Israel has no right to the land except by the covenant made with Abraham and renewed at Sinai, but Israel broke the covenant. That’s why God allowed Assyria to take them captive in 722 BC.
God said if they walked contrary to Him, He would punish them ‘seven times over,’ Lev 26:18,21, Seven ... Views: 883
Revelation offers a solemn warning in the 14th chapter--“If any man worship the beast and his image…[he] shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God…” Here’s an in-depth look at those words: worship, beast, and image.
“Worship” is a contraction of worth-ship. It means giving more worth to ... Views: 957
The discovery of nearly 800 children in a mass grave in Ireland (Google) prompts a deeper look at Catholic atrocities that are well-documented in recent decades, making one wonder, How could it be so extensive?
One video with over 2 million views reveals the widespread pedophilia among the ... Views: 939
“From mac 'n' cheese to chocolate bars, you don't have to go hungry to eat healthy” says Yahoo News. While we’d like to eat those treats at the end of a meal, snacking goes against the grain of healthy habits or positive lifestyle, says Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired MD who taught Health Science ... Views: 1238
Though USA Today included Georgetown University in the10 Best Catholic Colleges, they failed to mention a recent example—a Georgetown professor, Jonathan Brown, a convert to Islam, told an Islamic group “there is no such thing as slavery.” It makes one wonder where higher education is going with ... Views: 1688
Addressing the World Meetings of Popular Movements last Friday, Pope Francis denied the existence of Islamic terrorism, while simultaneously asserting that “the ecological crisis is real.” Here’s the scoop on his agenda as it reflects a repeat of history.
From the days of Constantine, a ... Views: 995
Georgetown University Professor, Jonathan Brown, a convert to Islam. told an Islamic group “there is no such thing as slavery…what really counts…is whether those who were enslaved were treated well or poorly – not that they were enslaved.” (
Georgetown University may be ... Views: 1368
Francis’ weekly Angelus address focused on "Thou shalt not kill," saying it applied “also to those behaviors which offend the dignity of the human person, including insulting words."
The history of the papacy includes the killing of heretics who protested the title, Lord God the Pope as ... Views: 995
The Vatican strategized through Mohammed’s wife, Khadijah, a wealthy Catholic who arranged for her Catholic cousin, Waraquah, to mentor young Mohammed. (Google) more information in video link below.
Both religions have Mary, Fatima and war to force conversions in common. Islam’s Quran is ... Views: 1110
Congressman Ellison (D-Minn.) said Trump’s 90-day ban on immigration from seven Muslim countries is “a religiously based ban…if they can ban Muslims, why can’t they ban Mormons? It is a religiously based ban…Our Constitution says Congress shall make no law establishing a religion or abridging ... Views: 969
Trump said drug companies are getting away with murder and he would work to bring prices down. (WashPost) While murder suggests the intent to kill, manslaughter--killing without malice or forethought, is more true of our leading cause of illness and death, says Dr. Richard Ruhling, a retired ... Views: 844
Obama let an anti-settlement resolution pass the UN Security Council, breaking his word to them and abandoning our best ally in the Middle East to those who hate Israel--maybe setting the stage for prophecy.
“The day of the Lord comes…all nations [United Nations?] will gather against ... Views: 876
Obama let an anti-settlement resolution pass the UN Security Council, breaking his word to them and abandoning our best ally in the Middle East to those who hate Israel--maybe setting the stage for prophecy.
“The day of the Lord comes…all nations [United Nations?] will gather against ... Views: 912
When my wife died from a prescription drug I wanted to remarry and I joined They offer a free two week introduction and reasonable price. They have excellent computer search capacity so one can find others of like ... Views: 1027
Medical Care Is Not Healthcare & Medical Insurance Is Not
The #1 agenda for Trump is to scrap Obamacare. It needs to be replaced with a system that uses market forces to make health insurance more affordable and available, says Joe Farah, editor of, adding that experts that ... Views: 2283
A Yahoo headline offered 33 Amish Facts that Will Make Your Skin Crawl. After 10 clicks, my skin still wasn’t crawling. The Amish’ lower cancer rates (no drinking or smoking--they raise their own produce and live well without electricity, a survival advantage for an EMP attack when people in ... Views: 1018
William James, the father of modern psychology said that the greatest discovery of our time is that we can alter our lives by altering our attitudes.
So what attitude do we need to alter most? Most likely it’s our attitude toward the Creator of the universe who seems like a vengeful tyrant ... Views: 966
“[Trump’s] victory, this summer’s Brexit vote and the growing popularity of nationalist movements across Europe have raised grave concerns…at the Vatican” (USA Today).
The pope seems to want a worldwide melting pot of cultures and religions that are causing chaos and confusion in Europe as a ... Views: 930
When asked about the end of the world, Christ cited an abomination spoken of by Daniel that early believers understood as military brought by Rome and they fled the city as Christ warned in Matthew 24. This is a parallel to Executive Orders readied by Obama for martial law.
Obamacare is ... Views: 912
Summary: With mounting hostility to Israel, the return of Jewish people to the land of Israel is seen a premature. This is seen from a biblical perspective that needs further consideration…
As Israelites whose ancestors were conquered by the Assyrians and later scattered among the nations, ... Views: 1134
“The Bible implies that anyone following truth to the best of their ability is following Christ because He said, ‘I am the Truth.’ The problem comes with religions that don’t teach Bible truth or they change it to suit culture and their own practices. Christ who loves everyone is judge, but He ... Views: 981
What we’re seeing is a damnable practice of prescribing drugs for almost any symptoms when most problems are not serious and will get better without any treatment, or a simple change in diet.
The oft-quoted JAMA figure of 106,000 Adverse Drug Reaction deaths (4-15-1998) were in hospitals, but ... Views: 1098
Why should our taxes support medical care for people who eat, drink, smoke and abuse as they please?
We shouldn’t ‘Ask-our-doctor’ for a prescription when the huge majority of symptoms come from what people put in their mouths. It’s usually reversible if they know the cause and they ... Views: 1017
A World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report has reversed a 25-year-old categorization of coffee from a “possible carcinogen” to “inadequate evidence” that it causes cancer. (
They should have looked back 35 years to the New England Journal ... Views: 1145
A Catholic website says the Bible is “Extremely Dangerous,” while showing youth on a beach reading the Catholic YouCat promoted by the pope as a “youth Bible.” That's deceptive; it's not a Bible at all, but a Catholic indoctrination that eliminates basic Bible teaching.
An example is the way ... Views: 1002
A Catholic website says the Bible is “Extremely Dangerous,” while showing youth on a beach reading the Catholic YouCat promoted by the pope as a “youth Bible.” That's deceptive; it's not a Bible at all, but a Catholic indoctrination that eliminates basic Bible teaching.
An example is the way ... Views: 1008
United States Code: Title 18. Section 2071
(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the ... Views: 1405
Summary: When asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand Daniel. Daniel's 7th and 8th chapters have political cartoons that fit the papacy as a little horn that grew out of the Roman Empire to become great, but it did bad things. Islam is represented by the ram in Daniel 8 that ... Views: 1032
Summary: The UK, US, EU, Vatican and Islam are represented in the imagery of Daniel 7 and 8. Daniel is the only book recommended by Christ when He was asked about the end of the world in Matthew 24. Daniel's description fits well what is happening and should be considered by leaders as well as ... Views: 980
We are not afraid to trust the American people with unpleasant facts and competitive values. A nation that's afraid to let its people judge the truth versus falsehood in the open, is a nation that's afraid of its people---John F. Kennedy
A Hillary Clinton movie was blocked from being shown in ... Views: 992
A report from the Argentine doctors’ organization, Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns,
challenges the theory that the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil is the cause of the increase
in the birth defect microcephaly among newborns.
The increase in this birth defect, in which the baby is born ... Views: 982
The Greek word for judgment in Revelation 14 is krisis and the time of crisis coincides with the end of 6,000 years because in the 4th Commandment, God gives man six days to do his work and “1000 years are as a day,” according to 2nd Peter 3 when the end-time “day of the Lord” comes, says Dr. ... Views: 1002
NY Post's story of Francis X Cabrini Church, closed in Massachusetts by court settlement in sex abuse scandal, would be a good read for most Christians. After losing an appeal to the Supreme Court, they held their last service. An 86-year old member said, “We fought the good fight. We did ... Views: 919
A third of a million results for “Antichrist, August 30, 2016” on Google suggest widespread belief that end-times will begin in 2016, but searching several linked sources reveals no explanation for why antichrist appears Aug. 30, in spite of the date in Hagee's YouTube title.
Hagee's August ... Views: 1278
Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte cited his win for presidency by 6 million votes as evidence of the church's irrelevance after their strong opposition to him. (ABC News/AP 5-22-16)
Calling the bishops “sons of bitches” and hypocrits for living high when many in the country can't afford food, ... Views: 954
Millions of people worldwide are dying tragically like Prince who are missing a major component of life. Prince may have “had it together” for some aspects, and his ability to sing about life was appreciated by millions. Nevertheless, basic questions must be addressed or there's an emptiness ... Views: 913
Summary: Seven parables focus on a single event to initiate end-times. Five have links specifically to 2nd Passover. Two are supportive of 2nd Passover, a phenomenon that Christians are largely uninformed of because preachers have ignored the law that Christ said was in effect 'till heaven and ... Views: 1007
Summary: A 15-year old boy with a near-death experience relates seeing WWIII starting “very soon.” His YouTube text cited Zechariah 14: the “day of the Lord” comes with half of Jerusalem taken captive, houses rifled, women raped. Yeshua's warning would have spared the Jews in 70 AD. He said to ... Views: 988
A miasma is an unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor. Media has a moral obligation to tell the truth, and there is so much that they are silent about that an odor of something dead is recognized by many who decry their white outs.
If knowing the truth makes us free (an odd motto for ... Views: 1215
A third intifada is likely this spring (Zechariah 14:1,2) and a US megaquake in May ('as the days of Noah') because 'the day of the LORD' was signaled by the solar and lunar eclipse and Iran Nuke Treaty last year,”
The view is like our connecting dots for pictures we drew as kids. In this ... Views: 1082
The prophet Zechariah (14th chapter) paints a picture of Jerusalem surrounded by hostile forces that destroy the city, rifle the houses and ravish the women in “the day of the Lord,” the end-time apocalyptic period.
Dr. Richard Ruhling believes “the day of the Lord” is impending because of ... Views: 1014
Summary: Pastor Jack Darnall dreamed of a tall black man with short cropped hair and large ears who was well-liked initially, but became a “terrible dictator” as president when Christ came. (Google Jack Darnall's dream) It seemed so unlikely that he told only a few people of his dream in the ... Views: 1237
Summary: There is little hope for better health in society until parents own-up to their responsibility of rearing their children by restricting their ability to get sugary foods and drinks. If local government in the home won't enforce better guidelines, big government efforts will prove a poor ... Views: 1003
Summary: Jack Darnall dreamed of an African-American president with Obama's description, well-liked at first, but he became a 'terrible dictator.' The dream was not shared widely because it seemed impossible in the 1980's.
Jack Darnall, a Seventh-day Adventist pastor was running a 'prepper' ... Views: 1092
Summary: Dozens of DC leaders are now Muslim. How did it happen and what should we expect? When asked about the end of the world, Christ said to understand the book of Daniel. It shows a transition from Babylon to Medo-Persia (Iraq and Iran in our time). Dr. Ruhling says the following ... Views: 1067
Summary: Five 'when-then' signs from 2015 signal the 'day of the Lord,' and suggest this spring. Multiple Bible texts support an earthquake as initiating the end-times.
1. “The day of the Lord” begins with an earthquake (Joel 2:10,11; Zeph 1:7,10, 1Thess 5:2,3) and it was signaled by the ... Views: 1102
Science has been in the news because of the discovery of gravitational waves that Einstein, a century ago, said existed. Are we brilliant--or maybe retarded because of our unwillingness to admit something else Einstein said—that God is not a magician?
Since science put men on the moon, some ... Views: 1099
Summary: Britain debates leaving the EU; leaders try to avoid a devastating split. (LA Times, 2-3-16)
Bible imagery of a lion with eagle's wings in the 7th of Daniel supports their separation fron the EU., says Dr. Richard Ruhling, Bible prophecy author—he offers the following explanation: ... Views: 1036
Summary: Hebrew prophets forecast an end-time destruction of Jerusalem. Five 'when-then' signs point to 2016 for apocalyptic events. History supports Passover as a time of impending Judgment. Bible believers should consider selling Jerusalem properties and keeping Passover elsewhere.
1. Five ... Views: 1131
Summary: Governments world-wide are in a crisis that will widen and deepen till they crumble like the image in the 2nd chapter of Daniel. The US Constitution was a gift of freedom by godly men who honored the biblical model of self-government. If people will not govern themselves well, there are ... Views: 1150