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A lot of things in your life have probably started to slow down as you’ve aged. Maybe your digestion isn’t as effective and running around isn’t as easy. These are to be expected as we grow old. But there’s one aspect in our life that can actually get better over the years and that’s intimacy ... Views: 1060
When someone spends their time around people who have an open-heart, they are likely to appreciate being around them. Whereas, if they were to spend their time around people who were the complete opposite; there is the chance that they will feel uncomfortable.
This is because when people ... Views: 1448
Even though one can have the need to be in a relationship with someone who is available, it doesn’t mean that this takes place. Instead, they can end up attracting people who unable to be there for them.
If this was something that they could overlook it wouldn’t matter, but as this is not ... Views: 1574
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was browsing the net and came across one of your articles "No Strings Attached Sex" which I found very interesting as it relates to a situation I am facing currently.
I am a young male and I cannot handle having sex for a while with a person ... Views: 1347
While there are some people who are able to receive, there are others who are unable to do so. What this means is that although someone needs something, it is not possible for them to have it.
There are then going to be others who experience life differently, and it will be possible for them ... Views: 2503
When a woman sees her husband is touched with tenderness toward her from Scripture and that he prays for God's blessing on their marriage, her heart is touched and she may even weep with love for God and him. This could be a secret wish or unidentified need of half the world's ... Views: 1314
Relationships are relentless in mirroring back to us all that we need to be aware of, heal and transform. The common trap is to make the other person wrong and believe they need to change in some way for the relationship to improve. Truly transformational growth comes when we accept that they ... Views: 3360
So many couples are now separated part- or full-time because of military deployment and/or work travel and schedules, I get a lot of questions about faithfulness. Your marriage vows may have said, “'til death do us part” but no one said anything about what happens when a military ... Views: 1256
It is often said that when one door closes, another door opens, and what this shows is that the end of one thing can be the beginning of another. However, in order for someone to walk through a new door, they will need to walk away from the old door.
Yet, even though the old door has closed, ... Views: 3007
I often write about good relationship habits, so this month, I thought I’d explore some of the bad habits I see in my counseling practice that lead to strife and struggle in relationships.
Hopefully, if you recognize any of these habits in your own relationship, you’ll work ... Views: 1212
You have probably heard me say this a bunch by now but your life is what you make it. If it is lacking passion then, it is your job to bring it back. Sometimes, this requires a mental shift. Sometimes, this requires taking action to create more of what we want in our external life. A little of ... Views: 1672
Everybody has wisdom; we just do not always know how to tap it. We value our thoughts and identify with them, sometimes more than our wisdom. To really tap inner wisdom, we have to go beyond thinking and be receptive to the Wisdom of our Body.
Visualize linear thinking as an unbroken ... Views: 1447
Dear Dr. Romance:
I was hoping for a little advice on my relationship now that is truly wonderful and appears to be the best relationship of my life. Things are souring from my end, which I could not understand why, until this morning when it dawned on me. I have never been as happy as I am now ... Views: 1300
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have a friend who's asking for an advice and accidentally, I saw in the Internet your advices to some heart problems. So I told myself to try ask help from you also. This lady friend of mine is well, kind of in love with a man who's also in love with her. ... Views: 1112
It is often said that human beings are inherently vulnerable, and this is something that can’t be denied. Yet, this doesn’t mean that one is able to embrace this; as they can end up doing everything they can to come across as though they are invulnerable.
The image that they present to the ... Views: 1478
I must follow on from my interpretation of ego as the root cause of climate change. On a spiritual level that may well be so, but what other more tangible explanations are there for this horrific destruction of our planet and species? A phenomenon we are almost paralysed to resolve.
I say it is ... Views: 1310
The energy of sexuality and erotic sensual attraction is a physical expression of the sacred energy of love, or the urge for union, and the actual experience of union, or intimate communion of our energies at every level of our being. The urge for physical ... Views: 6634
Our individual life energy form feels inwardly empty, deficient, dissatisfied, restless, until it is filled with the relational energy substance of life as love by connecting in empathic vibratory attunement to other ... Views: 1961
Relationships are the one of the most rewarding and challenging parts of our life. There are types of personal development that we are unable to do unless we are in relationship and there are ways that relationships push us to do work that we would not be otherwise motivated to do.
One of ... Views: 1330
There are times in life where it will be important for one to be serious and then there will be times when this is not the case. If one was to come across as one way all the time, they are going to be out of balance.
However, this doesn’t mean that one is going to spend half of each day ... Views: 1856
How can i win my ex back; Why did you dump that guy you allegedly cared so much about? Did he do something terrible to upset you or was it something small that just annoyed you? You care about him enough that you are having second thoughts about why you dumped him and now would like to get him ... Views: 1257
What should i do to get my ex girlfriend back; You have gone through a break up with your girlfriend and you now want to get her back. If you just now broke up you need to take some time off to get over it, this will allow you to start thinking clearly so you can make the right moves. If you ... Views: 1109
What to do when you want your ex boyfriend back; Do you miss your ex boyfriend after breaking up? Are you wondering what you are going to do about getting him back? There are many women who have said "I miss my boyfriend" and never did anything about it. If they had only made an effort to get ... Views: 748
How do i make my ex want me back; If you feel your relationship is not doing too well, what can you do about it? Is it possible your relationship is too far gone to save it? Or hopefully you are willing to start early to fix things when signs of trouble emerge. If the relationship has gotten ... Views: 958
When one feels close to someone, there are likely to be a number of reasons why. One may know what these reasons are, or it may take them a while to realise why they feel the way they do.
The connection they feel with the other person is likely to have built up over time. This is not to say ... Views: 1556
Get my man back; If you have experienced a break up with your boyfriend and now want him back, how are you going to do it? The trouble with many in this situation is trying to figure out how to get an ex back. Many times it is done all wrong or for the wrong reasons and the situation only gets ... Views: 1039
Sms for ex boyfriend; Strangely, many girls can dump their boyfriends for seemingly no reason. It looks like they just have the urge to do it and move on, even if the boyfriend did nothing wrong. Then there are times that the girl will want to get back together fairly soon, or sometimes ... Views: 850
Help me get my ex back; If you have decided you want to have your ex back then by all means do it. If you keep putting it off because you are scared they will turn you down you will never know. You will always be wondering what if. So just go ahead a do it. And you may have to pay no attention ... Views: 865
How To Make Up With Your Ex Girlfriend; If you are wondering, if you can get your ex back the answer is yes, depending on your actions. Your best bet is your girlfriend still loves you even if you caused this break up. How to make up with your ex girlfriend; In this case she would be more ... Views: 1289
How can you tell if your ex still likes you; Here are some super tips on how to get your ex girlfriend back. Trying to wing it because you are not really sure what to do is only going to cause more problems between you and your ex. Your best bet at getting her back is to follow some methods that ... Views: 840
I previously wrote about the assumptions and expectations we bring into a relationship, and the patterns of forcing they can set up. Sounds simple in theory but what exactly am I talking about? How do you recognise your own automatic assumptions and patterns and then change them in ways that ... Views: 1470
Relationships are the core of Life, but they can be a challenge. The real challenge is the way you deal with the differences that start to show up. They always show up because you have two people with different communication styles, different ways of resolving issues, different needs and ... Views: 1681
How to make your ex girlfriend chase you; You can be overwhelmed when you have broken up with your girlfriend. The feelings of pain and irritation can take over your life if you are not cautious. You even may be thinking about getting back with your girlfriend but you need to avoid any mistakes ... Views: 981
Letters to get your ex boyfriend back; Loosing a boyfriend by breaking up can be a big disappointment. What if you did not want to break up but your ex boyfriend thought it would be finest at this time. Now you want to get your guy back but you are not sure of what to do. There are some things ... Views: 920
Tips on how to get your ex back again; What does it take to get your ex boyfriend back when you are the one that chased him away? You may have done something to make him angry and he just said that's enough and left or maybe you are not even sure why he left. Whatever the reason for him leaving ... Views: 813
What to say to my ex to get him back; If you are looking for instructions for getting your ex back here is your first. You need to go away from them for at least a few weeks after your break up. This may sound oppose creative to your aim of getting your ex back but this first step is crucially ... Views: 1923
How to ask your ex back out; After breaking up with your lover, you find you really need them and want to get them back. How do you go about this without messing up and making them run further away from you? You will first have to decide if getting back with them is the right thing to do before ... Views: 945
Make your ex girlfriend miss you; Getting your ex girlfriend back that has a new boyfriend will be confront for you. After the two of you had broken up, your ex may have met a new guy already because this new one prospect of a new relationship seemed attractive to her. The guy will be trying to ... Views: 804
When this subject is mentioned, people often think about about sex and intimacy and all the physical and emotional stimulation that goes with it – the excitement of it all. That is part of passion, but I want to broaden it out beyond that and explore how we cultivate passion for the whole ... Views: 1906
My stepfather Dick (not a pseudonym) is incredibly kind.
He is so kind it often makes others around him uncomfortable. His kindness enervates a room and can trigger others to tease or to create an opposing position.
He is regularly, persistently and unceasingly complimentary. He sees the ... Views: 1425
Human beings have an inherent need to share who they are with others; they need to be seen and heard. When this happens, one will share what is really taking place for them and not what they think someone wants to hear or what will make them look ‘right’.
However, in order for someone to ... Views: 1517
Bob and his girlfriend Carol got into an argument one day and Carol stormed out saying she never wants to see him again. Do ex girlfriends ever come back; This left Bob devastated as this came so unexpectedly and he was desperate to find out how to get her back.
What Bob needs to understand ... Views: 1573
Originally published here: http://www.nurturingmarriage.org/the-little-things/3-ways-to-live-without-regret
Time never stops marching on. I remember watching TV every New Year's Eve, and seeing the ball in Times Square drop - all while inevitably hearing my parents say, "Every year seems to ... Views: 1051
Originally published here: http://www.nurturingmarriage.org/the-little-things/the-10-best-compliments-you-can-give-your-wife
Your wife is the most incredible woman in your life! She is talented, confident, beautiful, and funny. She's the woman of your dreams and means absolutely everything to ... Views: 2651
You have probably experienced a relationship break up if you are reading this. Winning back an ex; If you want to get your ex back, hopefully you read this before you do anything. The reason is there are right and wrong ways to go about getting your ex to come back to you.
Tips for winning ex ... Views: 816
There are nine important benefits of high self-worth and when we apply these we will truly create more fulfilling relationships. Here is a brief overview of all nine. There is much more that can be said but this will give you an idea of how you can transform any relationship from stress and ... Views: 1108
Most of us were not taught how to conduct relationships effectively, harmoniously and happily. We learned in a haphazard way through the role modelling we experienced and as adults just do what we learned from our parents and other significant adults. If those relationships were unhappy and ... Views: 1161
Do you want to get your ex girlfriend back? Here are some great guidelines that may work for you. How to get a man back after you hurt him; Keep in mind that getting your girlfriend back depends on why you broke up and what has happened since then.
If you are sure this is what you want then ... Views: 2690
Many of us believe that we should “just know how” to relate in ways that bring us happiness. However, creating healthy and fulfilling relationships is an art and a practice. Before we get into some tools for creating more fulfilling relationships take a moment to look at some of the components ... Views: 957
While it is relatively easy for someone to share their body with another person, the same can’t be said about their heart. This means that although the need is there for someone to share how they feel with another person, it is not something that always feels comfortable.
However, just ... Views: 1665