How many of us have been lured into purchasing a fitness device with the sales pitch, “You can do it while watching television!”? How many of us are now watching it collect dust while we are watching television, or, worse, not seeing it at all because it “folds away for easy ... Views: 948
One of the greatest fears of older adults is the loss in independence. That loss is felt acutely when it translates into the need for institutional living. Even the most luxurious congregant living facility isn’t the same as your own home. “Aging in place” is the chief ... Views: 1123
According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, one in three individuals over the age of 60 and half of those over the age of 85 will have hearing loss. The hearing loss associated with aging is called presbycusis or high frequency, sensory neural hearing ... Views: 1173
Yes, even if you haven’t moved in years, you can do aerobic activity. You have probably been told time and again, “Just go for a walk.” Unfortunately, if you are severely deconditioned and carrying 50 or more pounds of extra weight, going for a walk can be exhausting. After a ... Views: 925
We will all do two things in our lives – pay taxes and die. We do the very best we can to plan for our taxes, why don't we do as much to plan for our death? National Hospice Foundation statistics show that Americans are more likely to talk to their kids about drugs and sex than they ... Views: 1470
Research reveals that 90% of hip fractures are a result of falls, and most of those falls were preventable. Of the elderly fallers who require hospitalization, only 50% will survive past one year post-fall.
Our system of balance (vestibular system) is in our inner ear. It is actually part of ... Views: 1318