As a life coach, I help clients understand what their true passion in life is, and then help them set their life up so that their passion can exist within the structure of their life.

Now, this is not easy, because our life is currently designed to perpetuate the commitments that we've made in the past. Oddly, that's really the hint or the key to getting our passion to fit into our life, as well. It's all about making commitments and making promises.

Now, you can't just make commitments and make promises, you have to make those commitments and promises to other people. So zero in on your passion. By the way, I would love to help you do that, please go to to go through my free Discover Your Purpose process.

Once you've discovered what your purpose and your passion are, now you've got to begin to find people that are aligned with that same purpose and that same passion. You must find groups, clubs, organizations and opportunities and then begin to make promises and commitments to these people that are in line with what your passion in.

Now, you can't stop at making new promises. It's not going to be enough to make promises and commitments to new groups of people that are committed to the same thing as you, because your old patterns will naturally fight against these new behaviors. So you must also examine the impact of your new behaviors on the people and the promises and the accountabilities that you have in your life now, and go back and re-negotiate, cancel, or re-design your current promises, commitments, and accountabilities in your life.

For example, if you have a promise to make dinner every Wednesday night and the new group that you belong to that follow your passion, meets Wednesday nights, and you want to be able to go and meet with them too, you have more work to do. You can't just make the new promise, and then say, I'm not making dinner anymore. That doesn't work.

Instead, you go back to your wife and your family, and you tell them how important this new passion is to you and how you're committed to learning more about it, understanding it, and implementing it into your life. And the class, or the structure, the group, or whatever it is that you've found, the mentor that you have found to support you in beginning to foster this passion, this purpose in your life, is on Wednesday nights, and that you would like to re-negotiate your Wednesday night dinner for a different night, so that you can follow your passion and serve your family, the way that you want to serve your family.Life Coaching, Law of Attraction,and dozens of Life Coach Training products and seminars relating to the law of attraction to help you find your passion and love your life.

So, it's not enough just to make promises and commitments to new groups, you must also examine the structure that is currently present in your life and make good or re-arrange, re-negotiate, challenge, or cancel all of the commitments that you have that it might conflict with.

Now, there is a caveat. You might discover that parts of your life actually conflict completely with what you're newly committed to. You may find some hard choices and hard decisions that you're going to make about the life that you're living now.

That's where a life coach comes in. My specialty as a life coach is to help you make those decisions, and I would be honored to help you if that's appropriate.

Author's Bio: 

Matthew Ferry a Life Coach, The Life Coaching Company Matthew Ferry International offers life coaching, Life Coaching Program, law of attraction and dozens of training products and seminars relating to the law of attraction to help you find your passion and love your life.