We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Sales Management Training". If you have expertise in Sales Management Training and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
On a recent sales training course, the group were asked to do some role playing of telephone sales. I have to say the results were quite pitiful. All of the opening statements started something like this:
Hi my name is Paul and I want to introduce myself and my product to you. My reason for ... Views: 1153
“The only difference between salad and garbage is timing!” At least that’s what I’ve been focusing on recently, especially for businesses that are time sensitive. Some chiropractors have this problem, so do lawyers, but my thought is when you’re in a service business, timing is EVERYTHING. If ... Views: 1486
In today's marketplace, offering discounts seems to be the number one technique people are using to try and get business. Management has bought into the age-old argument that the only reason their salespeople can't sell more is because their price is too high. It's time to put this to rest. ... Views: 912
It's always rewarding to close a sale and immediately have the new client sign the documents to secure the sale. No matter how many years in the business, this always feels good. We all have stories about new customers who have "fallen into our lap" and bought quickly. For some reason, we ... Views: 938
Protect yourself and your sales team from this sales prospecting technique that is used to trick you into giving away the details of your best sales prospects and customers. It’s devious, underhand, and a scam that can catch out even the most experienced of sales people. In fact the more ... Views: 1845
The only way to know if one marketing medium is better than another is to test. Some businesses fall into the trap of doing what they have always done marketing and advertising-wise because it produces what they think are okay results. This is all well and good if you have in fact tested other ... Views: 1320
Positive thinking gives you the ability to see the positive possibilities in every situation. You can now use this one simple self improvement technique and gain the many benefits in both your personal and professional life that others miss. Imagine being able to stop those negative influences, ... Views: 2914
In every company each year they hire many new employees. Most companies have a new employee checklist and put them through a new employee induction of some sort. The sad truth is, many of these new employees just do not work out. Right from the outset I will say that generally the only ones to ... Views: 2556
I read a very disturbing article in the Herald Sun newspaper yesterday. It had to do with a salesman who claims to have been a victim of cyber bullying. Harassment in the workplace can take many forms but this case is interesting because it was carried out by his boss via email. It is all too ... Views: 3125
There are hundreds!… But here are 5 to start you off…
Have you ever been on a course where the person running it clearly hasn’t done any preparation? Watching the ‘expert‘ trying to get ready as they train is really entertaining, but a poor learning ... Views: 2098
A good business is to run seasonal restaurants in popular tourists’ places. Seasonal restaurants, in fact, are a cost-effective mean to run the business that needs modest investment and a minimum setup. Usually, your seasonal restaurant will be a fast-food joint like a coffee or pizza shop; what ... Views: 3069
Being a manager has its ups and downs. Its ups are that you have certain privileges that others don't, more respect due to your position and hopefully, you are making more money than you were before you got your promotion. The downs are: longer hours, more stress, more responsibilities, heavier ... Views: 1794
Manage customer orders for your retail and restaurant business
Traditional order management solutions require merchants to lock themselves into a proprietary vendor controlled order management solution. These proprietary systems are expensive, difficult to implement and lack the flexibility ... Views: 3788
My name is Liam and I want to introduce myself and my product. I will tell you what the secret is to a better water system. I want to talk to you about this; I hope you will listen…….blah blah blah. Now in all honesty we have heard these types of opening statements before but have we ever taken ... Views: 3397
Wouldn’t you love to know what separates the winners from the losers in sales? Would you love to learn how to achieve the top sales in your profession? Well below are 4 simple secrets that can be the defining difference in your sales.
1. You’re Attitude. You may never have though about this ... Views: 1151
You are in the middle of a call and you are leading them to their desire to their water but the problem is you can not get them to drink it. In sales training courses we explain to participants that you do not need to make them drink the water you simply want them to realise for themselves that ... Views: 1120
I am positive you already know that there can be a lot of mistakes made in sales. The reason that I work as part of a sales training courses provider is because I want to inform people of these mistakes that come up again and again in which I am sick to the back teeth explaining.
There are 4 ... Views: 1169
We got an email from a client asking us about the price they were charging for a seminar they have been giving for years… their costs have been raising, the profit margin is shrinking… how do they determine if they should raise the price?
This is not a "time for money" question, it is a "value ... Views: 1831
Take those steps to successful sales
Imagine you could avoid reluctance and avoid rejection on your sales calls. Now who would not like that? To be a professional sales representative you need to go through a process of steps. In sales training courses it is said that if you do not go ... Views: 1118
Take action in your sales
Wouldn’t we all love a bit more action! If you are working in sales, sales requires movement, sales requires action. You need to get commitment and get action from your prospective clients and act yourself too. You need to do this in a planned time frame. Recently on ... Views: 1286
The truth of the matter is that there are those that are born with the natural ability to sell. As a sales trainer I have come to realise and accept this but I also had to accept that I unfortunately was not one of those people. I have had to work hard and realise that I did need an extra step ... Views: 1162
Every sales manager is searching for revenue from their salesforce, but the recipe to achieving the revenue target comes from the development of their unique sales metric management system.
Thinking back to one of the great cult films of the 1980s…Caddyshack. There is a conversation between ... Views: 1508
Is role playing and videoing a good tool to use for sales people? This is often a question I am asked when meeting prospective clients who are looking at the possibility of running some sales training courses.
Well think of it this way, it’s a Monday morning after the big match at the weekend ... Views: 1192
Just imagine, if every prospect you met said ‘where do I sign’ or ‘when can you deliver it’ to a salesperson wouldnt that be the ultimate dream. Sales trainers all over the world would probably be redundant as there would be no need for your sales team to attend sales training courses. Companies ... Views: 1243
I attended a sales training course a number of years ago and the trainer was talking about closing techniques. I remember he said on several occasions ‘ask for the order and then keep quiet’ he had plastered all over the walls in the training room silence can be golden.
I would love to say ... Views: 1599
You do not want to be part of the seagull system. Leadership skills training courses describe the seagull system as the leader that flies in leaves a mess everywhere and flies out again leaving their mess to be cleaned up. Leadership needs an awareness of the various diverse job roles that you ... Views: 1204
How frustrating, here you are managing a team of people and yet you are still being held back from achieving your goals. On management training courses all over the country trainers are asked 'how can I deal with poor performance?'
Well the truth is it is not all that difficult, probably the ... Views: 2094
One of the key questions asked on any management training course is ‘how do I motivate my staff? All too often managers feel that the only way to motivate staff is through money, nothing can be further from the truth.
Using effective feedback skills will definitely help to motivate your staff ... Views: 1345
There are no short cuts when it comes to sales and selling but here are a few sales and selling techniques which you should find helpful, especially if you’re new to the industry or even if you’re just looking for a bit of business advice.
The definition of selling is hard to explain as we ... Views: 1592
by: Geoff Ficke
Albert Einstein’s famous “Theory of Relativity” (e = mc2) is as familiar to many millions of people as a popular modern commercial limerick for a soft drink or a jingle for a candy bar. Even though very few amongst these millions actually understand the scientific premise of ... Views: 2101
My first sales manager, a grizzled old veteran with a no excuses allowed attitude used to tell me, “there are no lousy products, just lousy salesmen”.
As a rookie salesman I thought the comment surely a strange one. Of course, there are bad products I thought. I know a bad product when I see ... Views: 1597
“an aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer” – Webster’s Dictionary, definition of “marketing”
“to give up property to another for money or other valuable consideration”
Webster’s Dictionary, definition of “selling”
Many new entrepreneurs do not ... Views: 1846
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. . .
Try salting the oats!
~ Anonymous
Selling is often more than convincing someone to buy your product or service, but to also change what they already have or what they are doing now. Some customers are already interested in ... Views: 1086
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”
The other day, a board member was lamenting on the poor performance of his company. So I said, "You should hire me to help your company get more sales." To which he replied, "Not right now, Sam. The timing's not right." So I said, "Timing?? ... Views: 2256
Sometimes, hiring medical sales reps feels like a roll of the dice. You hope you get a winner, but you’re never sure you will.
In an article called “Stop Hiring Poor-Performing Salespeople,” Brian Jeffrey wrote about 3 specific pitfalls of hiring sales reps you should look out for, and ... Views: 2172
Life would be grand if we could sprinkle a few seeds in the ground, fertilize, add water…and a great sales person would sprout. This is truly a pipedream, but one often pursued by small business owners and sales management executives in their quest to find great sales talent. Rather than grow ... Views: 1573
Generating sales in today’s marketplace is a tough sell. It doesn’t matter if you’re business model is business to business or business to consumer its tough being a sales professional right now. Business and consumer budgets are tight and both are looking for opportunities to maximize their ... Views: 1570
Statistics show that more than 75% of sales calls end without the sales person asking for commitment. Believe it or not most customers buy rather than sales people asking for the order.
The purchasing discussion usually goes something like this,
"Send me a proposal." Then there's some ... Views: 2438
I want to talk about how to deal with one of the most frustrating and demotivating things that happen to people- the slump.
We all face them at one point or another, and how you handle yourself through a slump or “losing streak” determines how quickly you get out of it. As Dr. Suess says, ... Views: 1769
Motivation techniques are often omitted from sales team training. Practical sales skills training is easier to present, and doesn’t require the same research and preparation time. Many sales managers and small business sales directors just don’t have the time to focus on how to motivate ... Views: 3691
I have shared with you my long version of what a Champion Team is. The truth is it matters very little what my definition is. The true question is what is your definition of a Champion Team? To be successful in life, we all have to affix the target. In order to hit our objectives, goals, and ... Views: 1341
If you want to know how to become an effective salesperson, you must first know how to take care of your customers. Why? Because customers are your life source. They’re the ones responsible for the sales of your company. They’re the ones who will tell their friends whether to do business with ... Views: 6806
To be a good salesperson or marketer, you will need to master different sales negotiation skills. These skills serve as your weapons against other negotiators and difficult customers. You’ll need them to land today’s sales and ensure future ones as well.
As long as you have good sales ... Views: 2899
This sales negotiation training article will serve as your guide on how to become the most effective sales negotiator you can be. But this requires discipline and a hunger for success. This requires you to stick with the regimen this article suggests and trample down obstacles that hinder you ... Views: 2302
I was driving around last week listening to a guy named Andy Andrews in my car, and he said something that hit me right between the eyes. Mr. Andrews (author of the book The Traveler’s Gift) was saying that if he was allowed only 1 minute on stage and one thing to say that would change ... Views: 5574
Part I, Active Networking
For salespeople to be effective lead generators, they must have both active and passive marketing programs. Now (1) their marketing program must be their own -- not the company’s (although the two can be in sync with each other), and (2) they will do both, ... Views: 2185
Yes, the economy is lagging and budgets are cut. Yes, we have competition. Yes, clients are postponing buying decisions.
So what?
If you focus on building relationships and implement the sales strategies I reveal here, you'll be able to close more deals and get more sales now. People ... Views: 1043
We’ve all been exposed to the notion of the business cycle: customer has need/problem, determines solution to need/problem, makes decision & commitment to purchase, and finally goes through the implementation process. For the B2B salesperson, this cycle must be repeated effectively and ... Views: 1178
The truth is that most of sales gurus are peddling old fashioned information.
They’re only teaching 25 tips, or 10 rules, or a “road map” to sales success. That’s the old school approach.
The reality today is that sales success takes more than sales skills. You need proficiency beyond the ... Views: 934
Rating Sales Leadership
End-of-year planning and new-year kickoff are the most popular times to reflect on the status of a company—where it is, where it’s headed, what needs to improve, what is successful. But a very tough selling environment calls for more frequent, deeper assessment in the ... Views: 1141