Archangels are the highest degree of the angelic realm, and there are only four. Archangels are the chief angels, and they are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. There is a hierarchy in the angelic realm, and the archangels are at the top, the generals over the ranks. And among these four, ... Views: 13018
Clairvoyance: the word itself has French origins from the 19th century — “clair” means clear, “voir” means to see. To see clearly. In the word's meaning there is nothing about seeing the future. It’s about perceiving clearly the present, and at times visions of clarity seeing the past, and ... Views: 1576
Travel, the kind that sinks a person into a new landscape and wantonly shifts a once comfortable horizon, is guaranteed to be transformational. But let’s be clear — travel as a spiritual practice, a knee deep, wide eyed, excursion into the mist, is not to be confused with tourism.
Tourism ... Views: 2083