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Sales force compensation options are plentiful—commission based on sales, blend of stock options, incentives and special bonus plans. Successful plans are always aligned to fit the overall goals of the company.
The list of variables to consider in a compensation plan include: new ... Views: 2404
End-of-year planning and new-year kickoff are the most popular times to reflect on the status of a company—where it is, where it’s headed, what needs to improve, what is successful. But a very tough selling environment calls for more frequent, deeper assessment in the struggle for ... Views: 1283
In a communist country virtually everyone is treated the same. Unfortunately, many sales reps take the same approach and treat all of their customers equally. They spend about the same amount of time with each customer, show them the same products, and make the same recommendations. However, ... Views: 1044
Don’t get caught not listening to your potential customer. This is critical to your sales success.
Paraphrase Your Customer’s Words
The customer is only sure that you have been listening when you paraphrase what they have said and feed it back in your own words. This is where the rubber meets ... Views: 926
Selling things can be hard work. That's why good sales and marketing people are highly valued in any business. The most highly prized salespeople are creative and innovative people who never seem to run out of ideas to try in promoting their product.
But sometimes that can be even harder ... Views: 927
Dear High Achiever:
DO YOU HAVE THE DNA? Do you have the right stuff to be a sales superstar?
Over the past ten years I’ve made a habit of showing up a couple hours early to my corporate and tradeshow talks so I can hear other people speak. Being a life-long student of learning, I love the ... Views: 1784
I have been educating myself on the law of attraction. Here’s a pretty basic view on this big subject. We as humans are made up of energy, much like the rest of the universe. There are invisible frequencies of energy which attract each other through thoughts, feelings and meditation. ... Views: 1056
Discounting on price is not a sales strategy. It's an impulsive move made by desperate salespeople. In a tough economy, customers think and expect everything is going to be discounted. Because of this, salespeople feel it necessary to oblige the customer to close the deal. Unfortunately, ... Views: 907
Making your sales goals in a good year is one thing, but attaining them in a difficult year is an entirely different challenge. Putting aside the common cliché that when times are tough, great salespeople are made, the reality is that making your goals puts more money in your pocket. Therefore, ... Views: 1015
The Stretch [stretch] verb def - an unbroken period of time in which you are going to accomplish something.
Remember your favorite "Come from behind, when all the chips are down, able to gain victory anyway" movie? I.e. Rocky, Remember The Titans, Gladiator or The ... Views: 1936
Developing strong listening skills is a key element in building collaborative, professional and long-lasting personal relationships. Listening is an integral part of the whole communication cycle. As you move through the levels of listening, you’ll generate different responses from the speaker. ... Views: 2413
While listening to news radio the other day, a Sales Guru serving as a guest of a talk show was asked to offer his advice given the current economic environment. He stated he has some VERY valuable advice for business owners to assist them through the crises - the show ... Views: 1605
Sales training is an entrepreneurial necessity. If your business is struggling to succeed, sales training can provide you with the skills you need to sell. And sales are what makes your business an economic success.
Entrepreneurs need sales training to carry them during tough economic times. ... Views: 783
Gain a clear understanding of what has the ability to or what does make you vulnerable in your profession and then protect yourself against it. For example. an individual who is just getting started into real estate sales who has financial challenges (a short supply or exhausted reserve funds) ... Views: 1443
Athletes practice, students practice, musicians practice, business professionals should practice, strategic selling professionals must practice. If you tire of working so hard and not achieving, perhaps now is the time to treat your profession like an athlete does. Start thinking like an athlete ... Views: 1422
Remembering the names and faces of colleagues, business associates, and clients is an important skill for business success. Here are some effective techniques for remembering this critical information:
1. Associate someone that you've just met with someone else that has the same name. For ... Views: 3392
At a recent industry conference, I saw and heard several different sales presentations as sponsors of the conference presented their products and services. Unfortunately, most of them missed the mark. But they are not alone; many sales presentations are ineffective. Having been subjected to ... Views: 979
Times are tough. Companies are cutting back, people are tightening their belts, and many decision-makers are holding off on major purchases. However, your company has not reduced your sales quotas. Selling in a difficult economy requires a different approach than during a robust one. Let’s look ... Views: 955
Recent surveys reveal that almost 95% of companies expect to change their sales compensation plans each year. These changes can range from minor tweaks to fundamental re-designs.
Does this mean that you need to change your plans this year to be consistent with prevailing best practices? ... Views: 1273
Solving the “How do I motivate my salespeople?” riddle is the central theme of sales compensation for many in sales management.
The tactics used typically default to a “carrots and sticks” approach, or one that relies on extrinsic motivation. In this classic command-and-control environment, ... Views: 3458
Pres-sure [press-er] verb def. - the exertion of force by object in contact with it.
OK Sales Reps, Sales Managers, Directors and Entrepreneurs...a show of hands - how many of us are feeling the pressure right now? Agreed!
As a Sales Management Consultant, I see the ... Views: 1388
The year was 1901. Europe was mesmerized by the appearance of a horse whose owner, Wilhelm Von Osten, claimed that it could add, subtract, multiply, and divide, as well as answering several other questions by tapping its hoof or gesturing with its head. Exhaustive research proved that their was ... Views: 1354
There are several primary reasons why your customer buys your product, goods, or service.
If you sell a "high-ticket" item, like real estate or automobiles...this can be a major decision, one that does not happen every week, like buying groceries.
First, remember your customer doesn't "NEED" ... Views: 711
You Can Sell to Uncertain Customers
Are you finding that your prospects are uneasy or uncertain about the economy? Do they have a "wait and see" attitude now more than ever? Is it harder for you to "get them off the fence of indecision"?
Take a brief look at the news in recent ... Views: 1029
I’m a big fan of a Canadian television show called the Dragon’s Den. The premise of the show has budding entrepreneurs pitch their product or business idea to five venture capitalists who then decide if they are willing to offer funding.
This is a great example of selling because ... Views: 983
You will always be your number one customer. It's not the big account you service, nor is it the hot new prospect you just uncovered; it's you. The reason is simple. If you're not completely confident in what you're selling, you will never come close to maximizing your sales potential.
The ... Views: 872
Selling a price increase can be difficult in nearly any type of situation, but trying to sell one in a soft market can be downright brutal. Yet, as unpleasant as it can be, it is often essential. The problem of selling a price increase in a soft market usually stems from the fact that the ... Views: 820
The largest singular issue with selling in a difficult economy is change. There is change in buying power, change in budgets, even change in decision criteria. However, what is not changed, are goals, annual commitments and a desire to excel.
I am willing to bet that you believe that the ... Views: 2057
Recent research uncovered almost eighty reasons why customers dislike salespeople. Here are the top seven.
1. Not listening.
This was the most cited reason customers dislike salespeople. Too many salespeople neglect to listen to what their customers or prospects say which means they fail to ... Views: 915
Unlike real barbed wire being cheaper, easier and quicker to use to get results to better control livestock and land, sales reluctance is costly, stubborn and slows down a salesperson’s success. If a salesperson’s product or service is that valuable, a salesperson will want to have various ways ... Views: 1900
In the early 1900’s con men would try to sell parts of the Brooklyn Bridge to immigrants in the USA. This is what coined the phrase, “If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you!” Then the Verrazano Narrows bridge, the world's longest suspension bridge formally ... Views: 1911
The traffic light, patented in November 1923, happened before selling became labeled a profession. Over the years some salespeople may stray from the ethical and altruistic meanings originally given to the profession. Traffic lights and roundabouts, however, have always stayed their purpose. ... Views: 1627
Salespeople can take lessons to start their day off right from Kellogg's Pop Tarts pastries, created November 19, 1965. Pop Tarts are the simplest food item, so why wouldn’t a salesperson want to make their days that easy?
1. Pop Tarts have a sugary filling sealed inside two layers of ... Views: 1129
Some history claims that the first happy hour was held in a local pub in Ireland. Others attribute that this before dinner reduced price drinks event started in the 1920’s as the Navy’s slang for its on-ship entertainment. Regardless what is true, introverts and extroverts would design a Happy ... Views: 1065
Let’s start with what many may agree with and make the comparison between good soldiering and top selling. Veterans Day in the USA, Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other parts of the world, falls on November 11. It may be difficult to totally decide what makes a good soldier, but here a few ... Views: 1137
While November 10th is a general Forget-Me-Not Day, salespeople can take advantage of it to build into their follow-up plan if they have missed a few touches throughout the year. It would be especially beneficial for those customers whom you haven't seen in a while. You don't want them to forget ... Views: 1155
November 8: Dunce Day. Salespeople don’t wear dunce caps, at least not on purpose. The dunce cap is named after a 13th-century philosopher, John Duns Scotus, born in Duns, Scotland. He believed this conical shaped hat increased learning potential using the theory that knowledge flows from the ... Views: 1102
Someone claimed November 7th an International Tongue Twister Day. A tongue twister, a phrase or sentence, usually that rhymes and because it has similar sounds, can cause some mispronouncing. For a salesperson, these familiar seven tongue twisters are in honor of the sales trait twisters.
1. ... Views: 1108
You have a sales presentation planned; your laptop dies; you spill coffee on your only presentation copy, and the client moves the appointment time earlier. The Chaos Never Dies holiday is perfect for you, if you need to stop and acknowledge that chaos is part of life. If your sales aren’t where ... Views: 1021
Many business executives focus their search for sales management candidates from within their industry. They are restricting their ability to find the right person for the role.
One of the most critical decisions a company will make is the hiring of the right sales manager. However, many ... Views: 1275
Being raised Catholic, on All Saints and All Souls days we would meditate about the most saintly and then the people we most loved who had passed away. What if as salespeople, we set out similar holidays: All Sales Do’s and All Sales Don’ts Days. Turn your focus from your don’ts into just the ... Views: 1144
Imagine the novelty of steam powered brass machines getting to the first USA automobile show in the snow! Then imagine the newness of making your first sale. Getting that first or first few sales is tough but exhilarating. Think back to that first success and find the basic elements. Then when ... Views: 1010
It was the 1938 Pimlico Race that Seabiscuit outraced Triple Crown winner War Admiral. Why? Experts say that Seabiscuit held with the pack and was trained to start from the gate with a burst of speed right from the starting bell. It’s important that as a salesperson you find your starting bell - ... Views: 1079
I agree…it has been a challenging year for most sales organizations. However did you know there are some sales professionals and organizations that are actually thriving in this environment? It’s true. How are they fortunate to excel? Is it luck? Hold that thought…
As a ... Views: 1601
The offer phase of a sales talent screening program takes preparation and finesse. The good news is that there are many parallels to sales that can be applied to this phase.
After a lengthy screening process, the hiring committee feels they have found the right sales candidate for the ... Views: 1332
When women cry, men often feel helpless and their first response is to try to problem-solve or to convince their partner that tears are not helpful or the situation is not as serious as she may think. The man’s intentions are certainly good ones as men often say that, while they feel extremely ... Views: 2609
Most people believe that to be good in sales or customer service, you have got to be a good talker. You often hear people say, "You have the gift of gab; you should be in sales!" Nothing could be further from the truth. Many top sales people are defined as introverts on psychological tests-up to ... Views: 1393
Many Native American cultures, especially those in the desert conditions of the American Southwest, depended on rainmakers' magical powers to bring rain for nourishing crops and feeding the people. The Hopi believed that the mischievous Kokopelli character could summon water whenever he played ... Views: 1165
Probably the most valuable skill to learn for reducing your sales effort is to learn how to market yourself effectively so that you barely have to sell at all. Personal Marketing is the fastest way to sell more and work less. It is simply getting your prospects excited about you and your service ... Views: 1536
You really, really, really want to increase your sales. And it seems you've tried every trick, every technique, every script that books and motivational tapes and sales seminars have to offer. But no matter what you try, you're just not getting the results that you've seen other business people ... Views: 1612