Where They Go Is Up To You
I had the privilege of watching a friends farm animals while she and her family were on vacation. Never could I have imagined that we would have so much fun doing this task. A barnyard is so full of wonders and various experiences, it is a true ... Views: 1954
Anyone who has ever done work with me knows that it is important to chose your words carefully. Thanks to the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto most people on the planet are aware of how words affect water and because our bodies consist of so much water, words also affect our bodies. In my experience, ... Views: 4448
We usually think of July as a month to get out and socialize, have fun, celebrate Summer and be thankful for the glorious sunshine here in the Northern Hemisphere; so it was very surprising to me when the theme of looking within continued to come up in personal sessions with my clients. But ... Views: 2023