What is the nature of New Spirituality? – Is it simply the difference between "doing" – as in the work we do, and "being" – as in our current state of consciousness? Or could there be a deeper meaning to "being", which also takes in our "sponsoring belief" systems?
When we talk about our "being", this is even finer than our "nature". What do I mean by our "nature"? An example: every type of plant in the garden has its own "nature", which is expressed through the genes of that plant – the factors that determine the texture, shape and colour of the leaves and flowers. The human body has its own gene system, which determines our "nature" and sets the shape and expression of our own body.
And what do I mean by our "being"? By our "being", I am referring to our "core" nature or our spiritual essence; this transcends our physical qualities and our individuality and brings us to a field of Oneness. It is this understanding of Oneness that is the fundamental "belief" system which we are realizing.
New spirituality is about the understanding that we are spiritual beings first. By spirit, I mean that we cannot be seen or touched: we are that which is pure essence, or soul. Quantum physics describes this essence of Self as being like a vacuum which underlies physical creation.
Even though it is a vacuum – which, by nature, cannot be described, as it is pure emptiness – it is a field teeming with potentiality and full of invisible forces which shape our physical body and our thoughts and feelings.
This Oneness energy, which underlies physical creation, is like a magnet which has a force field around it. You cannot see the force field of a magnet until you put a piece of paper over it and sprinkle iron filings on top. Then when you tap the paper the energy pattern of the force field takes shape on the paper. The force field follows the nature of the magnet.
Human consciousness is waking up to its own spiritual nature – a field alive with potentiality, which is like all the forces of the universe coming to a point within the emptiness of the void or vacuum; then coming out into physical manifestation, as our light body; and, finally, slowing down and manifesting as our physical body.
Human consciousness is like the invisible potentiality of the magnet – that invisible field of energy which is made up of pure essence or light, and forms the aura around the body, like the force field surrounding a magnet.
As we move into the New Spirituality, we are noticing that our individual consciousness has its basis in this underlying quantum field which connects everything in the universe together. That field of pure spiritual essence – or Universal Life Force, or God – is what connects us to everything.
As New Spirituality grows and we realize We Are All One, we start to see that each person's human consciousness adds to the underlying field of potentiality – creating a group consciousness, which manifests in the world in patterns of synchronicity, where all things are co-ordinated by this invisible underlying energy field.
We can tap into this underlying field through various spiritual practices like meditation or contemplation. We can bring our mind and feelings to a realization through conscious awareness of our universal nature of Oneness with the creator God.
When we act from this state of being our every thought, word and deed are in tune with the whole universe and are supported by it. This creates a life of spontaneous right action and streamlined evolution. In this state of conscious awareness you are fully awake to your universal nature, and life becomes a frictionless process of expressing the joy you feel in your heart.

Author's Bio: 

George E. Lockett SSHA, IIHHT (C) Copyright 2007, All Rights Reserved.
* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": http://www.healergeorge.com
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