Want to become a more expressive and creative guitar player?
Making small adjustments can go a long way.
What do I mean?
Try this out:
Take 5 minutes and a handful of notes.
Then, focus on not ending all your guitar phrases within a single bar. Make some of your licks end in the ... Views: 348
Wish you could make your guitar solo licks feel unbelievable and innovative?
I've got a cool surprise to show you.
Pick up your guitar really quick and do this:
Pick any note and pick it.
Without delay slide from the note you sounded up by an octave (playing it on the same ... Views: 383
Want to know how to quickly insert feeling into your guitar phrases or soloing?
Check this out:
Adding emotion into your guitar playing like this can be done irrespective of your current guitar skills (provided that it's greater than absolute newcomer).
Additionally, you don't require ... Views: 410
Love sweep picking?
You're not alone!
However, many guitarists never learn unique ways to practice and master sweep picking. This keeps them from getting better over time.
I teach sweep picking using patterns that are a bit easier to digest.
I call them 2-1-2 arpeggios (they sound ... Views: 410
Do you have great vibrato technique?
Here is a way to quickly assess yourself:
Grab your guitar.
Put a backing track on in the background at a speed of 100+.
Play a single note and add vibrato to it in strict eighth notes – maintaining perfect sync with the beat.
Next, try to ... Views: 362
How do you make melodic guitar licks that sound complex without needing tons of speed?
By combining tapping, legato and vibrato technique together in a creative manner.
Sound cool?
It gets better:
Using these ideas together helps you take any ... Views: 435
Do the notes you play on guitar end too soon or feel a bit lifeless?
Getting more sustain on your notes doesn't require special pedals, just an understanding of how to use proper technique in both hands, a heavy guitar pick and an amp with the gain turned way up.
Sound good?
Great! ... Views: 479
Ever wish you could play badass sweep picking arpeggios without making unclean mistakes that ruin them?
Not a problem!
A long time ago, I struggled to play sweep picking licks. Really ... I was nowhere near proficient at the technique.
At shredder speeds, my arpeggios wasn't ... Views: 497
Want to sweep pick like a master? You’ve come to the right place!
A great first step is to put in some time into studying finger rolling.
You may be asking yourself: “Tom Hess, what exactly is finger rolling?”… and I’m glad you asked.
It’s simple actually:
Finger rolling is where ... Views: 452
Want to make a good living teaching guitar while getting the best results for your students? Use the following ideas to begin:
1. Create Unique Lesson Plans To Help Students Reach Their Goals
It’s a frequently-made mistake to use cookie-cutter lesson plans for every student. This doesn’t ... Views: 508
Want your guitar solos and licks to sound amazing to anyone listening?
The Hirajoshi scale is an amazing tool for this.
What is this scale?
It’s a pentatonic scale (meaning: it only has five notes) that originated in Japan.
No, this is not exactly the same as other pentatonic scales ... Views: 574
Want to play guitar with blazing-fast speed?
It’s probably best to forget most of the advice other guitarists give you.
A lot of common guitar speed advice is wrong and actually causes you to play slower!
The following are some of the most common things you hear people say ... Views: 448
No, just because you do or don't have “natural talent” doesn’t mean you are more or less creative at improvising than anyone else.
Creative lead guitarists are able to take phrases they already know and use their awesome phrasing and phrase adaptation skills to quickly modify any lick to use ... Views: 470
Following most guitar practice conventional wisdom often leads to slower progress, formation of bad playing habits and lots of unnecessary frustration.
Yes, a lot of common advice regarding playing guitar faster is wrong and actually causes you to play slower and less clean!
The following ... Views: 484
Ready to play amazing guitar solos that are creative, expressive and emotional? To become more creative, you must practice just how you would practice everything else.
You also need to avoid making big mistakes that stop others from being creative.
The following are frequent mistakes that ... Views: 393
As a guitarist learning on your own, know that your practicing habits determine if you become great or not. When you don’t have good practicing habits, you make musical progress very slowly.
It’s common for guitarists who learn on their own to form bad habits that hold their playing ... Views: 465
As long as you practice the right way, sweep picking is not too difficult to master.
The most efficient sweep picking is based on proper biomechanics and the avoidance of common errors made by most guitarists (that lead to sloppy playing).
Make it easy to sweep pick cleanly and ... Views: 483
Myth: lacking “natural talent” makes you less creative at improvising than other guitarists who were born with it.
The real difference between creative lead guitarists and non-creative ones is the following:
No, great improvisers do NOT think “faster” than everyone else. They are able to ... Views: 445
Your guitar solos start becoming creative and inspiring when you avoid the mistakes most guitarists make while soloing.
This happens when:
1. You do the things explained in this video:
2. You correct the following mistakes guitar players ... Views: 467
Tired of playing sloppy sweep picking arpeggios when you turn up the metronome? Good news: You don't have to practice slowly for a long time to clean them up.
Here are three guitar practice strategies to help you clean up your sweep picking at fast speeds:
Guitar Practice ... Views: 440
Wish your lead guitar playing made people feel intense emotion?
That’d be really cool, right?
Doing this requires practicing creativity.
(Yes, you really can practice and improve creativity.)
Fact is, practicing lead guitar creativity is one of the most fun things to do with your ... Views: 496
Playing guitar fast and clean doesn't need to take a long time. Using speed bursts gives you a big shortcut to guitar speed mastery.
Speed bursts are short combinations of notes played at or near your 100% top speed, with moments of silence in between.
Why practicing guitar with speed ... Views: 475
Learn Cool Lydian Guitar Licks That Your Playing Sound Great
By Tom Hess
What is it about the Lydian mode that creates so much expressive emotion when used in licks and solos?
Why do world class players like Vai or Satriani use this mode all the time?
And what do you need to do to ... Views: 581
The Correct Way To Pick For Maximum Guitar Speed – Video Tutorial
By Tom Hess
What’s the best way to pick the strings on guitar for fast speed?
Should you use your elbow?
Is it the wrist?
Perhaps the thumb and pointer finger?
The ... Views: 432
3 Tips To Help You Become A Creative Lead Guitarist
By Tom Hess
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could play amazingly creative and expressive guitar licks and solos at will?
No doubt about it!
Most guitarists wish they had the ability to do this, but give up before they ever do.
Don't ... Views: 489
“I wish I could make my fast guitar playing a little more sloppy!” – said no guitar player on Earth.
So why do tons of guitar players struggle to play clean when they play fast?
This is the answer:
Not very many guitarists understand how to keep their ... Views: 524
How To Master Expressive Guitar Vibrato Technique
By Tom Hess
I have zero doubt that:
Vibrato technique is the most critical technique to develop if you want to sound like an excellent guitarist.
Why is this exactly?
Because notes that have no vibrato ... Views: 506
Find Out How To Make Your Guitar Speed More Melodic
By Tom Hess
Ever listened to a guitarist who had great technical chops, but little ability to make their soloing sound melodic and memorable?
…while other guitar players are able to play just as fast or with ... Views: 533
Master Creative Guitar Tapping Using This Tutorial
By Tom Hess
Want to learn how to play with awesome guitar tapping technique?
You're in the right spot to learn about it.
I spent many years trying to play guitar tapping licks like my favorite guitarists at ... Views: 521
Learn 3 Ways To Develop Fast & Clean Sweep Picking
By Tom Hess
Want to massively increase your clean sweep picking speed?
Wish you could shred jaw-dropping arpeggios anytime you felt like it?
And do it flawlessly - without any unwanted sloppy sounds coming ... Views: 503
How To Play Awesome Guitar Licks Using The Power Of The Tritone (No Theory Needed)
By Tom Hess
Looking for new ways to make your guitar licks sound more interesting?
You're in for a treat.
You're going to learn a powerful way to create new guitar licks ... Views: 523
Three Powerful Guitar Exercises That Make Your Solos Sound Better Than Ever
By Tom Hess
How do you start playing better guitar solos very quickly?
It’s hard to believe it now, but I used to think the answer was:
“Build a vocabulary of tons of scale ... Views: 514
5 Effective Warm Up Tips That Make You A Better Guitar Player
By Tom Hess
Want to know the most effective warm up exercises to get massive results from your guitar practice time?
Chances are, you’ve seen other guitarists using a variety of different ... Views: 567
Rock guitarists can all agree:
Getting stuck in a speed plateau is the worst!
Not being able to make improvement for years at a time is incredibly frustrating.
And the worst thing is…
… you start to doubt your ability to make ... Views: 573
How To Get Insanely Faster Guitar Picking Speed (Shortcut)
By Tom Hess
What if I could give you a quick shortcut to adding insane amounts of speed into your guitar playing... and it made playing fast feel easier?
This shortcut comes in the form of a technique that the ... Views: 638
Guitarists who write expressive rock & metal songs do 2 things differently than most musicians:
They understand the musical skills needed to become excellent songwriters and they practice often to improve them.
They make their #1 goal to create great music, followed ... Views: 629
Want to play guitar faster and cleaner than ever? Stop listening to conventional speed building wisdom.
Tons of popular guitar speed advice is wrong and actually turns you into a slower player!
Here are 3 pieces of conventional guitar playing wisdom to stay away from in order to become a ... Views: 533
Doesn’t it seem like many guitar players focus on lead rather than playing chords?
A lot of people would say it’s because playing chords feels less fun.
But here is the real reason why guitarists do this:
Guitarists often don't learn how to make common ... Views: 696
How To Play Rhythm Guitar In Perfect Time Like The Gears Of A Watch
By Tom Hess
Playing rhythm guitar in perfect time makes you sound like a total pro and gives you skills that make other guitarists jealous.
Good news:
Playing rhythm guitar with great timing is not as hard as you might ... Views: 702
The Three Mistakes You Make That Harm Your Guitar Playing Creativity
By Tom Hess
You become a creative guitar player by practicing the integration of many skills while also not making key mistakes that other guitarists make.
The following are frequent mistakes that hold guitar players back ... Views: 539
Building your music career through trial-and-error causes you to waste time on things that don’t matter and make poor decisions that prevent you from achieving your musical goals.
When you mostly guess about what is best for building you music career, you end up believing in ... Views: 547
How To Improve Your Guitar Playing With Little Practice Time
By Tom Hess
Fact: Improving your guitar playing doesn’t require practicing for 3-5 hours every day. Here’s 3 ways to get better fast with limited practice time:
Plan Out Your Practice In Advance
Deciding ... Views: 569
3 Helpful Guitar Technique Shortcuts That Greatly Increase Your Speed & Make Playing Guitar Feel Effortless
By Tom Hess
Why are shortcuts so awesome?
They often get rid of hard and unnecessary work from our lives.
This is why we constantly look for shortcuts (and nothing is wrong with ... Views: 593
Become A More Creative Lead Guitarist Using These 3 Powerful Tips
By Tom Hess
Wish you knew how to play unbelievably creative and expressive lead guitar solos whenever you picked up your instrument?
Of course you do!
Most guitarists dream about this, but never make it this far...
Good news ... Views: 537
You come across two key types of people when meeting musicians in the music industry:
People who gamble with their careers and people who invest into their careers.
What type of person do you image yourself as?
Are you a gambler or an investor?
Here’s a ... Views: 667
Genius Guitar Practice Hacks That Make Other Guitarists Envy Your Guitar Playing
By Tom Hess
Could you practice guitar three times longer every day?
Didn’t think so… and me either.
Here’s something you can do ... Views: 517
Which would you prefer: making a good living entirely through music or being a “starving artist” who spends most of his/her time working at a miserable day job just to get by? No doubt you chose the former... However, even musicians who make decent money in music could be doing so ... Views: 578
The 4 Keys To Becoming A Massively Successful Guitar Teacher
By Tom Hess
The 4 keys to becoming a successful guitar teacher are learning what to do to build your business, how to teach effectively, how to implement what you know and which mistakes you must avoid.
Why You Must Learn ... Views: 495
Sweep picking is not as hard as you might think. Getting good at it simply requires avoiding the common mistakes many other guitar players make.
Make it easy to sweep pick cleanly and fast by staying away from these mistakes:
Mistake #1: Killing picking ... Views: 604
Ten Incredibly Actionable Guitar Practice Motivation Tips That Improve Your Guitar Playing Today
by Tom Hess
You probably already understand how difficult it is sometimes to feel inspired to practice guitar. On days where you lack motivation to practice, you become much more ... Views: 531