Chakras are the centers of spiritual forces in a human’s physical body. They are sources of spiritual energy that will direct the human mind and body to do some positive actions that are beneficial to one’s perception, awareness and viewpoint.
Chakra is a concept that signifies whirlpool ... Views: 1935
Spiritual healing is the procedure of healing diseases, ailments, syndrome, maladies, and disorders through the power of some religious, divine, psychic, mystical or transcendental beliefs.
It is the conviction, principle and creed that faith can generate and effect healing. This is through ... Views: 1559
There is a part of today’s existence that not everybody is aware of. It is usual to see today, people fighting over religion, trying to prove that they are the ones on the right track of religion but it is unusual to find people who readily accept others of different religions into a movement, ... Views: 1609
When it comes to spirituality, each religion and culture have a uniqueness to offer. Some believe in reaching up to their spirit by dancing along with trance music, like in Islamic Sufism or by acts of self nullification like in strict catholic beliefs.
No one is born to believe in a ... Views: 1517
One among the ancient philosophies is that of Astrology and is strong even today. In the ancient Greece the concept of Astrology developed many thousands years ago. The Greek evolved the concept that position of planets and the sun have an effect on the life of a person and the events of future. ... Views: 1719
As we go through our daily lives, we tend to forget to make a pause from all the clamors of circadian life. Why don’t we break off for a moment and contemplate just to unclog all those worldly stuff and breathe in some fresh air. We need that from time to time to make our lives more bearable to ... Views: 1213
The people in this modern era are still as crazy with astrology as with the people in the ancient times. It is perhaps because astrology brings a lot of entertainment, amusement, fun and diversion. With the latest innovation on technological advancement, astrological reading has already reached ... Views: 4074
Astrology and horoscopes were first used by the ancient Greeks (the word horoscope comes from the Greek word horoskopos (marker of the hour), who felt that every individual's life was subject to a destiny pre-determined by the position of celestial bodies, including our sun, the moon and various ... Views: 1384
Mysticism has it's roots in the mystery cults of classical Greco-Roman time. It is believed to have been derived from the term myein ("to close the eyes and lips", referring to the oath sworn by the mystes (initiates) to keep inner workings of their religion secret), and has over the centuries ... Views: 1640
Wherever you go today, there will be some sign of New Age. From books and magazines to music, whole shops dedicated to various paraphernalia and seminars or conventions; every town, every city and a huge part of the internet will have something involving the New Age Movement. But what is it all ... Views: 1376
There are many forms and traditions of meditation, as well as various ways or positions in which a person may meditate (usually a part of a particular tradition, although often simply the way an individual finds it easiest to relax and meditate through/ in). The one thing they all have in common ... Views: 1491
The majority of astrological traditions is based on the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and the construction of calculated or perceived celestial patterns relating to the location and time of an event.
A reference frame for the positions of astrological planets, stars, ... Views: 1513
The scientific definition describes the aura as an electro-magnetic field surrounding the human body, as well as every other object or organism contained within the Universe.
The aura of a Human, otherwise also known as the HEF - H(uman) E(nergy) F(ield), is a combination of various ... Views: 2422
Although spiritual healing has been acknowledged and practiced in the eastern world for literally thousands of years, it is only now that we are beginning to take it serious here in the west.
Complimenting conventional medicine, as well as often being accompanied by other alternative ... Views: 1403
For many people, speaking of spiritual growth evokes visions of someone living in a hidden mountain top monastery, chanting and fasting in order to achieve enlightenment. Others may view it as increasingly frequent visits to a church. Although these may both be steps along the way, actual ... Views: 1360
Although there are hundreds of areas within the body where energy is concentrated and focused, when we use the term Chakra (Sanskrit for wheel), we are usually referring to the seven major focal points of life force located within the etherial body. Comparable to wheels, these spinning energy ... Views: 1317
In order to explain channelling, it is perhaps best to define the word itself. In a physical sense, channelling is the forming of a connection between two points in order to enable a flow, for example of water or electricity, between the two. In a psychic sense, it is the connection made from ... Views: 1845
Are you looking for online medium readings? There are a large number of websites who will make you familiar with the most well versed and accurate online medium readers who will give you online medium readings.
The first thing a person looking for the online medium readings must do is to ... Views: 1542
Psychic readings are performed either online or a face-to-face session with a clairvoyant. They can be performed through distant reading, tarot reading, psychometric, astrology, numerology, palm reading, past life reading, aura readings, and other sorts of psychic readings.
In tarot ... Views: 1487
The web is teeming with psychics and clairvoyants that help you with choosing the right psychic for you. The first step is to find a legitimate website that could provide excellent psychic services and has an impressive line of mediums, psychics, and clairvoyants to select from.
In getting ... Views: 1422
Being a psychic reader holds a significant responsibility of helping others. A few people treat the psychic readers as the sources to get an accurate psychic reading that keeps life smooth, for a few idle reasons.
A Psychic reader needs to lend a hand to the people that need a piece of ... Views: 1517
Clairvoyant Readings are based on capabilities to acquire knowledge clairvoyantly via clear sight. This is extra sensory perception that brings insight into readings by the use of vision.
Quite usually clairvoyance, premeditation and psychic abilities have been put together beneath the same ... Views: 1698
Most of the people who wish to go to the psychic readers for the reason that these individuals consider that psychic readers can lend a hand to then and relieve their worries by making them ware of their upcoming days, but with a lot if the fraud and the scam readers it is really difficult to ... Views: 1441
Clairvoyance is a psychic ability that is retained by a few people to view the objects which are not visible or present to the senses of the normal individuals.
The term clairvoyance has the meaning “clear seeing” and this ability can also occur at the time an individual is conscious or when ... Views: 1626
With problems it is worth considering hiring a psychic reader who can lend a hand to proffer you with guidance which is required by you in the times that are gloomy and dark.
To find an available psychic reader is just moderately difficult and requires a little research. The one thing that is ... Views: 1479
There are many different motives on why people search and look for psychic advice (or an accurate reading to be exact). Irrespective of how much different intent people have for turning to psychics, still, the significant point is - the ultimate reason is to get guidance and explanation.
An ... Views: 1427
Try to select a phone medium reader who fulfils required needs and has been recommended to a person or has a very good write up about himself on a popular website.
Most of the people use mediums to get information when they have lost their loved ones. It is a very hurtful thing when someone ... Views: 1373
Psychic reading is an art that is becoming more well-liked as all and sundry would akin to to be on familiar terms with their history, in attendance and outlook life. The most common reasons for which people appointment to a psychic reader for reading are love, money, fame and success. The ... Views: 1687
The word “ clairvoyance” refers to the capability of gathering information on an object, location, person or a physical occasion by using means apart from the known manly senses and is a sort of extra sensory ability. An individual that has the ability of clairvoyance is known as ... Views: 1726
Spirits who still have “unfinished business’ here on earth can still haunt the place that they are accustomed to. They keep on disturbing the people inhabiting it to let them know that they are there and sometimes their main objective is just to claim ownership of the place.
Psychic reading ... Views: 1494
Clairvoyant mediums can see foresights that ordinary people do not. They have this certain ability to detect apparitions and forethoughts into some kind of perspective that only gifted psychics and clairvoyant mediums can discern.
Entering a world of the unseen to the ordinary eyes can be ... Views: 1571
Ron Shank, is an available psychic reader for palmistry owing to him being instinctive previous to the others, has had many opportunities to submerge himself in diverse kinds of interests, ranging from reading of tea leaf to hypnosis. He has the abilities of analyzing handwritings, meditating, ... Views: 2118
Spiritual reading is an act of reading articles and books based on the topics of spirituality with the aim of prospering in holiness. The reading of the lives of great saints, the survey of the writings of the doctors and also of the fathers of churches. Spiritual reading includes theological ... Views: 1551
Do you ever find yourself in a position where you though that you would better off be dead and gone from this world. So that all that horrifying problems that you are facing can be left behind and you can be in peace.
Life however, is not that easy. Or it would be better said that life is not ... Views: 1519
The word “psychic” is of Greek origin which refers to a person who has the ability to perceive that information that is hidden from the normal senses by means of extrasensory perception. This word is also used in order to describe those theatrical performers that by the use of techniques such as ... Views: 1671
Ego, Super ego and Id are the three fundamental parts of the apparatus of psychics as defined in the psyche structural model. These three parts are the constructs of the theoretical basis which are used in terms of action and activity to describe the mental life.
An organized part of the ... Views: 1646
Obtaining a free psychic reading can open immense doors for a person. Along with giving you hope this can also give a person hope about his life. The best step a person can take in order to control his life is to obtain a free psychic reading.
Psychics are people who make use of the technique ... Views: 2026
Agreed upon is the fact that science is progressing really fast and as it is progressing, space for ancient traditions, rituals and beliefs is running very low. People think that they are too busy to have anything to do with spirituality in their life. Others think that they are already troubled ... Views: 1456
One of the best psychics in the world is Gordon Smith. He is ranked among the tops spiritual teachers of the world. Gordon Smith is well known for conducting spiritual workshops all over the world.
Gordon has developed outstanding capabilities in the form of a medium or a messenger of the ... Views: 1989
Since the day we were born, our parents and our elders talked to us about our angel. We were led to believe that out there in the heavens somewhere, we have our guardian angel that is looking after us and is protecting us from all harms. We are also told that if we ask our angel for help, the ... Views: 1591
A tarot card reading can be used for a very directional and predictive divination session. The tarot is often misunderstood in that many believe that anyone can read the cards without any special skills. Yes it is true you can get basic information from a tarot deck for ones own use, yet a real ... Views: 2090
There are many forms of divination and the tarot stands alone in the way it uses artistry and also its clarity, the tarot tell a very human tale of the life, birth death cycle using the vibrations or energies of the seeker the cards give a very accurate picture of the past, present and future ... Views: 1453
Before we can discern what psychic mediums are, it is binding for us to know what a medium is. In spiritualism, we define Medium as a human instrument that is bestowed with special senses that permits the spirit to acknowledge the medium with messages it wants to give. Mediumship has served to ... Views: 1895
The communication with the spirits is known as Mediumship. In the religious beliefs like the Louisiana, Spiritualism, Voodoo this practice of mediumship is commonly used.
The Psychic Medium can be defined as the duplication of energy system and energies by the means of spirits. Perceptible ... Views: 1426
Paranormal Forums
You might have had a paranormal encounter which you were not able to tell of. Paranormal forums consist of groups that discuss the reason for this condition. All that is required in order to join the paranormal forum is to have a valid email id.
Search out for groups that are ... Views: 741
Much online psychic community has been flourishing over the World Wide Web in the past few years. Most, especially those, who are regular in these communities, appreciate the development of online psychic community. They get to talk to psychic online for free and they get to know great lot about ... Views: 1966
A psychic reader is someone skilled in the art of giving a predictive or clairvoyant reading to a client or sitter. The sitter would have this type of service as they wish to know about the future, have certain questions they would like an answer to, require guidance about any change in ... Views: 841
If you have ever wondered about the reasons why people have psychic readings then you have come to the right place and I will illuminate you dear reader with the answers. These days there are a wealth of emotional problems and issues which surround us, the society we live in is competitive and ... Views: 856
The benefits of a medium reading are many. You may receive some communication from a loved one who has passed over to the other side, this could include, a friend, family member or anyone you have known and also including animals whose soul or life force still lives on after their physical ... Views: 3415
Why Have A Psychic Reading?
In this world there are many mysteries that surround us and one day science will make the link to psychism and reveal the true nature of our essence including who and what we are. It is utterly frustrating to me as a writer and marketer that so little is both ... Views: 1420