Distant Healing contains within it great power to heal and bring balance back into your life, or the life of a loved one. Distant Healing has many advantages, the main one being there is no need to travel to the Healer's premises; it can be requested over the Internet.
I have been practising distant healing now for many years and it has almost completely replaced my Hands-on Healing work. Distant, also known as Absent, Healing is the process of channelling Universal Life Force or the love deep in one's heart to the person wishing to receive healing.
People all over the world are realizing that “We Are All One”: we are all connected to the same Universal Source Energy, which flows through each one of us. Distant Healing is a way to channel this Universal Love from the Healer's heart to those who are feeling a little run down or out of balance.
The Universal Life Force is self-balancing and healing; this means that the healing love will naturally be drawn to the part of the body where it is needed. After healing, you may notice your Energies on many levels being adjusted and balanced naturally.
It is just a question of requesting healing. I have had lots of positive feedback from people who have received healing – here are a few examples:
• Just a little happy update for you concerning R.! He has been released from the hospital today! And unbelievably, due to his 50 lb weight loss, he no longer needs insulin injections: they said he could use pills; also, he doesn't need on-going oxygen! All is good news and I have to send you a hearty THANK YOU for the Distant Healing! – Julia L., Ohio, USA.

• I would like to thank you for all the healing you have sent so far, I am pleased to say that I am experiencing positive results from the distant healing. My condition is improving and I feel it’s now only a matter of time before I'm healed. – Paula N., Newport, Gwent.

• When I met you at the Mind, Body & Spirit festival in Sleaford, Lincolnshire, I knew something extraordinary was happening when I saw bright pools of light on your hands in front of my eyes. Even so, I could not have imagined the journey that was ahead of me. I know me and my sinuses will make it through! I hope we meet again sometime; I have so many things to tell you. With love and thanks. – Carol A.M., Lincolnshire.
You can see from these two distant healing comments and the one hands-on healing comment that both systems work and bring balance and health back into one's life.
Please consider distant healing today to help you step into the new Energy and bring your Spiritual, Emotional and Physical bodies all back into balance with the Universe in which you live.
On my website you will find more details about how to go about requesting Distant Healing, as well as lots of free Radio Shows and Guided Meditations.
I look forward to working with you to bring Balance back into your life.

Author's Bio: 

George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT - HealerGeorge (C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved.
* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": http://www.healergeorge.com
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