views: 1121
After several years on the Ascension Path, I have come to realize that ascending doesn’t come without a price. Achieving a higher level of consciousness isn’t accomplished by osmosis; it requires commitment, diligence and sacrifice. Still, I feel the rewards of ascension far outweigh the pain ... Views: 9592
We have journeyed from far distant places to a world in need. We are the starseeds and walk-ins. Ours is a galactic heritage, our memories of home and family though dim still stir within our hearts filling us with aching longing for home. After many years of training and preparation, we ... Views: 1102
The idea for this article came one morning as I was sitting with my husband Jonathan discussing the ever-persistent challenges facing us these days. Long gone are the days of single-hood, financial security, fine homes and luxury cars. Each morning upon waking we are faced with overdue bills, ... Views: 1181
Physical Stability
I find that the greatest value in walking the ascension path is being able to take control of your physical health and heal yourself. I have cured myself of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but still battle with Fibromyalgia due to my caretaking (enabling and rescuing) ... Views: 1642
Due to the length and scope of this article, Let’s Get Real about Ascension! will be presented in two parts.
Ascension…the word conjures up visions of bliss, joy, and enhanced psychic abilities along with unlimited prosperity. All this is true once you reach a certain level of consciousness, ... Views: 3440
By now you have probably realized that we were not given a blueprint for ascension. In a perfect world we would have a blueprint or model showing us what to do. We would know what to expect and what not to expect and therefore would move through the process with more grace and ease that we do ... Views: 2760
During these times of great change, it seems that every day brings another opportunity to learn from the painful challenges that come our way. In some cases several lessons are learned through the same challenge. Such has been the case with the passing of my father and the circumstances ... Views: 1448
The ancients have said that this time we are in now would be one of great pain and suffering. One only has to turn on the TV or read the newspaper to know that we are seeing the fulfillment of their words. In the midst of such pain it is easy to loose sight of the goal. As the higher perspective ... Views: 1375
My father was diagnosed with cancer in October, 2008. Up to that time he had been very healthy. Normally energetic and active, he fought the cancer with gusto. Still, the cancer won and my father passed away in the early morning hours of on Sunday, March 8th, less than 6 months later. I had ... Views: 1591