It was the morning after the passing of my Dad and we were all sitting out on the back porch watching the sun come up numb from the night before. The months before his death had been taxing on the whole family, especially my mother and my sister. They had become the main care givers to my father ... Views: 1258
I have worked with the healing properties of crystals over the years with myself and my animals and have found them to be quite effective. Crystals are living pieces of the Earth. They are formed and grow just as plants do or any other living thing on the planet for that matter. Each crystal has ... Views: 924
Many of us strive on a daily basis for the balance between the mind, body and spirit for our well-being. We as humans have the ability to seek out various modalities to heal ourselves and take care of ourselves in a way to maintain that connection. Our animal companions on the other hand need ... Views: 1264