How many times have you asked yourself, “Why is this happening to me?” or “Why is God punishing me?”
Maybe you don’t even believe in God, but nevertheless, when something bad hits you over the head, you put in question someone, “Who threw me this punch?”
If you believe in God or a Force ... Views: 1527
Surround Yourself With Light
by Ton Pascal
I received many great suggestions and wonderful quotations for a better living, this past week, from two dear friends. I am grateful and feel blessed to have friends like that. Whether we are well, but looking for support of our convictions, or ... Views: 2135
By Ton Pascal
My personal philosophy is that an act of kindness a day will keep the evil spirits away. An act of kindness is a positive affirmation and attitude that will not only change your perception of the world, but also that of the person who receives the kindness- Kindness goes hand ... Views: 1594
Dreaming castles in the air certainly beats doing physical construction work, but if you are serious about bringing your dreams to completion, or if you are dreaming of a positive change in your life, you must get off your rear end and roll up your sleeves ready to do some work. Daydreams are ... Views: 1485
Our mind is in a constant dialogue with itself, sending out messages that will create our living experience according to our present perceptions. This mental chatter is our consciousness deciding whether or not we should have this or that, whether to run to or from, whether to think this or ... Views: 1425
Affirmations have been around since man found the use of language and there is no secret ritual to use them. There is nothing mystic about affirmations. This tool, if used correctly, can radically change your life.
Here are the very basics elements of positive affirmations, positive thinking, ... Views: 1542
Ya' feelin' allright?
I'm not feelin' too good myself… goes the song by Dave Mason of the English rock band Traffic in 1968. This song’ powerful lyrics, are actualy about the changes he must make to set his life in the right track. The energy it generates is high voltage.
How about ... Views: 1228
Little did I know when I first wrote an article on forgiveness based on my own experience, that I had just opened the door to a new dimension of my Self. On the other hand from the immense email response I got, for others I had opened the Pandora's box. Some would say, “I forgave but I can’t ... Views: 1187
Did you ever stop to think about all the people that come into your life?
In our ever-evolving society, even the most timid, reserved or reclusive person has several people contacting and connecting with him/her every day. Whether it is telephone, Internet, fax, or a direct contact, people are ... Views: 1165
Your New Years resolutions on December 31, 2009 will be more powerful than a super nova. Their vibration will surpass space and time and land at the feet of God.
Only once in every 20 years, the blue moon appears on New Year’s Eve, as it will this year. On a plain physical level what is ... Views: 1416
Positive Affirmations, how do they work? What changes can I expect?
Affirmations are one of the tools you can use to radically change your life. There is nothing new age, mystic, trendy and fashionable about it. Affirmation is part of an ancient ‘The Secret’ re-discovered and brought back to ... Views: 1374
Get Real and Fearless
By Ton Pascal
Because we are bombarded daily with conflicting news about the World’s social-political position our personal needs and situations become more and more confused and difficult to assert and downright painful to bear.
After my article, "Fearless in ... Views: 1222
Am I making the right choice?
Should I change directions and line of work, or should I look for another job?
When things are not what you used to know, and difficult times surround you at every turn, it is normal that you start questioning yourself and your motivation.
BUT it is then that you ... Views: 1414
How many times have you asked yourself, ‘why is this happening to me?’ or ‘why is God punishing me?’
Whatever word you give to your problem and choose to search on the net for an answer or explanation, you will find thousands of places that claim to be able to free you from all of your ... Views: 1110
I was overwhelmed with emails after I published my personal experiences with forgiveness. I was surprised to see how many people felt like I did, and “could wear my shoes," so to speak. But very few felt the inner motivation to finally make the ‘jump’ and bridge the gap.
Each individual has ... Views: 1369
I was overwhelmed with emails after I published my personal experiences with forgiveness. I was surprised to see how many people felt like I did, and “could wear my shoes," so to speak. But very few felt the inner motivation to finally make the ‘jump’ and bridge the gap. Each individual has ... Views: 1394
"Forgiveness is the key that can unshackle us from a past that will not rest in the grave of things over and done with. As long as our minds are captive to the memory of having been wronged, they are not free to wish for reconciliation with the one who wronged us." Lewis B. Smedes.
For over 20 ... Views: 1010
You wish it; send the message out. Create your own dream.
Script it, visualize it, and see it take shape and materialize in your real life.
My friend Lara Danns, an acclaimed actress and yoga instructor place it this way,
“as a yoga instructor, I find myself sharing these affirmations with my ... Views: 1103
Just after publishing my book, Dream Your Life Positively which dealt basically with the universal laws of attraction, a good friend asked me: Does it means that all disasters, diseases, or personal loss are a reflection of my thoughts?
The world we live in is our responsibility I said.
We act ... Views: 935
What is this Law of Attraction?
You can check Carl Jung’s classic Memories, Dreams, Reflections for his view, but most contemporary psychologists agree that this magnificent power is transmuted into small things; day-to-day behavior, manners, the choices that we make in the ordinariness of ... Views: 1061
The power of your mind and the energy it generates, creates the circumstances and changes of the life you are living now. But you alone can make these changes, and it must be your own choice, made by your own free will. Wayne Dyer, a self-help advocate simply and directly sums up this subject; ... Views: 1121
The secret revealed,
“A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.” James Allen said in As A Man Thinketh.
And that is the essence of the “secret of life”.
How does it works? What makes it work?
This substance, force, or power is very likely a ... Views: 917