The Stretch [stretch] verb def - an unbroken period of time in which you are going to accomplish something.
Remember your favorite "Come from behind, when all the chips are down, able to gain victory anyway" movie? I.e. Rocky, Remember The Titans, Gladiator or The ... Views: 1936
While listening to news radio the other day, a Sales Guru serving as a guest of a talk show was asked to offer his advice given the current economic environment. He stated he has some VERY valuable advice for business owners to assist them through the crises - the show ... Views: 1605
Pres-sure [press-er] verb def. - the exertion of force by object in contact with it.
OK Sales Reps, Sales Managers, Directors and Entrepreneurs...a show of hands - how many of us are feeling the pressure right now? Agreed!
As a Sales Management Consultant, I see the ... Views: 1388
I agree…it has been a challenging year for most sales organizations. However did you know there are some sales professionals and organizations that are actually thriving in this environment? It’s true. How are they fortunate to excel? Is it luck? Hold that thought…
As a ... Views: 1601
Need to build a high performance sales culture quickly? Have a desire for sustainable sales results? If you are like me, you understand mediocre sales results will implode your business given our current economic environment and competition being so fierce. Additionally, there are far too many ... Views: 2006
As a Sales Management Training consultant I’ve seen companies make some costly mistakes in regard to sales. How do I know? In 1998 as a pioneer for converting a reactive customer service team of a Fortune 500 conglomerate to proactive sales force, I made similar mistakes. Mistakes ranging ... Views: 1415
OK...you have an opportunity to attain the vehicle of your dreams -the exterior is your favorite color, it's equipped with all of the accessories you want, it has the new car smell - it flat out looks good and your gut tells you it feels right! You make the deal - pay the cost, acquire the keys. ... Views: 1312