YOU CAN CREATE the wealth, love and abundance your heart has always known is its birthright. This is the time to wake up to who you really are.

Your success in life flows through your imagination and your willingness to see your Self as being one with all that is in the universe. You have the power within your Self to connect to your Higher Self and draw to you those things you desire to bring into your life.

Use your imagination to see your Self already doing the things you desire. Your imagination is your magical key to connecting to your Higher Self. Know that all the wealth in the world is already a part of you, there is no separation. You already own all the wealth in the world.

Awareness is moving from that of the individual mind to that of the Universal Mind. Your feelings and your heart are the route to making this connection. Look into your heart for the desires that make your heart sing.

Feel the wealth which is already yours when you realize you are the Universal Life Force. You are one with Life, one with God. You are God creating through your thoughts, words and deeds.

Use your imagination to create what your heart desires Now, in this moment. Your imagination knows no boundaries. There is no need to have any physical manifestation of your desire at the time of imagining and feeling with all your senses the experience your heart desires Now.

If you have not found your perfect partner yet, start to imagine what qualities they have. See them in your mind's eye. Talk to them telepathically using your Inner Voice. Feel their answers coming back and the joy they feel knowing you are there for them.

You can feel more wealth flowing into your life. Feel all the emotions, and experience what your heart desires. Use your imagination to see your Self living a fully abundant life.

You have more wealth available to you than you could possibly imagine. It is already a part of your Self, you already have it within you Now; there is no separation.

Call it forth to manifest in your physical life, starting with the Imagination — THOUGHT. Talk to your friends about your desire and explain to them what it feels like when you think about your dream — WORD. Take action to move towards that which you desire, knowing that the Universal Life Force will guide you in the right direction — DEED.

Know that Humanity is One, we are all aspects of each other. As above, so below. If we fill our heart with the love of the Universal Life Force and allow it to flow through us, we have the support of the whole universe.

As human consciousness expands and integrates and connects back to its Source, we feel the splendour of who WE ARE, Now.

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Message channelled by George Lockett SSHA, IIHHT (C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved.
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