When someone you love leaves the physical body the pain is intense. It feels as there a huge hole has been torn in your heart and gut. You are shocked, it's impossible to accept, to get your head around the fact that no longer will you be able to talk with your loved one.
This is grief. ... Views: 1454
Healing your life is really easy. It's simple to do when you are ready for permanent changes and willing to commit to living a new way. You must be ready to let go of the old story, you know, the story you tell everyone you meet who will listen.
The old story that details every pain, every ... Views: 1309
Before you get offended or x out of the page hear me out.
I’ve been coaching for many years and have worked with hundreds of people.
I’ve made a terrific discovery. There are two types of people who sign up for coaching and or healing work.
The first group is filled with folks who ... Views: 1457
Whether you’re ready or not a new year has arrived. With all it’s promise and hope, we have begun a new calendar year.
This is the perfect time to clear the clutter from your home and your life to make sure that 2009 flows the way you want it to.
Living in one place for a long time ... Views: 1255
Have you gotten to the point in life yet where you understand the connection between “your story” and your life experiences?
What I mean by your story is the constant telling of your life experiences. When you sit down for coffee with friends what do you talk about? What do you tell ... Views: 1128
I bring to you a message of well being.
You are struggling with lack of knowledge and understanding about the way you create your experiences and I have come to help you through self discovery.
Many struggle with body size, weight issues. Take me in your hands and I will show you how through ... Views: 1382
Imagine a stream running gently through all of creation. It surges in places moving faster with more excitement and then slows to a serene place now and again. The current of this stream is filled with all manner of gifts, blessings, good feelings, exciting times and wonderful people to interact ... Views: 1202
Do you ever feel that way? You just work and struggle and fight, yet.. it only gets worse.
What are you struggling with right now?
Let’s list a few of human beings favorite things to struggle with:
Peace of mind
This list doesn’t cover ... Views: 7996
You know you want to be successful, most people do.
But, do you know that the surest and quickest way to your own success is helping others?
It's true and it's within the law of attraction principles. Giving away that which you most desire opens the flood gates to your own success.
It also ... Views: 1468
I am baffled when people excuse hate filled messages by claiming “freedom of speech”.
It is a wonderful gift to live in a nation that protects our right to speak out openly and passionately on our opinions and beliefs.
I don't think however, that this right was ever intended as an ... Views: 1538
Peacefulness is a state of Being. It's a choice. It has nothing to do with circumstances or other people.
We make choices all day long and choose our state of Being through our thoughts and feelings. Most of the time we are not conscious of the choosing.
A few years ago I heard a wonderful ... Views: 2986
By now you've probably heard and may even intellectually understand that thoughts become things.
Happy thoughts become happy things.. and if you are not surrounded by happy things..
A Crap Magnet!
You got a crappy life??? Your crappy thoughts are the reason.
Thing is the law of ... Views: 915
WE are alive for change, our souls are crying out for change.
For too long we have continued doing things in the same manner and hoping for different results.
We are now seeing that this is folly.
Our nation is crying out for change in energy, demanding cleaner, more earth and pocket book ... Views: 885
Everything in life is a choice. No matter what the topic, choice is always there. Most of the time there are many choices about any particular topic that we encounter.
The gift of life is understanding it's all about choice and being aware that our choice creates our experiences.
At every ... Views: 1219
Our minds are filled with racing thoughts every moment of the day. Trying to keep up with them would probably make us crazy.
While we don't want to try to control our many thousands of thoughts, awareness of the type of thoughts is necessary in order to work with the Law of Attraction to ... Views: 910
For centuries we have been creatures of habit out of necessity. It was important that mankind find a way to do things that worked easily to find food, water and shelter and continue doing it that way in order to survive.
Today it's in our genes, to create habits for ourselves that are repeated ... Views: 896
I am Amber, the ancient history of all that IS. I am the cycles of death and re-birth, the continuation of life energy. I bring the
Message that all that has happened to the Earth and the people of the earth is the cycle of understanding. I incorporate all the
Teachings that have been upon the ... Views: 814