We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "New Age". If you have expertise in New Age and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
This is a bringing together of the ideas in my first book. My first book was just a collection of my thoughts on different subjects and was very scattered. With this book I hope to clarify some of my thoughts and tie everything together. Also, my first book ended on a negative note ... Views: 1566
We respect those who search for their own answers in
relation to spirituality, the meaning of life, and the
concept of fated personal circumstances and events. In
our professional opinion, everyone’s birthrights are
Let’s define, in this context, what a birthright is.
In ... Views: 994
Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary
definition of dogma is as follows:
Main Entry: dog•ma
Pronunciation: ‘dog-m&, ‘däg-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural dogmas also
dog•ma•ta /-m&-t&/
Etymology: Latin dogmat-, dogma, from
Greek, from dokein to seem a point of view
or tenet put forth as ... Views: 1547
We certainly appreciate the value of inspirational
messages that are rooted in truth. However, at
the present time, an over-abundance of spiritual
misinformation is flooding the metaphysical
market by those whom we call the New Age
They’re usually well-meaning, but denying ... Views: 2879
The number 13 has little to do with "bad luck," despite the
U.S. Navy, supposedly, avoiding launching ships on Friday
the 13th and many Americans viewing the 13th and anything
related to the number 13 as negative.
The association may be due to Jacques de Molay, the first
Grand Master of the ... Views: 4006
Rather than embracing religious or spiritual teachings blindly,
question what you read or hear and consider other viewpoints.
For those who claim that metaphysical practices such as
astrology and numerology are sinful, we recommend reading
"The Christian Conspiracy," by Dr. L. David Moore, who ... Views: 2488
We once had a past life regression client who, after We directed
him into a past life, became mad at us. "I find it hard to
believe I was a prostitute in a past life!" he said.
His reasoning was that since he would never do "such a low-
life thing" now, he couldn't have possibly done it ... Views: 1061
We recently heard of a case where an eight year-old girl’s
aunt died of lung cancer and since the young girl was so
close to her aunt, she told everyone to call her by her aunt’s
name, insisted that her aunt’s clothes were hers, and began
stealing her father’s cigarettes (her aunt died of lung ... Views: 1382
Contrary to what many have been told, metaphysical practices
or disciplines such as clairvoyance, numerology, astrology,
handwriting analysis, meditation, past life regression, tarot,
and others are very much in harmony with ancient (before the
Catholic Church) Christian teachings. The ... Views: 1113
It's hard to believe in this wide universe that there is only one chance to live in a lifetime. There are many controversial issues surrounding the subject of reincarnation. Did occultists create these issues as an "idea" to steer people away from Christianity, did reincarnation exist before the ... Views: 1537
“This moss is cool and soft to the touch, as I rest upon
it. The voice of the wind ruffles my hair, while the nearby stream
serenades me. If I understood their words, what would they be saying?
Cloud gazing?. there’s a dragon ?no, a buffalo?
Haven’t done this since I was a kid……?
Where did ... Views: 4197
As we evolve our consciousness, we also evolve a special gift. We become closer to the mysteries. We’re more in touch with the elemental flow, with the sacred and hidden pulse that makes life happen, with the synchronicities that make the wheel spin.
Too often we forget this about ourselves. We ... Views: 1583
Too often we walk around thinking we know less than we do. We believe that if we only had some answer, or even a clue to the answer, or on really hard days even a better understanding of the question, that we’d be richer, braver, happier, smarter, better looking, more successful, or any other ... Views: 897
Do you find yourself confused by the idea of a new earth? It is actually much simpler than you think. The confusion arises when we try to put such an unlimited existence into limited words and thoughts.
The new earth is not a place or location, since it exists beyond space and time. The old ... Views: 1092
By working with affirmations, you commence the process of changing negative and unproductive beliefs, into positive life supporting beliefs, that with regular practice will create a desired future.
To obtain maximum results from doing affirmations, it is best to observe certain guidelines, ... Views: 5235
What type of knowledge is ultimate knowledge? I am not talking about the knowledge of properties of the universe, the nature and composition of plants, animals, the earth, sky, or stars. This information is available in text books. I am talking about the more intriguing exploration of how the ... Views: 1158
In the Western Hemisphere, every minute of the day, 123 people die from hunger, poverty, disease, plagues, famine, flood, accidents or other calamities. If the universe was created by a loving, all- powerful creator, why do these things happen? Either God is not able to stop these calamities in ... Views: 1250
Mystery schools once existed throughout the Ancient World - Greece, Egypt, India, China, South America. These spiritual centres provided a place where students could receive a mystical education by progressing through a series of spiritual trials and initiations. The goal was to provide seekers ... Views: 1062
During this period I was scheduled to attend a business conference at a luxurious location very similar to where I now found myself. My hotel room was much like this one, opening onto a balcony separated only by a panorama of glass. I had ventured out onto the balcony and draped myself over the ... Views: 769
As our bags were being taken to our respective rooms, Marla told me that she would see Gideon and me on the balcony around dinner time in a few hours. That seemed like a good idea and would give me a chance to be alone and relax for a short while. I enjoy company tremendously but, every now and ... Views: 829
“Interesting,” I murmured,“but I never seem to be able to figure how not to get stuck in a situation.”
“You get stuck in a predicament when you’re too attached to outcomes. If you worry too much about how a situation will resolve itself, if you are desperate, if you are full of fear, if you ... Views: 817
It wasn’t too long before we were riding in a colorful cab headed toward the hotel, about half an hour away. I was anxious to get to the beach and looking forward to enjoying the sun and the sea. Actually, most times at the beach, I prefer sitting under a large shady tree gazing forever at the ... Views: 743
The problems of next week would have to wait until this week was done. Nothing would ruin this weekend. Lulled in comfort,I must have dozed off because the next thing I heard was Marla saying,“We should be there soon. What would you like to do when we arrive? Would you prefer to rest for a while ... Views: 776
Several years ago, I experienced something that I could not explain. I didn’t tell anyone about it, because as I did not understand it myself, I wouldn’t expect anyone else to either. Yet I knew it was real, as it had happened to me, so I didn’t want it to be casually brushed ... Views: 2811
I sat silently for a while, gazing at Marla. She had appeared beautiful before, but now she was ravishing. She pretended not to notice as she browsed through a travel brochure, but I knew that she knew I was looking at her.
“Hmm . . . ,” she finally said, “if we’re going, we’d better leave ... Views: 811
“Well, it’s great to see you both. Off on a trip,I see. But then again, you couldn’t be going to or coming from the same place,” I said as I gestured at their attire.
“No,I’m going to visit a friend,”said Gideon. “He’s experiencing some difficulties in his business and asked if I could help ... Views: 785
“And what do you mean by ‘no one to help when you’re lost or need assistance?’Well, my friend, what do you think I’m doing here? And why do you think Marla comes by? We are helping.Never, never forget. There is always a helping hand — always, always, always!
“And as to those who choose to be ... Views: 782
The evolution of the soul is a mysterious and glorious affair with life. The souls ultimate goal is and has always been to attain enlightenment. Enlightenment is a work in progress with different developmental stages influencing it. When a person understands the energies as well as the stages of ... Views: 7311
If you wish to use your stones for a specific purpose, beyond their general characteristics, you will need to program them. Intention and focus are key when programming crystals for particular task, such as healing, protection, and/or activation of chakras, among others. Intention is in your ... Views: 938
Angels are very highly developed spiritual beings that inhabit the seventh heavens. They come from the heart of the Creator (the Source of all things) and also help in the creation. Angels can serve as guides, guardians, assistants, and healers and perform many beneficial activities. Angels ... Views: 2452
1. What Does Your Intuition Tell You?
Your intuition can contribute "quick and ready" insight. Too often we discount the role of intuition in decision-making. Begin to pay close attention to what your intuition is telling you; it could lead directly to positive changes in your life.
2. How ... Views: 873
I sat there in a state of blessed bewilderment as they landed, converging all around me. Some alighted on the branches of the mango tree and others landed next to me on the ground. Most were tropical birds although some were species I had never seen. There were kiskadees and blue sackis, ... Views: 816
It was early morning in the dream and I was sitting under a large tree near my family’s farm. It was a mango tree,one of those magnificent old giants native to the coastal regions of Guyana. It was the season when its leaves shimmered in multi-colors of gold, purple, green and orange. A soft ... Views: 762
Early one morning,I was sitting at my kitchen table gazing out the window at nothing in particular. For me, this is a wonderful time of day. In it, I prepare myself for whatever the day may bring and at the same time, try to bring some unique gifts to the day.
My office is now in my home so ... Views: 748
“That’s one of the main reasons we’re back with you,” said Marla. “There are other reasons, of course, but this is by far the most important. By the time we’re finished with these adventures,there’ll be no need for us to work with you in this way and you’ll go on to finish the task you had set ... Views: 824
Gideon took another sip of coffee,leaned back in his chair and looked at me through half-closed eyes.“It’s been such a long time since we’ve done any fun things together. Marla and I have checked with others in the company and they’ve all agreed that we should take you along on one of our ... Views: 837
The whole Universe is built out of endless systems of central Suns around which planets revolve. Every Sun and Planet possesses its own characteristic color determined by the type of flame in its central point. From a tiny portion of that flame, a little fiery being is created and enclosed ... Views: 2586
“Well,” I asked, “what are you doing in this neck of the woods? I know you just didn’t happen to be passing by? You must have something specific in mind — that’s why you’re here.”
“He seems to know us only too well, Marla,” Gideon said with a wink. “But then again, John, we don’t always need a ... Views: 801
Their mother would have really been proud of them. Especially since her death, the bond forged by the three of us was extremely strong. We delighted in simple pleasures,like a family barbecue on the back porch or just gathering around the kitchen table commenting on the latest news. Sometimes ... Views: 842
My first few days back home were spent going through mail, returning phone calls and playing catch-up with what was happening while I was away. Marla and Gideon were a pleasant memory and I somewhat relegated them to the background of my mind,especially since I knew they would be visiting ... Views: 804
“A matter of perspective,John,” she replied. “You’re as old as the hills or as young as a newborn day. It all depends on you and how you perceive your world. You don’t see things as they are,you see them as you are.” “Then if I’m seeing you as I am, I must be in pretty good condition myself,” I ... Views: 858
“What?”she interrupted,“do you have anything against a long-time friend meeting you at the airport? Gideon told you I’d be here, didn’t he? Sorry I hijacked your suitcase for a while. Couldn’t resist the prank. You always look so amusing and childlike when you’re puzzled.”
“Like an amusing ... Views: 793
A few minutes later as we pulled up to the gate I turned, half hoping to see Gideon again. But he wasn’t there. Deplaning and passing through Immigration and Customs are relatively simple matters, especially if you don’t have too much luggage. I only had one suitcase and a carry-on, so I hurried ... Views: 735
New Age prophets and their religious teachers spoke of various convergences and impending disasters around the turn of the century, of fire and earthquakes, famines and floods. And then there were those charismatics, wiser in the ways of the world of commerce than their more esoteric cousins, ... Views: 864
I glanced at my watch, noticing we had less than an hour or so before touch down. Dinner had just been served, but I had no desire for airline food. Not far from the airport is a café-style restaurant where I frequently stop when I travel. I thought I’d stop there on my way home and grab a bite. ... Views: 807
“Most of your questions will be answered in time,”he said.“Right now, I’m just supposed to tell you that Marla and I will be working with you again. Glorious adventures ahead, John! Now tell me about the children. How are they doing?”
I always had the impression that he knew most things, but ... Views: 806
“Well, did you miss me?” he teased as casually as you please.
“Of course I missed you,” I replied. “You and Marla just disappeared one day, and the way I figured it you must have died, because I never heard from either one of you again. It’s been years, Gideon. You do have this habit of ... Views: 815
It had been a number of years since I last saw them. We were sitting on the back porch discussing a letter they’d brought me from a friend. Since then, no word, no communication, no sign from either one of them. It was almost as if eternity itself opened up and swallowed them forever. With these ... Views: 767
Clouds hold a special attraction for me,especially when I’m flying above and can enjoy them from this unique perspective. They seem so angelic, so pure, so easily shaped into sculptures of the imagination wherein one can read all sorts of strange tales. I watched the Volkswagen beetle cloud as ... Views: 813
I recalled my first flight as a teenager leaving one country for another to continue my education. The excitement of foreign adventures was mixed with the sadness of leaving my family. As the plane took off and the northern coast of South America dropped below the horizon, I remember brushing a ... Views: 780