As parents, should we be worried, should we interfere when our children reach adulthood? Or should the now adult choose their own life path, following their own dreams and intuition? For parents these are difficult questions.
A number of children and young adults are looking at the world in new ways. They are making up their lives different to what has gone on in the past. They are finding new ways to support themselves and to be in the world.
I feel that Now more than any other time in human history is a time of unprecedented change in the world. This is a time of realizing that We Are All One and that some of the old ways of doing business – those which exploit other people – no longer work. Gone are the days when we could go to foreign lands and forcibly capture the distant population's resources and labour.
Human consciousness has awoken to its Oneness and a new consciousness is rising in the world. We are watching a new consciousness unfold – one that is looking for wholeness rather than separation; a consciousness of sharing-and-cooperation rather than divide-and-rule.
Our children are realizing the wholeness of life and are looking for different ways of Being and Doing; looking for different ways of having relationships and supporting themselves in the world.
We heard about the waves of Indigo children and Star children joining the earth – well, these are now becoming adults. They are bringing their special awareness into mainstream society and changing the way society functions.
Many of our major institutions are changing; exploitative financial systems are crumbling at the foundations. They are like a pack of cards with no basis in reality – nothing (including money) has any value except the value we give it, and these New Age children and young adults are seeing the world in a whole new light.
These youngsters see the whole financial and social structure about to be placed on their shoulders for them to bear; but with the reduction in child population and with the new thinking, they are not prepared to support these structures any more and are looking for new ways of living.
We can avoid the high level of teen and young adult suicides by giving our children the freedom to be themselves fully, to live their own dreams and to live their lives in their own way.
With change happening on a world level and all our inner beliefs shifting, it is a time to rest and relax – to open our hearts to the New Earth. To look within, connect to our internal guidance system and listen to the inner voice which we have neglected for so long.
We are surrounded by angels in human form who are all bringing us messages; but it is our own heart and its internal guidance system that we have to awaken to. When we awaken to our heart energy, we align our doingness with that of the universe; we merge our individual Self into the greater whole and become one with the creator God.
George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT (C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved.
* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human":
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