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Do you love your partner but don’t feel like you are “in love” anymore?”
At the beginning of a relationship there’s usually the lusting romantic stage. Two people are so totally into each other there’s a magnetism and craving to be together. You feel like you know each others’ thoughts and ... Views: 1033
"Successful Relationship" from the book Pillars of Awesome Relationships
"It’s Not Fair!" How to kill a successful relationship.
Pillars of Awesome Relationship - Successful Relationshipwww.pillarsofawesomerelationhsips.com We are spiritual beings having a human experience and so often, ... Views: 2220
I wish you could see the picture of my dog, Buddy, I am holding. When we rescued him he had a mouthful of rotten teeth. The vet had to remove 22 of his teeth. When we brought him home I noticed he looked different. Because of his missing front teeth his tongue now lolls out the side of his mouth ... Views: 1063
There are few exceptions to this rule and at the moment I can’t even think of any! If you’re faking it in any area of your relationship it’s only a matter of time before it comes back and bites you.
Once you’ve faked it, you’ve painted yourself into a corner with only two options: staying in ... Views: 1064
One reason your relationships tend to fail is that you start out well enough, but then slowly, without realizing it, you start to give away your power. This process is insidious and before you know it, instead of having a healthy give and take, the relationship has lost its balance. When you ... Views: 4122
"Boundaries" from Chaprter 7 of Pillars of Awesome Relationships.
“I only have to be willing to get up one more time than him,” Deena said about disciplining her son and constantly enforcing boundaries with him. Her son tested limits and pushed boundaries with her all day, every day. She ... Views: 1601
"Boundaries" from Chaprter 7 of Pillars of Awesome Relationships.
“I only have to be willing to get up one more time than him,” Deena said about disciplining her son and constantly enforcing boundaries with him. Her son tested limits and pushed boundaries with her all day, every day. She ... Views: 1641
It is a human need to feel a sense of power; with the most important power of all said to be based around having a sense of personal power. This is more of an inner power, where one is generally in control of themselves, as opposed to being in control of others.
And when it comes to the area ... Views: 4374
In this tougher economy, couples are finding it necessary to take the jobs they can get, and that means more couples work different shifts. If one of you works a “graveyard shift” or rotating shift job that limits your time together; the difference in your shifts and commutes may mean you ... Views: 1662
To have a relationship where one feels a healthy sense of love from another, is one of the most important elements of having a fulfilling relationship. Love can mean different things to different people, but generally this can include: affection, kindness, support, validation, touch, care and ... Views: 8787
"Spiritual Relationships"
from my book Pillars of Awesome Relationships . . .
We are spiritual beings and we never get farther away from our true spiritual nature than when we are triggered in an intimate relationship. Intimate relationships can be the most challenging part of living a ... Views: 1544
It is often said that in the very beginning of a relationship, one doesn’t see the other person for who they are, what they see is their own projections. So here, one will create all kinds of associations in their mind and attach these to the other person.
The other person may even posses one ... Views: 1806
There are all kinds of ideas in the world as to how a relationship should be. These ideas are often shaped by popular culture, from influences such as Disney or Hollywood films. And by taking on board these perspectives, some people can come to expect relationships to be easy and straight ... Views: 2117
Relationships can be fulfilling or unfulfilling and they also have the potential to create incredible satisfaction or immense frustration. There will be people who one can connect with without too many challenges appearing and others who cause one to question the human race.
But regardless of ... Views: 1686
To watch the video click here:
Dr. Romance's Guidelines for Creating a Sexual Agreement:
* Set up a problem-solving session:
* Having a time to talk about sex will help you create trust and sexual openness which makes finding solutions much easier.
* Begin with reassurance and ... Views: 2333
" I'm going to make this place your home"
I was just listening to the radio and heard a song by Philip Philips entitled "Home." It reminded me of how important it is to return home whenever we feel overwhelmed with the day-to-day happenings of life. I know it is true in my case that I've ... Views: 1591
Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s an old wive’s tale and what the truth is when it comes to the link between sex and your health, so Dating with Dignity compiled some TRUTHS for you about S-E-X, your health, vitality and overall mojo.
Sex does a body good.
Regular sex (safe sex!) can actually ... Views: 1367
Have you ever wished that your relationship with your partner will be at a similar level of friendship like the one you have with your closest friend? That with him you would be able to talk about everything in the open, like really two soul-mates? Hellas, this is often not the case. And when ... Views: 1440
Overcoming Upset
How to overcome upset by developing connection to
resources for a peaceful and content life
This is an excerpt from upcoming book “Anatomy of Upset” by Behnam Bakhshandeh
As we all know by now UPSET is big part of our daily living. We are upset a lot and it seems ... Views: 1804
You probably never saw it coming, and out of the blue your lover decided to breakup with you. However, you still have feelings for them and want to know how to get your ex back. We all have gone through a breakup in our relationships at certain times in our live, so you are not alone. You feel ... Views: 1022
Have you been thoroughly considering what to say to get your ex girlfriend back? The fact is that, getting her back is easier than you think. However, men find it difficult to control their feelings. Women can easily detect the feelings of men from their face. More often than not, men allow ... Views: 807
This week's message is about relationships in the deepest sense. As a very independent, stubborn, and don't-try-to-control-me type person, it's been hard for me to face up to the many many times I needed to depend on others. Yet when I have, there's been a softening inside, a ... Views: 1395
In order to have a relationship with someone it is important that they are actually available. And although this can seem like a normal and an obvious thing to expect, it is not always the case for some people.
For them, it can seem as though it is impossible to attract someone into their ... Views: 1736
If you wanna have success in this world, then your ability to make yourself likeable will play an essential role. Find out what makes a person likeable and you will access a very important resource for your personal or professional success.
The truth is there are lots of things that can ... Views: 2087
When it comes to creating a deeper connection and a lasting impression on others; it is often assumed that sharing ones good points is the best approach to take. To share ones vulnerable side is something that should be avoided at all costs.
This means that successes and achievements should ... Views: 1908
If you have been trying for quite some time now to develop an intimate relationship but are not successful, in most likelihood you keep trying, keep dating others, hoping and praying that one day, eventually, you will succeed.
But would you? Is there truly a reason to believe that if you ... Views: 1149
When it comes to the outlook of what men are like, there is clearly not just one idea that a woman can have. And while some have an idea that men are a certain way, others view them in a completely different way.
And no matter what this view is, it is one that is going to have massive effect ... Views: 1715
“What’s With Left & Right Brain?”
• 1. “I’m confused, professor. Is there a left & right brain dominance? Which is better?”
• 2. “The answer is too important to leave it to “educators”, who like things complicated, so they have a job explaining intentionally, abstract ideas. My cousin Albert ... Views: 1259
“What’s With Left & Right Brain?”
• 1. “I’m confused, professor. Is there a left & right brain dominance? Which is better?”
• 2. “The answer is too important to leave it to “educators”, who like things complicated, so they have a job explaining intentionally, abstract ideas. My cousin Albert ... Views: 1176
“What’s With Left & Right Brain?”
• 1. “I’m confused, professor. Is there a left & right brain dominance? Which is better?”
• 2. “The answer is too important to leave it to “educators”, who like things complicated, so they have a job explaining intentionally, abstract ideas. My cousin Albert ... Views: 1224
Single mothers who wish to find a partner with whom to develop a serious and successful relationship need to be aware of their expectations and needs and share these with the prospective partner. If he will do likewise they increase the likelihood of becoming able to develop and ... Views: 1283
There is no doubting the importance that relationships have in life. They have the power to create incredible happiness, meaning and fulfilment. And they also have the power to create extreme unhappiness, pain and emptiness.
For some people, the good that a relationship brings, outweighs the ... Views: 1752
Sometimes, as you wonder about your relationship with your partner, you might wonder how it goes with others’ relationships: Are your issues similar to theirs? How do others combat, struggle with and solve their problems? How happy others are? How often do they make love – and whether whatever ... Views: 1052
A big part of being intimate involves being able to share ones reality with another person. Here, one will share what they are feeling, thinking and sensing.
And while this may sound clear enough to understand, it is not always the easiest thing to do in a relationship. One of the primary ... Views: 1821
There are those who, in order to feel happy in their relationship, deny and reject all “negative feelings” which have to do with what they don’t like about their bond. But the only way to “be there” in the relationship, to experience it, enjoy it and grow with it (and with your partner) is to ... Views: 1145
Although relationships are often seen as two people sharing who they are with the other each and with both of them being on the same level; this doesn’t always take place. And when this doesn’t happen, one of the reasons can be due to one person trying to rescue the other.
Now, in order for ... Views: 6241
A curious episode happened in the small city-state of Singapore in the fall of 1967. More than 400 panic-stricken men rushed to the hospitals there, fearing losing their penises.
According to Dr. Scott Mendelson, author of the book The Great Singapore Penis Panic:
“Each feared that if his ... Views: 2906
Is there a correlation between having a partner and being happy? Some believe that the “trick” to being happy is to have a relationship, as if it will solve all problems: depression, sadness, low self-esteem and so on. Having a relationship – so they believe – will make them satisfied and ... Views: 1448
While there can be general meanings to words, there can also be personal meanings to words and intimacy is no different in this respect. Intimacy is generally described as what occurs when one person is close to another. And although one can be close to friend's, family or colleagues for ... Views: 2290
To have a relationship that is healthy and functional is something that most people want in this world. Now, for some people this is reality and for others; this is often nothing more than a good idea and something that eludes them.
And while there are people who have fulfilling relationships ... Views: 2747
Many clients come to me telling me I am the last resort for saving their relationship. Talk about pressure! They say they feel angry and resentful. Some say they have given up hope or feel numb to their partner. They tell me that I am their last hope before contacting the lawyers. ... Views: 1250
Want to get him back fast? The secret to getting him back fast involves a number of things on your part. The tips below assume that you and your boyfriend are experiencing a minor break up - as in, you two are still on speaking terms. If this is not the case, continue to read on because I do ... Views: 869
Suffering a break up with one's girlfriend can send you into despondency. You may struggle with continuing your daily life. However, if you want to regain this relationship, knowing how to get a girl back can determine whether or not you has a place in her future.
The first thing that you ... Views: 906
Love Lives Within The Truth of Your Heart
The sacred energy in the world amongst us all is love. It is what keeps the spirit alive.
Love has an immeasurable power to connect us no matter where we may be. It is a gentle heart to heart, soul to soul nudging. For it is only your heart that ... Views: 1217
Is the difference between being open and closed emotionally simply being focused or preoccupied? Maybe we are just too preoccupied with the stresses and problems of life to be able to relax our mind enough and that is partially what prevents our ability to feel and connect.
Feeling your heart ... Views: 1889
While it is often the intention to have a relationship that is free from games and all the drama that they can create; this does not always mean that one will avoid them altogether. And as a result of this, one may come to the conclusion that they have absolutely no control as to whether their ... Views: 2334
Keep it monogamous with these ideas.
Have you gotten to the point where you want to spice things up in the bedroom? Well the key is to become submissive. Have you been together for a long time and don’t know what else to try? Well I have a few ideas that may work based on experience. These new ... Views: 3929
How to show your boyfriend that you care about him? How to make your girlfriend feel loved? Try sending your loved one a short love message or love poem telling him or her ‘I love you’. It’s personal and immediate, whether via SMS or via more recent messaging services like Whatsapp. There are at ... Views: 2086
Dear Friend,
… We are generally conditioned through our life experiences that we must deserve love, not only from others, but also from ourselves. This influence comes from our very early childhood. We can all remember the situations in our childhood, when we as little children were punished ... Views: 1574
It is wonderful to dream and fantasize about a wonderful relationship with a wonderful person. Who wouldn’t want to be involved with a great intimacy? But often, when you meet someone, even if at the beginning of the relationship you believe you have indeed seen your dream come true, slowly but ... Views: 1463