Making the Law of Attraction Work for You, the Column- Part 5

By Steve Taylor

Hello and happy winter to all of you. As I said in last weeks column, I am just looking for a little sunshine, warmth and the end of our snowy and dreary days of winter. I guess that I need to follow my own advice and think positively about my circumstances here. Say it with me snowbirds- I love the snow, winter is good, and I feel alive when it hits zero outside! I don't think that anyone other than our brethren in Alaska really believe this mantra but it is good way to kick off this weeks article about the art or positive thinking and how it affects our belief systems.

The Art of Positive Thinking
A few weeks ago we talked about our the impact that our well intentioned “Eor Primes” have on our mood, motivation and attitude. If you are reading this series for the first time, we identified the “Eor Primes” as negative people in our lives that we just can't seem to get away from. I hope that some of you are having some success minimizing their influence. Not to belabor the point. If these people are the primary social contacts and you are wondering why you always feel down after spending time with them, well they are a lot like second hand smoke. They tend to affect your health in a stealthy manner and before you know it, you are reeling from their affects. Limit their access to you and you will find an opportunity to start seeing the world in a different light.
I would like to tell you a story about an interesting conversation that I had last week with someone that I had met for the first time. I had the chance to attend an award breakfast for my 9-year grandson and his peers who had earned accolades for high academic achievement during the past marking period. At the breakfast, I got into a discussion with a mother of two of my grandson's friends, who volunteers at the school. We talked about the affect of winter on our psyche and I proclaimed how nice it would be to spend this time in warmer climates. I told her about my travels to the southwest and west coast and how being in those locales made me feel like a totally different person when I traveled there during the winter months. She shared that she had never been out of our quaint little city in the 38 years that she had been on the planet. I asked her if there was a reason for her isolation. She confessed that she was afraid to travel because of her fear of crowds, heights and general insecurity around people that she did not know. Now, clearly, this engaging person appears to have deeper issues affecting her outlook, but the reason that I am sharing this story with you is that many people are held back by their fears and anxieties which are often grounded in nothing more than a lack of insight, exposure and accurate information. I advised my new friend to start looking at travel websites so that she could be inspired by the beauty that our country had to offer. I also suggested that she view travel in a different light-not as a threat to her personal security but as a means of gaining a new perspective on life and all of the inspirational options that new surroundings can provide.
Perhaps you can think of people in your immediate circle who think negatively about most things and as a result are always in a funk. Consequently, after they are done communicating with you, they leave you in one as well. It is the “Law of Attraction” at work, insuring that they get what they expect. In order to positively influence the Law of Attraction” we must change our way of thinking to a positive mode of reference, reflection and envisioning.
So, I would like to encourage you to think about the last few conversations that you have participated in with family and/or friends that ended up leaving you in a funk. Did you initiate the negativity with phrases like, “hate that”, “no way to get that done,” “I am really pissed off”, and my favorite, “I told you so.” If any of these phrases frequent your vocabulary, you are blocking the power of positive thinking, and as a result, dramatically reducing the opportunity to engage the positive influence of the Law of Attraction in your life.

See the Good in People, Places and Things
Do not waiver in the face of criticism about your attempt to transform your life. I have a confession to make. One of my “Eor Prime” friends refers to me as “Barney”or as a Barney(The purple dinosaur) because I try to see the good in things first instead of immediately responding to a crisis with a pissed off attitude. I have done a good job over these past several months reducing my exposure to her, and as a result, I also appear to be making some headway in leading by example. As Gomer Pyle, the star of his 50's sit-com, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., would say, “Surprise, Surprise.!” Let me explain. Out of habit, my friend almost always sees the underbelly of things, the bad in people or the flip side of a good idea. Her glass is always half-full. She has expressed her frustration with my unwillingness to use the same negative thinking to shape my perspective. But recently, my friend has started to temper her automatic negative responses with an outlook that implies a willingness to give the benefit of the doubt. A willingness to understand first, before condemning the players and the program. The lesson learned from this experience will hopefully transfer to yours. If you remain consistent, steadfast in your commitment and persistent in your effort to create positive change in your life, those who have been less than encouraging as “Eor Primes”can be turned by the power of positive thinking. The Law of Attraction will work for you in these situations as well because you are living your life on purpose and intentionally creating positive change. Not only are you invested in improving your life but you are helping others improve theirs, despite their subconscious objections. This is not easy to accomplish. But remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Savor the incremental successes of your effort to create positive change in your life and the lives of those around you.
I look forward to wrapping up the series next week. Feel free to write in, or send comments and questions for me to the AA Boomer magazine. Until then, peace.

Author's Bio: 

Steve Taylor is an author of a 200 page E-Book titled: When Spirituality Meets Innovation. In addition,for 2011 he has completed a certification as a Certified Suplement Counselor(Dip.DSC) through the Holt Institute of Medicine and has completed a certification as a (Project Manager Professional)PMP. Mr. Taylor's commercial goals are to work with baby boomer health consumers to introduce the benefits of using condition specific supplements and Audio-Visual Entrainment, mental focus tools for concentration and improved performance under pressure.