We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "New Age". If you have expertise in New Age and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you reflect on yourself, within yourself, with committed devotion long enough, you will eventually come upon an indwelling-something whom you will promptly recognize simply as the witnesser of your life. Throughout all time, All who, having ... Views: 907
Not to long ago I noticed something about myself which, after I relented and submitted to honoring it, I actually found kind of amusing. It occurred to me that whenever I start to feel stressed about anything in my life, in those moments, in the midst of my anxiety (always when I’m not looking), ... Views: 1245
Thoughts are things waiting to materialize. If you know much about physics, you recognize that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It simply changes from a solid form to energy and visa-versa. This brings us to the concept that our thoughts create our reality.
Taken on a purely non ... Views: 2120
The other day someone said to me "there will come a time when us ‘special’ people the light workers of the world will be called on to show others the way." I sat and stared completely caught off guard as far as I could tell I didn't possess any magical powers the rest of the human race had ... Views: 1373
For many the question surrounding reincarnation is whether or not it really happens?... This seems to be a widely debated issue, and you are likely to find more views on the topic than questions about it. It is interesting though that so many of our current day philosophies denies this and ... Views: 2336
Most everyone knows what their sun sign is, but do you know what your Birth Card is? It is a little known fact that our common playing cards are part of an ancient system of self understanding that is in many ways superior to astrology and numerology, a system that you can use to further your ... Views: 2255
First, I want to point out that the opinions expressed in this article are not those of John Edwards and John Edwards is not associated with this article in any way. The information expressed in this article is strictly that of the author.
If you feel that you have a ghost or spirit in your ... Views: 2468
We’re often asked which metaphysical and spiritual
books we recommend.
You’ll find some grains of truth, wisdom, and plenty
of inspiration (“You can do it!--ra-ra!”) in most
metaphysical publications, especially the best-sellers.
After all, you would think so many people purchased
them due to ... Views: 1022
Scientist’s recreated the big bang in an attempt to find the God particle haven’t heard how that went but given I wasn’t sucked into any black holes I would assume all is okay. I am sure Creator is upstairs thinking he/she has tuned into the Universe’s version of extreme makeover. Lets tear her ... Views: 1371
To touch the stars I must feel the Earth beneath my feet
Everyone is intuitive doesn't matter who you are we are all born with a varying degree of intuitiveness. Often we hear of a wife saying how she knew when her husband was in danger and though it was only a feeling it turned out to be ... Views: 1220
Who knew there were so many styles and varieties of coffee makers? We have come a very long way from the time my grandmother and yours boiled the coffee over the open fire in the hearth. Choosing a coffee maker to fit your lifestyle is a big deal.
Now we have one cup coffee makers,2-cup coffee ... Views: 1292
Each Gemstone is Individual just like Humans. It has its own DNA, in other words, each gemstone is Unique and Absolutely Special. There are No Two Alike, and Each Gemstone comes with its own Character. Some are Calm and Quiet, some are Hyper and Aggressive, but Most Importantly, All Gemstones ... Views: 3291
My profession is one where stereotypes abound and lately I have found myself defending what I do in all sorts of forums. So I am about to shatter the myths I am taking a risk I know because some people are not going to want to get a reading from someone who is not going to throw one line ... Views: 1000
What if the planet thought in a way that was similar to us? First of all we would have to work with the concept that it had a consciousness. Much like we do but very different.
We have neuron pathways in our brain. Within these pathways, electricity is used to send and receive signals to our ... Views: 1464
I am a divine child of the universe who walks through life with trust compassion faith and love
These are the cornerstones of the world I am building for myself
I am responsible for my words, thoughts and actions
I am not responsible for yours
I am deserving of abundance in all of it's forms ... Views: 1005
This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of New Age. New Age is a general term covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical movements and beliefs often involving metaphysics and holistic approaches to personal health. Deborah Leigh is the Official Guide to ... Views: 1146
The term New Age (sometimes called the New Age Movement), refers to both a decentralized social phenomenon and a western socio-religious movement that developed in the 1970-80s. It combines aspects of spirituality, esotericism, complementary and alternative medicine, and includes religious ... Views: 1442
There are two ways to discuss the history of the modern witchraft revival and Neo-Pagan movement. Some scholars argue that the history of Wicca and modern witchcraft can only go back 60 years at the most, while others proclaim witchcraft to be the world's oldest religion, dating back to the most ... Views: 2147
Chrystal Healing. Spirits and Magick. Channeling. Astrology. Reiki and the Chakras. Astral Projection.
It's no wonder so many are terrified by the mere suggestion of looking into New Age philosophies and techniques. The buzz words alone are enough to make the average person run and ... Views: 1931
Many Blessings, A Metaphysical Gift Shop, has relocated to a larger location to accommodate the need and growth of people in Lee county looking to gather with like minded people.
People are searching out qualified teachers on their path to spiritual/personal growth. Many Blessings offers on ... Views: 889
Do you find yourself confused by the idea of a new earth? It is actually much simpler than you think. The confusion arises when we try to put such an unlimited existence into limited words and thoughts.
The new earth is not a place or location, since it exists beyond space and time. The old ... Views: 1394
The term "Universal Law(s)" is often bandied about in New Age and Metaphysical circles, yet I am also often asked by students, "What does Universal Law mean? What are the Laws?"
"Universal Law" is a term applied to principles that describe how the Universe (or at least our experience ... Views: 1207
All Are Welcomed! DISTANT HEALING - New On SelfGrowth.com!
Lilian will work with your major energy points throughout your body and aid in several different relaxation techniques in the healing process in which you are undergoing. It's an amazing way to help others in the healing ... Views: 1700
What is the meaning of life? Why are you here on this planet? Is your life and therefore your consciousness simply the bi-product of a random occurrence in a changing physical universe or are we beings of Light on the stage of Earth clothed in bodily vehicles? What is love? Is it simply a ... Views: 1739
There can be a number of reasons why you should undertake OSHA online training.
It will enable you or your employer to reduce the costs of training. Class room training is relatively expensive compared to online training.
It also saves time. Rather than spending time in off-site attendance of ... Views: 875
So you would like to know how to make your own lucky talisman/charm? The process can take awhile but it can bring wonderful results. I'll explain to you, step by step, how to make your very own.
1. Decide what to use as the "physical base". It can be a piece of jewelry that you plan on ... Views: 17316
Contrary to many people's beliefs, spell casting is not strictly for witches with broomsticks and sorcerers with magical potions. Anyone who has an open mind and access to a quiet space can perform a spell, be it at home or in the great outdoors. However, to ensure an effective spell, follow the ... Views: 1594
Similarly to our physical sun whose light can be broken up into its seven component colors, the Solar Logos of our system is a source of seven great cosmic Rays of spiritual light. These Rays penetrate our microcosm, building up and enriching on of the higher bodies of our microcosm, our causal ... Views: 4499
The specialty krups coffee makers come with a special feature.Coffee is a drink which is well know for its aroma.When the smell of the coffee dissipates the flavor of
your drink dissipates as well.Krups offers a solution for this problem with these 2 coffee makers.Not just do these brew coffee ... Views: 1612
According to the Edgar Cayce readings, the people of Atlantis became aware of the fact that their civilization was about to be destroyed. As a result, they hid identical records of the Atlantean civilization in Bimini, in Egypt, and in the Yucatan. Numerous readings contend that this "Hall of ... Views: 938
The Earth is Alive
Is planet Earth a conscious living organism, much like us but on a grander scale? What if the Earth was experiencing its own life much like the way we experience ours?
The human body is a single living organism made up of billions of individual living cells with ... Views: 7134
Have you ever seen a ghost? Or have you ever heard or felt something that felt creepy to you?
Ghosts are very popular subjects these days. About half the American people admit to believing in them, and there are ghost beliefs in nearly every culture in the world. People have told ghost stories ... Views: 1931
It was 1980. Janet and I were hiding out (from my creditors) at Shasta Abbey, a monastery in northern California, where we had ordained as Zen postulants. Suddenly, out of the blue, I became very ill, and when the illness worsened, I handled it as I had handled everything in the past — I ... Views: 1804
Ostara, The Pagan Equinox, And The Season To Shop
Our clocks are adjusted, and we're enjoying the perfectly balanced day and night of the spring equinox. Total coincidence that Easter is just around the corner, right? Well, not entirely...
While to Christians this weekend is most closely ... Views: 1779
There are a million student centric sites out there, but none of them really help me solve my daily *needs* as a student (housing, books, tuition, transport, etc). To solve these, I still need to go to the middle man (property dealer, college book seller, etc.) who is going to charge me a hefty ... Views: 778
Yawn...2:00 AM yet sleep eludes me. A caffeine boost at this point can fill your head with all sorts of philosophical questions or cravings for cheesecake. The question which is haunting me now is the purpose of the internet. While the internet is a great repository of knowledge how far has it ... Views: 959
Numbers are the only exact science of the Universe that we have. To work with numbers and discover how they have the ability to trigger memories within the soul consciousness has been documented by many a metaphysician. Numbers help up to understand energy and vibration. They assist us in using ... Views: 2078
The Sufi Experience, a new book by Sharon Marcus from the Sufi Press, is both experiential, anecdotal and descriptive. Sharon Marcus has written extensively in fiction, nonfiction and poetry about the Sufi understanding at the heart of her experience and her writing.
A tradition on the nature ... Views: 1207
I apologize to moderators of your site, but I have the new, much better translation of my previos article "Earth's children". Please can you change past article "Earth's Children", with this new "Children of the Earth".
Wish you well, Oliver Popovic
"Children of the Earth
Once upon a long ... Views: 666
Once in the darkness of the past ,when time was unimportant, I came in this part of the universe for your sake. From the conscience of my being, part of myself was created in vision. This part of myself you called the planet Earth. It is your home. And as nowhere and never before in universe I ... Views: 645
It seems cliché to say the most important question you will ever ask yourself is “Who am I ?” It is the question that has led to a thousand self help books yet do we ever have the courage to sit naked in the truth of our identity?
Often it is easier to create an illusion of who ... Views: 1115
I was talking to some friends the other day who just returned to Florida. They have a home down here as well as one in Philadelphia, and when I asked why they came back so early, they said that they just had to get away from their relatives!
They went on to tell me about their daughters tragic ... Views: 803
Crystals have always been fascinating people, primarily due to their visual attraction, exquisite purity, interplay of colors and transparency. Crystals and stones, however, have other outstanding qualities that make them useful tools for metaphysical work.
As seen from the point of view of ... Views: 1692
Each one of us is like a radio station playing life at our unique frequency. We are constantly sending out signals over the airwaves. We have a band of high and low frequencies that identify our personal energy range. And, as the Universal Law of Attraction is always in action, we are calling ... Views: 1222
If you have met your twin flame there will no drama - none. If you have met your soul mate, there always will be issues.
If you have met someone and either of you are married at the time then they are NOT your twin flame, they are NOT the love of your life.
Soul Mates
The term, ”Soul ... Views: 33598
One Thing at a Time
I believe most of us have become fairly proficient at multitasking. We thrive on the efficiency of being able to accomplish one more mechanical task while simultaneously performing another; like driving while talking on the phone, or holding a conversation while preparing ... Views: 995
It seems cliché to say the most important question you will ever ask yourself is “Who am I ?” It is the question that has led to a thousand self help books yet do we ever have the courage to sit naked in the truth of our identity?
Often it is easier to create an illusion of who we are based ... Views: 1132
We are fortunate to be living in an era when science is making giant leaps in many fields. It has nearly become a divine science as some scientists have even started working on the truth about the mind, soul and God. . Some scientists say that our mind is a quantum – a packet of energy that is ... Views: 1153
An amulet is a natural object used for protection, for health, luck, good fortune, to attract, or to repel. A talisman is a similar object used for similar purposes, but is human-made. Both amulets and talismans transmit energy that helps attract more of what you want in your life, or repel that ... Views: 3544
Why is it that people who seem to have “everything” suffer from depression, loneliness, and misery? Why do they feel so unworthy? Why are they so unstable? How is that they feel so empty inside despite the fact that they have fame and fortune?
The media is fixated on gossip of the ... Views: 2790