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The majority of astrological traditions is based on the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and the construction of calculated or perceived celestial patterns relating to the location and time of an event.
A reference frame for the positions of astrological planets, stars, ... Views: 1509
In order to explain channelling, it is perhaps best to define the word itself. In a physical sense, channelling is the forming of a connection between two points in order to enable a flow, for example of water or electricity, between the two. In a psychic sense, it is the connection made from ... Views: 1841
Archangels are the highest degree of the angelic realm, and there are only four. Archangels are the chief angels, and they are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. There is a hierarchy in the angelic realm, and the archangels are at the top, the generals over the ranks. And among these four, ... Views: 13003
What is interesting in our society is that God can take many forms. In some religions, he is benevolent and kind. In others, he is vengeful and violent. In yet others he is loving and peaceful. How do we have such disparate views of God, or the Gods?
When we are growing up, our parents or ... Views: 1407
There have been many articles written about prayer and they always affirm the power of prayer in the lives of Christian believers and even sometimes for nonbelievers. Prayer can be a powerful force when a true believer applies the power of God to the issues of life.
When you pray you ... Views: 895
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com
On Saturday April 2nd at 1 pm, Brenda and her friends/co-channelers Beverly J. and Rick Thompson will feature an open channeling session at the Greenville, SC Festival of Healing and Spiritual Awareness Conference. For more ... Views: 1046
I consider myself to be a Philosopher of Consciousness; to my philosophical thinking, what is most basic is, "what is real." Our Reality, currently, is determined by what we in the Western World have been Indoctrinated and Programmed to Believe it is.
In the past, in the philosophical world, ... Views: 1206
Every person should be able to attract wealth at will. In this article I'm going to share 3 simple steps that make this process as easy and natural as it should be.
If you follow these steps I summarize, you'll be attracting wealth with ease almost immediately. You can expect to see real ... Views: 783
Over the last several years I always have wondered about, toyed with and believed in our extrasensory perception in relation to my own personal views versus those individuals close to me as well as people in general. We know and read in the media both science and philosophy continuously grow and ... Views: 1252
Body is nothing more than emptiness,emptiness is nothing more than body.
The body is exactly empty,and emptiness is exactly body.
The other four aspects of human existence --feeling, thought, will, and consciousness --are likewise nothing more than emptiness,and emptiness nothing more than ... Views: 1302
A limiting belief is any belief you have that is not serving your highest good and is not aiding in your personal growth. These beliefs are usually formed during childhood, and come from your parents, relatives, teachers, and peers. They combine to form the basis of your paradigm, or how you ... Views: 1449
"With all the controversy in the early first millennium about the nature of the personage known as Jesus Christ, such as the Council of Nicea of 325 A.D., the myriad of versions of the Bible, including the many 'mistake' Bibles that have deliberate or otherwise mistakes, and the many editings of ... Views: 3055
Today, I would like to offer you a challenge that will help you to understand how your beliefs impact your experience of reality and what you attract into your life. Most people don't take the time to examine what their beliefs are and they stumble through life as a result, often with little or ... Views: 2187
Most of us have had times in our lives when we have listened to that ‘little voice’ inside, or that ‘feeling’ about a person, place, or thing. That ‘voice’ or ‘feeling’ has come to awareness from the unified field itself – there is no true separation. That is one of our mythical beliefs, the ... Views: 1127
Recently, due to the release of The Secret, individuals have discussed quite a bit about being wealthy. As individuals speak about this specific matter, it’s expected that wrong beliefs will come up. Let us speak about these wrong beliefs in this particular article.
You you’ll have a simpler ... Views: 902
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com
Brenda also channels a weekly, 15-minute radio show “Creation Energies” available on her website or at blogtalkradio.com. Her blog and radio show contain different channeled messages.
Dear ... Views: 1193
It is an interesting thing I have noticed, that everyone dreams and wishes to be a certain way, free of negative emotions, free in spirt, open of heart, without pain or fear, and meet someone like that. Yet if they met someone who possesses those qualities, they say it cannot be real, they are ... Views: 1338
Angel guidance when it comes is always loving and kind. They are waiting to help us whenever we remember to ask them as they cannot help us unless we ask.
However, when we do ask, the angels are delighted to guide us in the areas of our lives that are not going as we would hope they would. ... Views: 1253
Our God wants us to succeed. He wants the best for our lives. The proof of these statements are all over the Bible. Jesus coming from heaven to earth to die on the cross and rising again is tremendous proof. But even before then, God has displayed the desire for us to live well. Look at Adam ... Views: 1437
A few days ago, I was reading an online article about the use of spiritual assessments. In many institutional settings, including hospitals and the military, the use of assessments for spirituality has become common. There is a wide variety among these instruments but they generally ask a ... Views: 1428
Most of the people who wish to go to the psychic readers for the reason that these individuals consider that psychic readers can lend a hand to then and relieve their worries by making them ware of their upcoming days, but with a lot if the fraud and the scam readers it is really difficult to ... Views: 1438
With problems it is worth considering hiring a psychic reader who can lend a hand to proffer you with guidance which is required by you in the times that are gloomy and dark.
To find an available psychic reader is just moderately difficult and requires a little research. The one thing that is ... Views: 1476
There are many different motives on why people search and look for psychic advice (or an accurate reading to be exact). Irrespective of how much different intent people have for turning to psychics, still, the significant point is - the ultimate reason is to get guidance and explanation.
An ... Views: 1423
By Jon Sandifer
Jon explains the different astrological systems developed in China over the centuries. He offers his thoughts on why he favours the simplicity and directness of I Ching Astrology.
I Ching Astrology predates the more populist Chinese Astrology by some 1,000 years.
I Ching ... Views: 821
The Buddha is purported to have said “What we think, we become.” If your thoughts could change your life for the better, wouldn’t you do it? Of course! But, what thoughts do you change?
All of us have an inner voice that speaks to us and us alone. Self-talk is that inner running dialogue you ... Views: 800
Having too many negative thoughts can be harmful to not only your mood, but also your mental welfare. If you let things continue on a downward slide for too long it can also start to have a negative effect on your general health. Do not despair, because there are some simple things that you can ... Views: 1671
Loving oneself is not something that is particularly easy. It can be difficult to take a look in the mirror and like what you can see. Low self-esteem can affect many people all over the world, but there are ways to beat it. You simply have to follow these easy steps and you will find out how to ... Views: 1196
Making the Law of Attraction Work for You, the Column- Part 5
By Steve Taylor
Hello and happy winter to all of you. As I said in last weeks column, I am just looking for a little sunshine, warmth and the end of our snowy and dreary days of winter. I guess that I need to follow my own ... Views: 1172
Stick to your resolve in spite of whatever is taking place. For if you don’t, not only will your obstacles linger longer but they will charge towards you.
Just like a dog will attack you if it smells fear in you; obstacles are prone to harass you the most when they sense panic and ... Views: 1195
Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours. It is powered by your desire and controlled by your thoughts and actions. In other words, your success is measured by the strength of your belief.
What is it ... Views: 2871
If you are an entrepreneur, you know that your success cannot depend on the opinions of others. Like the wind, opinions change...like the weather, opinions change frequently. To succeed at any endeavor, you must stay the course...no matter what the cost! Here are some surefire tips to help you ... Views: 1221
My religious background is very much like a patchwork quilt. My father is Catholic, my mother is Jewish by birth, however she was raised by a Lutheran family. I was raised in the center of the Bible Belt where being Catholic or Jewish was not a commonplace occurrence and oftentimes I was "In the ... Views: 1004
A Dilemma-“WANT” vs. “NEED”
Things are said and life issues sometimes converge, and really cause the mind to ponder.
I have just gone through a situation like that, and it relates to work life/career equally to life recovery, life transformation and getting addiction help.
There is a huge ... Views: 1590
By the bounty and grace of ALLAH I am going to write my first journey paper of my life. I would like to start to write it with my little introduction of my study life. When I start my intermediate level from Queen May college Lahore. I get in ... Views: 1435
The mind consists of 3 main ingredients: beliefs, emotions and thoughts. Other names for physical mind include personality or ego. This aspect of consciousness exists for the purpose of allowing you to focus in physical reality and in general, make sense of it. The physical organ that processes ... Views: 3077
God Answers Prayers. The Divine wants what is best for us. Prayers are conversations with God. When we talk to God and ask for what we want, knowing and believing that God is benevolent, loving and guides us to our highest and best potential, we are Divinely creating in partnership with the ... Views: 1357
God’s Five Favorite Hiding Places
Bill Cottringer
Sometimes God is hard to find, let alone know very well. Not being able to see God, we have to go places where a God-like presence can be sensed in some distinct way. Here are God’s seven favorite hiding places, where such an ... Views: 1576
When we speak of faith, we tend to speak of it as something absolute. I have heard many people say they have to build their faith, and often I have heard people say they have no faith is this or that, in him or her. In this way faith is either there or it is not, or so it seems. On the other ... Views: 1246
As your two eyes are not the same with my own two eyes, so also what you see is not the same with what I see. Your spiritual understanding with the things around you may not be the same with my own. The way you perceive things may be different from the way your ... Views: 1090
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful, ... Views: 1518
The universe is vastly teeming with abundance, and those who are in touch with this belief seem to be so successful with Cosmic Ordering and are easily able to manifest those things which they desire or aspire. But even for those people who are not really into all those manifestation and ... Views: 1067
In watching the way people respond to pain, difficulties and challenges, there is one thing we all have in common – and that is aversion to sitting in an uncomfortable place. When the going gets tough we simply want to run. Perhaps part of that nature is related to our limbic system and the ... Views: 1359
Many of us know, or at least believe, that we are powerful creators of our own reality and destiny.
Some of us go with the flow, weaving this divine knowledge intuitively into our daily existence, while others prefer to focus on it consciously, in an attempt to shape their lives more ... Views: 1859
One of the major beliefs that stand in the way of our success is what we believe we deserve. Both our self-esteem and self image affect that belief and both can be improved upon.
Self esteem is about how you regard yourself at the deepest level
We develop our prominent world view by the ... Views: 1476
Paranormal Forums
You might have had a paranormal encounter which you were not able to tell of. Paranormal forums consist of groups that discuss the reason for this condition. All that is required in order to join the paranormal forum is to have a valid email id.
Search out for groups that are ... Views: 741
Tiffany Crosara
Angelic Happenings Diary
Summer 2010
The hottest summer britain had seen in a good few years, in London people were fainting on the pavement, high above that I was teaching a class how to remove psychic cords from their aura, we were high and hot, psychic delusions/visions ... Views: 1659
The Woman in White
I wrote briefly in my last article that my Father had been seeing “shadows” of people that weren’t there. He caught them out of the corner of his eye as it flashed by. This happened in different rooms at different times of the day.
One day this past month he called me ... Views: 689
Surrendering in the moment is a powerful jewel for self discovery. It is about letting go of control and letting God be in charge of all our affairs.
It takes awareness, strength and courage to get to the place of surrendering our lives and our problems to our higher power.
Self love is ... Views: 1346
Advertising is a necessity for any company to succeed in this day and age. Many companies understand this, but make the mistake of placing their advertising dollars on inefficient marketing channels. For example, there is no reason for a night club to advertise with mailers and emails as it just ... Views: 1059
Some people are concerned about our future; the year 2012 in particular. Some people feel that this will be the end of civilization. That mankind will destroy itself.
I’m sure many changes are going to take place. Some of them are going to be bad, but honestly I feel more of them will be ... Views: 1217