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Do you have prospects that seem to give you the run-around? They expressed interest in your product or service when you first contacted them but now they don’t return your calls, reply to your emails or seem interested in making a buying decision.
Persistence is an essential trait that ... Views: 998
Motivation seems to be one of the toughest areas to get a handle on. Many managers tell me that some of their reps are already motivated and don't need their help in that area (usually the Top 20%), but that the majority seem to need constant motivating, mentoring, counseling, or out right ... Views: 3207
Keep The Sale
Does this sound familiar?
After dozens of phones calls and emails as well as several face-to-face meetings, you finally reach an agreement with a prospect who is intent on buying your service, product or solution.
“Whew! Another sale done,” you think to ... Views: 966
Job overloaded is one of the biggest problems nowadays.
The ideas here can help you to reduce the unnecessary works and only work on those important tasks. And it is not just time management but also help you to grow your company’s sales at the same time.
Read the conversations between ... Views: 1170
60 seconds is not a long time. Yet that is all it takes for a customer to gain a quick perception of your store and of you. This perception then becomes a reality to the customer. All in 60 seconds. It doesn’t seem like much of a chance.
Yet, if we know it only takes that amount of time, why ... Views: 1071
I provided a seminar on Business and Marketing Plans for a group of senior managers recently. At the end of the session, during our final question and answer session, one attendee said, "I understand the value in everything you've shared today, but what can I do to increase sales right ... Views: 852
One of the most important activities of the training department is, the promotion and marketing of its products. So many times we get wrapped up in training people, developing new training programs, and testing, etc, that we lose sight of the big picture. We need to look back and define our ... Views: 4813
We've been doing a lot of work with clients lately on fine-tuning their marketing efforts. A crucial step in this process is getting crystal-clear on just who they want as customers. Now I know this sounds like a somewhat strange activity. But you'd be amazed at the number of businesses who ... Views: 708
In USA, people are always looking for saving more from the shopping. People are looking more benefits of festivals and save time on shopping for the better products.
Black Friday is one of the important time for every Americans to get the better coverage. It is important for the customer to ... Views: 960
Channeling the energy of a sales team can be challenging. How you compensate them determines where they invest their time and the results you get.
When I speak to business executives, one of the challenges I often hear is that their sales team is not doing the things they feel are most ... Views: 1373
The salesperson’s strategy for sales results goes beyond a passion to “get the sale.” The heart of effective and easier selling is filled with a desire to be of help to the customer. The sales attraction strategy hinges on dissipating and minimizing limiting beliefs. Once those are out of the ... Views: 1023
When a salesperson steps back to take in the big picture of selling, often their main focus is to get a prospect or ask for a referral. These are pieces to puzzle of sales attraction. But this is only one strategy in the process. There are at least three strategic pieces: sales attraction, ... Views: 1131
Some salespeople focus intently on just getting the sale. After all, in the end a prospect’s decision to buy from you is the goal! What happens when you focus on “getting the sale” to the extent of being blind that there are other pieces to the process? Sometimes you lose focus of what selling ... Views: 1195
Many successful organizations have survived turbulent economic conditions and fierce competitive environments by consistently nurturing a niche, and the loyal consumers in the niche community. It is possible to expand and grow business in addition to the niche. Unfortunately, several other ... Views: 1603
You’re walking in a mall when suddenly someone comes up to you and gives you a flyer while saying something about a product or service. You keep walking and he keeps walking with you? What do you do? What do you think about the sales person? What did you think about the product? This ... Views: 2935
What routines are preventing you from increasing your sales?
Whether you realize it or not, you are a creature of habit. Unless you do shift work, you probably get up at the same time everyday, follow the same routine to wake up and get yourself ready for the day, drive the regular route to ... Views: 950
You are talking to a customer and after you present your product, service or solution, she asks, “What discount can I get?” or “What can you do about the price?” Think before you speak otherwise this innocent-sounding question will cost you money right off your bottom line. While it’s tempting ... Views: 1256
After years of chasing numbers and sales goals, I realized something was very wrong. I felt empty and disillusioned with the entire world of business and sales. As an entrepreneur I had worked extremely hard for more than 10 years. All I had to show for all of my hard work and discipline was 2 ... Views: 1249
Recent surveys indicate that almost 95% of companies change their sales compensation plans each year. Frankly, I’m a little surprised by these statistics, and suspect the high number is due to the tendency in many cases to categorize minor tweaks, administrative matters, or even rolling out new ... Views: 1392
In a recent workshop I conducted on “The Art of Dealing with Difficult People”, we spent some time discussing terminations. If you’ve ever had to terminate someone, you know how difficult and stressful this can be. (Donald Trump excluded!) Over the years, I’ve developed a leadership philosophy ... Views: 1175
Selling Against the Competition
Companies who don't understand their competitive advantage say things like "Our product is better quality" or "Our service is better." Even if a company has better quality or better service, it won't convince it's customers just by saying so, because many of it's ... Views: 3687
Selling with Honor and Courage:
It is OK to admit you are afraid! Fear can be and usually is a great motivator. It doesn’t seem to matter what country I am in or what the market conditions are, over the past decade we've been training salespeople in the Quid Pro Quo sales approach, we've ... Views: 1072
Hiring salespeople is more an art than a science, and too often business owners want to know the exact formula for hiring the right salesperson. To be successful, you must devote some time upfront to developing an effective hiring strategy for your particular business. Here are some ... Views: 1269
If you think of the proposal writing process as intimidating, daunting and time consuming, I want you to know that you are not alone. Daunting though it might be, you’ve got to learn to do it well, because writing proposals for almost every profession a key to securing business.
There are lots ... Views: 1169
Effective sales compensation is critical to the success of any go-to-market strategy. Yet the design and management of sales compensation is rarely easy. After all, determining how people are paid is a sensitive matter which can become increasingly complicated when reconciling the disparate ... Views: 1218
Oxytocin is a chemical that is produced naturally in every human's brain. Its production is triggered by a range of stimuli, including sex and breastfeeding and it is known to be important in the formation of social ties, such as who we choose to mate with and bonding with our children. In fact, ... Views: 1690
I’ve been listening to one of my favorite coaches at www.blogtalkradio, Dave Buck, and his first question is still lingering on my mind. He asked, “Do you really think it’s all about producing or working while under stress? If we are tired of producing and consuming under stress, what is next?” ... Views: 1018
Be Aware of Google Ad words Phishing Emails
We and some of our clients have started to receive a lot of phishing emails that claim to be from Google Ad words.
These emails generally have the sender as “Google ad words-no reply” and the subject header of “Please re-activate ... Views: 897
Let’s do a quick review of the first four of my top 7 top producer secrets:
First, Step away from the talk. Any negative talk about this is going to pull you right into the vortex of a downward spiral. Take actions that get you away from the gloom and doom.
Second, Flex more muscles. Now COULD ... Views: 1087
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Sales Management Training. Sales Management Training involves teaching sales team leaders to better conceive, plan, execute and control their sales strategy, in such a manner that ensures a growing flow of regular customers and ... Views: 1212
Sales Management Training involves teaching sales team leaders to better conceive, plan, execute and control their sales strategy, in such a manner that ensures a growing flow of regular customers and increasing amount of sales. Sales team members might include the following positions:
Sales ... Views: 3445
Need to build a high performance sales culture quickly? Have a desire for sustainable sales results? If you are like me, you understand mediocre sales results will implode your business given our current economic environment and competition being so fierce. Additionally, there are far too many ... Views: 2006
As a Sales Management Training consultant I’ve seen companies make some costly mistakes in regard to sales. How do I know? In 1998 as a pioneer for converting a reactive customer service team of a Fortune 500 conglomerate to proactive sales force, I made similar mistakes. Mistakes ranging ... Views: 1415
OK...you have an opportunity to attain the vehicle of your dreams -the exterior is your favorite color, it's equipped with all of the accessories you want, it has the new car smell - it flat out looks good and your gut tells you it feels right! You make the deal - pay the cost, acquire the keys. ... Views: 1312
Shhh…can you hear that? That growing noise you hear is either our once strong economy coming to a screeching halt or the sounds of economic experts offering up their noisy opinions. As a former Macroeconomics professor, I know if you ask 5 economists their thoughts on the direction of the ... Views: 2425
1. Attract Business to You!
Imagine being flooded with phone calls and emails from hot prospects requesting information on your products and services. Top performers have a philosophy that works. "Don't make cold calls - attract warm calls."
By infiltrating key target markets and ... Views: 827
Companies all over the country are spending thousands of dollars to put their sales reps through extensive sales training. An employee returns to work eager to sell, but they soon find little has changed.
It could be, the wrong person has received the training. A manager who is ... Views: 1101
Executive Overview
Long before coaching became a recognized niche of and by itself, there was a long-standing belief in many sales organizations that coaching of employees was a fundamental management responsibility. Moreover, every professional sales trainer you spoke to, every textbook you ... Views: 1280
I recently interviewed a candidate for a senior level sales management position. During the interview he indicated that he would wait until a salesperson consistently failed to perform and then he would step in to identify the problem. I didn't agree with that philosophy, but I remained quiet ... Views: 5826
Your palms begin to sweat and you avoid eye contact with someone you know is a client, but you just can't remember his name.
Your heart sinks as you hang up the phone after a phone call with a furious prospect; you forgot you'd made an appointment with her.
You pound your forehead in ... Views: 1993