The Soul creates its memories and perceptions of time and space through spiral and fractal forms and shapes.
It is these shapes and forms that are also known as the “Soul Journey” because it is by moving the physical body into these alignments that the memories of the Soul are ... Views: 3105
The Higher Self is the key to getting in tune with your true purpose in life.
Everyone has a purpose.
It is that which gives your life a deep and true meaning and value.
The Higher Self is aligned with your highest purpose and so when you are aligned with your Higher Self you ... Views: 3357
The chakras are portal or structures which help to channel and integrate subtle energies into the physical body. The body has 7 primary chakras but over 2000 secondary ones which help to direct and hold the integrity of our 3 main elements – mind, body and spirit. Since the flow of this ... Views: 1041
Meditation is the practice of understanding. It is training the mind and the body to observe and gain knowledge about specific energies and aspects of consciousness. As the body and mind becomes familiar with the language of these energies, a communication is realized and formed. This ... Views: 1285
Dedicated spirituality is living spirituality. This means that abilities and skills are honed and refined continuously in daily life. Dedicated spirituality means revolving the rest of our lives around our spiritual practice and not the other way around. It is not for everyone, just as ... Views: 1038
Manifestation is creation. It encompasses all that we create, from a single thought, to a breath, footstep or dollar. For each creation there is a transformation of energy, there is expenditure, destruction and creation of form. These days in metaphysical circles it is becoming popular to ... Views: 1017
Somewhere along the line the desire for achievement without effort came into play. “Smarter not harder” became a kind of motto. Nowhere is this more evident than in many of the metaphysical theories of manifestation that suggest that no physical action need to be implemented when ... Views: 1029
The battle within the self is between apathy and purpose. Apathy kills purpose. Purpose kills apathy. Apathy is a terrible and poor companion for life, business or romance.
Why anyone would choose it deliberately is ludicrous. It is only when we seek to avoid effort that we find reasons to ... Views: 1970
The zero point is a state of consciousness where no distance exists. This means that the beginning exists within the end, awareness exists with ignorance and power exists with impotence. The reason that this state is so powerful is due to the fact that healing, manifestation and empowerment ... Views: 2270
Destruction is the cleansing aspect of the transformation cycle. It is a changing of the old that makes room for the new. Spiritual destruction flows from universal consciousness and is integrated into our actions and intent by the way that we would choose to evolve ourselves and the planet ... Views: 834
Breathing is one of the easiest ways to bring change to the energy of stagnation and apathy. Breathing elicits a physical movement through the body, consciousness of actual movement and flow - which is of course the opposite of stagnation.
Work with this exercise:
Breathe in slowly and ... Views: 1075
Meditation is the practice of realization.
In the beginning it seems that we are developing concentration, objectivity, visualization and certain perceptions - whatever the focus of our meditation is. With practice we come to understand that these states have always been there. There has always ... Views: 3248
At it’s heart Life Purpose is about feeling. We are seeking to find that which gives us the feeling of meaning, reason and purpose. This is the reason why two people can duplicate the same external experiences and yet not attain the same inner experience. We must look within for what truly ... Views: 859