We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "New Age". If you have expertise in New Age and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Somewhere between New York and London at 39,000 feet above the earth, my heart was at peace while my exhausted body and mind took the opportunity to rest. I had just successfully completed a one-week, business trip, which had taken me from one coast of North America to the other, then over the ... Views: 770
Perhaps, in the never-ending search for meaning, not only does meaning seem to elude us, but we find ourselves faced with the eternal questions of life. Why do roadblocks always appear at the most inopportune moment? Where is help when we are down in the arena and boots are on our necks? Why am ... Views: 963
Antonia Martinez needed money quickly. She had only a few days to come up with back rent or risk eviction. Martinez decided to put her holistic studies to the test. "I had been training back then with a spiritual teacher. We had been working on a technique for focusing and harnessing power to ... Views: 4228
I have stopped talking about current events but yesterday's horrendous bomb blasts in mumbai made me write this. My heart bleeds for the families who lost their loved ones and those thousands of people who were injured in this inhuman act of terrorism... I can feel the pain... The moistness in ... Views: 736
Dear Loved Ones,
Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out and the Daily Universal Insights.
Country to Country creating Oneness and Unity is the call of the Now. Let us live with dignity and honor.
I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.
Bless you.
Tomorrow is here
Where is ... Views: 641
Most problems can be symbolized in terms of energy by the concept of two equal, but opposing forces. You want to go to Disneyworld but you can't get off work. You want to be in a relationship, but you're shy. You get the idea.
In metaphysics we know that we are the source of our own problems, ... Views: 968
As evening falls, a child stands at her bedroom window searching the sky for the first star to wish upon. Thousands of miles away, a Shaman doctor blesses herbs thrown into the fire in a ceremony to attract spirit. What do these seemingly unconnected individuals have in common? They are both ... Views: 973
Aritificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of science dealing with simulation and implementation of humman intelligence on a computer or we can say AI means automatic thinking/working of computer i.e. that computer can think/work itself not by the computer operator command. Most people think ... Views: 993
I would like to share a dream that I had during the winter of 2007. In fact, the morning that I awoke from this dream, I sprung upright like a spring. In the dream, I was with a group of students. We were standing together under the dark night sky in silence. One of the students held a large ... Views: 905
You discover you have the amazing ability to create your reality. You begin to let yourself dream of an idyllic (or at least pleasant) future. And you want to “do it right!?What to do? And, when to do it? ?These are two questions that arise, time and again.
Many people ask about when to ... Views: 858
I used to believe in black and white. Right and wrong. True and false. Then I opened to my spirituality, and discovered metaphysics (the world beyond the physical). And I realized appearances are deceiving. All that I thought was true and solid in my world suddenly wasn’t.
And the most ... Views: 1378
I remember the first time I read a book about conscious creation. I was flabbergasted. I had been a “you show it to me and I’ll believe it?kind of person. I thought you created things in your life by hard work and education and a few lucky breaks. I believed sometimes good things happened, ... Views: 2016
Many of us have experienced what we would call a miracle in some form or another. Yet, while appearing miraculous, from another point of view, it is a result of nothing more than jumping to another grid, or accessing a creative matrix. We live in a world that can be programmed. Right now it is ... Views: 1240
It is true: you are what you eat, you are what you think
It is our choice, our choice solely to become whatever we wish to become through the power of our thoughts and through what we consume within our bodies. Most human beings do not understand that it is vital to watch what we each think ... Views: 788
A new Opportunity for ancient Spiritual Guidance.
Can Dolmen-Stones offer Re-Connection to Universal Mind?
Aren't we humans the most curious of all creatures inhabiting this wondrous yet challenging world? We are forever asking questions about our origins and want answers to our never-ending ... Views: 2463
So often, when something “bad” happens to us, it appears to be purposeless suffering. But what if our most difficult experiences are actually rich with hidden purpose – purpose that we ourselves planned before we were born? Could it be that we choose our life’s circumstances, relationships, ... Views: 916
When a Pendulum was introduced to me on 1981.I was fascinated with its simple Yes and No signal. For many years pendulums have been used in various ways.
During our lifetime we all have ambitions and Goals, which we want to achieve. My short Article will introduce you to a UNIQUE way of ... Views: 4733
The Buddha and Reiki are in a beautiful way related in my life. Perhaps not so amazing, since the man who discovered reiki, Mikao Usui, was a Japanese buddhist.
About three years ago I bought a bronze with gold plated buddha statue in Ladakh. It sits on my altar on a heavy marble socle, ... Views: 1205
The concept of astral projection has been around for a long time, but until today, it has been hidden from most of humanity. Now, with the aid of astral projection, new levels of knowledge and power enable us to discover the answer to Man's eternal question about life in the physical body. Death ... Views: 1297
So What's it all about??: Miriam goes on a spiritual quest where the time threads have been pulled out of the fabric of her days and she discovers the slip stream and the meaning of life. Join her on this journey through time, through space and through South Africa in the months leading up to ... Views: 1011
It is important to purge negative energies and recharge positive ones in your stone and mineral allies if you use these tools in your visualization and inner work. Clearing your stones periodically dispels negativity that has built up either in a stone's history or through past work it has done ... Views: 1020
Dedicated spirituality is living spirituality. This means that abilities and skills are honed and refined continuously in daily life. Dedicated spirituality means revolving the rest of our lives around our spiritual practice and not the other way around. It is not for everyone, just as ... Views: 1044
Physicists have been saying for decades, maybe centuries, and mystics for eons that everything is made of energy. It's one thing to learn that fact as a kid so you can spit it back on a science exam. It's another thing to accept it intellectually.
It's something very profound and different, ... Views: 1326
The Moon has a mystique all its own. It is often associated with secrecy and mystery ... and is associated with strange, uncanny powers. It evokes a peculiar range of responses in cultures everywhere, from curiosity and wonder, to romance and affection, to awe and dread. In legend (and the lore ... Views: 1194
What do people mean by self-development, self improvement, or personal growth? They all indicate a focus on the individual, an ideal of becoming something more than we are, or perhaps becoming more fully what we already are. Self development means exploring your potential, creating your ideal ... Views: 1293
"To touch the stars I must feel the Earth beneath my feet"
Everyone is intuitive does not matter who you are we are all born with a varying degree of intuitiveness. Often we hear of a wife saying how she knew when her husband was in danger and though it was only a feeling it turned out to be ... Views: 5543
I asked a psychic once “How many past lives have I had” to which she replied “28”. Wow 28 really? That may explain a few things about me and my current life, which I will go into detail later.
So how did I even get to the point of asking the psychic that question in the first place? It ... Views: 4950
If you could…would you invite someone immensely wise, loving, and powerful into your home? What about inviting a super-pure expression of God, like St. Francis, Archangel Michael, Krishna, or Kwan Yin?
Any request from the heart can bring results, but many of us don’t know this secret: We can ... Views: 2022
We are all 'The Medium'
by Rochelle Sparrow, Psychic Trance Channel, MSW, LCSW
When I was a child, I often went down the street and sat overlooking the bay as a way to escape my parents who were mentally ill and abusive. Sitting there I would feel the calm of the water rush over me and take in ... Views: 964
In this article I'd like to discuss the changes in the belief system of a person as required to advance in parapsychology studies and its applications, such as healing.What the bleep are you talking about?It is obvious that most people live below the personal level of awareness needed to even be ... Views: 1208
Virtually everyone has an opinion about what happens when we die. Hinduism and Buddhism teach that the soul goes through a series of incarnations and reincarnations so that when the body dies, the soul eventually associates with a new body, a process called “reincarnation”. In Christianity, ... Views: 1153
Many who know they are extremely, sad or otherwise watching life by the sidelines do everything except consider their problem as a medical condition. Many of us grew up with the ethics of have a 'stiff upper lip", "be a man", "stand on your own two feet" and even the implied message that women ... Views: 4823
“And it harm none” is our common mantra during ritual and prayer and just as often “for the greater good” is another.
As a Witch and Pagan with a strong Wicca background philosophically, these are safety tenets that prevent all of us from manipulating circumstances, even subconsciously, that ... Views: 1435
The casting of a love spell is a powerful thing. The combination of words and action can lead to magic and change your life forever. Spell casting has been used for centuries by love struck individuals wanting to take charge of their destiny and alter the course of their lives. The power of a ... Views: 3557
I grew up in a fundamental Christian environment. In church, our prayers were strong and heartfelt. In many cases, though, they also seemed slanted toward some personal judgment about what should occur. I understood. If someone you love is dying, you want them to live. If they are in pain, ... Views: 3563
Find out more about your astrological archangel according to the month you were born.
"He Who Sees God"
Meditation: Pray to this archangel when you are facing challenges in staying true to your inner self or something you deeply believe in.
Focus: ... Views: 2382
By Sananda and Ashtar.
The Blue Light Star System
This new 7th dimension healing system can be used the same way as the Reiki energy, the difference is it is fueled by the Ashtar command and it has a much higher frequency.
His ships have been around the earth for a long time and at this point ... Views: 5198
There is no question that quartz crystals are very special. They have been revered throughout the ages as symbols of beauty, health and often power. The latter is sometimes referred to as key to the rise and fall of the mythical civilization of Atlantis. More recently quartz crystals have been ... Views: 17139
The universe is essentially a soup of consciousness. All beings, objects, energy fields and particles are/were created by consciousness and are responsive to consciousness. Imagine that the room you are sitting in is the entire universe.
Imagine that your awareness fills the entire room. ... Views: 5680
Cassandra’s Revenge
by Ger Agrey-Thatcher
Cassandra was the legendary prophetess of war. She was also its most famous victim. More than any other figure in history and literature, she alone deserved to be avenged for atrocities brought against her by both gods and men.
It was Euripides who ... Views: 1296
What do you see?
This article is a continuation of a series. They are based on the book – “A Belief Statement for the New Millennium”
For more information on this writing visit www.Beliefstatement.com or email us at GBA_LLC@yahoo.com
The following addresses some aspects of our awareness of ... Views: 1026
There is no such thing as Time
This article is a continuation of a series. They are based on the book – “A Belief Statement for the New Millennium”
For more information on this writing visit www.Beliefstatement.com or email us at GBA_LLC@yahoo.com
The specific area of discussion for this ... Views: 2809
We are all the same.
This article is a continuation of a series. They are based on the book – “A Belief Statement for the New Millennium”
For more information on this writing visit www.Beliefstatement.com or email us at GBA_LLC@yahoo.com
The specific area of discussion for this article is an ... Views: 1076
As human beings it is inherent to want to self-actualize and build lives of deep profound meaning. This is what each of us came here to do. One way we celebrate life is by getting clear on who we are and what we are here to do. When we are clear, we are able to tap into our purpose and find our ... Views: 1411
Welcome to a new spiritual endeavor.
There is a need in our modern culture for this endeavor.
We have seen in many a sense of emptiness, a sense of being without purpose.
We find that many of us in today’s world lack a foundation on which to adequately develop their own sense of self. ... Views: 1219
When a great Zen Master returned to his country after many years of studying abroad the people asked what he brought with him. He said, “I’ve come with nothing but empty hands.”
What are these empty hands? What value are they of us today?
Usually our own hands are full, filled with tasks, ... Views: 6534
When it comes to psychic healing, human beings are dynamos. In many ways, when tested in a lab, it is the strongest natural psychic gift ever tested. It is such a strong gift that untrained people, those with little to no instruction, can help people heal around 10% faster than normal by just ... Views: 1269
Seems that everyone who writes to me signs their letters "love and light." It has such a bright uplifting sound to it. Lightworkers are being taught to hold the energy of the light and to equate love with a warm white light that heals and protects. After what feels like an age of suppression ... Views: 19998
I want to show you just how easy this is. Without knowing what the healing stone is, click on one of the stones that you are attracted to below, read the description of the stone and its healing properties. Most of the time the description will match issues that you have right now and may be ... Views: 6360
The origins of Halloween is among the most interesting as it finds its origin in the old Celtic belief system adapted into Wicca which was founded in the l950's.
Halloween falls on the Wiccan New Year called Samhaim (called Sow-en) which in essence is "New Year's Eve" and observes the end ... Views: 5085