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Research has well-established the link between good self-esteem and relationship satisfaction. Self-esteem not only affects how we think about ourselves, but also how much love we’re able to receive and how we treat others, especially in intimate relationships.
A person’s initial level of ... Views: 2081
While there are some people who are in relationships that could be described as ‘functional’; there are others who are in relationships that could be described as ’dysfunctional’. And as a result of this, their experience on this planet is going to be radically different.
One Experience
... Views: 1436
A divorce, separation or formal break up is a tough situation that people find themselves in everyday. There are always hard feelings between the parties involved and anger or hurt feelings can sometimes take over common sense. With mobile phones and SMS text messaging things can turn ugly ... Views: 2392
Do something different this Valentine, something extra special for and with your beloved partner. What could you do to create an ‘out-of-this-world’ love experience that would make your partner’s heart melt and feel extra loved and taken care of?
Here is what you want to do:
Prepare YOUR ... Views: 1307
When one feels comfortable with their own feelings, it will give them the ability to open up to others. In fact, it could be said that it will be normal for this to take place, and this is going to mean that their relationships are likely to be far more fulfilling than they would be if this ... Views: 1506
Do you remember when you were a newlywed and intimacy was at the top of your and your beloveds list? Do you remember how very close you felt? Even if they weren’t around, when you thought of them you felt like everything was right in your world. It was. You were deeply connected at an ... Views: 1058
Being touched and caressed by someone we love is essential to our emotional health; adding libido boosting essential oils to the mix will TAKE YOU TO THE MOON!
There are many erogenous zones that many of us are unaware of; if that’s you, take a peek at my Sensual Massage page that has a great ... Views: 1169
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
-Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
Do you want that relationship that lasts a lifetime and is nurturing for both of you? That relationship that truly makes you feel like the amazing human ... Views: 1033
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
-Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
Do you want that relationship that lasts a lifetime and is nurturing for both of you? That relationship that truly makes you feel like the amazing human ... Views: 1138
If your relationship is good, you shouldn't have to "work" on it, right?
Fairy tales promote the effortless happily-ever-after marriage myth when we are at an impressionable age. Later we view romantic movies and read novels with happily-ever-after endings.
Consequently, it's easy to ... Views: 1512
If someone was to talk to a number of people about what their relationships are like, they are likely to hear about a wide range of experiences. While some of these people could be in a relationship, there are bound to be others who are not.
So depending on what their current situation is, ... Views: 1479
Dear Dr. Romance: I am 39 & my boyfriend is 51. He takes Viagra & Cialis (on an as needed basis). We have a terrific relationship. We seem to have no problem lying there & falling asleep for a short time after making love. I have a really comfortable bed, ... Views: 1685
Even though a relationship can start off in a certain way, it doesn’t mean that it will be the same as time passes. On one hand, this can be seen as something that just happens as two people get to know each other better, and on the other hand, it can mean that one person was putting on an ... Views: 1934
If one was to read a description about what it means to have a healthy relationship, they are unlikely to come across the importance of one person controlling the other. If they were to come across the word ‘control’, they may hear about the importance of self-control.
This is because there ... Views: 1624
Dear Dr. Romance:
I have read your article "Fair Fight Guidlines" and it is impressive. I like to ask your advise for the following situation:
I have married for 20 years and three beautifull children. My wife whom I love the most, uses power struggle tactics: guilt and ... Views: 1321
It should be fun meeting new people over the holidays, but socializing can be stressful for many people.
So develop a strategy first and do your homework: assess your own ‘things I like to do’ list and know which activities and personalities that best support your energy.
Whether you are ... Views: 929
While one can end up with someone who they are attracted to, they can also end up with someone who they are not attracted to. If they were to end up with someone they are attracted to, it could be said that they will be a lot happier.
A Meal
One way of looking at this would be to ... Views: 1514
A sexual relationship is an act of sharing sacredness of body and mind with the partner. It is very much important relations in almost everyone life. There are certain aspects of sacred that you do not want to share with anyone. These aspects, such as memories, weakness and of the same, are your ... Views: 1212
When someone has the ability to empathise with others, they might expect to attract people into their life who are the same. But while they can have this outlook, it doesn’t mean that this is what will take place.
Instead, they can end up attracting people who are the completely opposite, ... Views: 1527
If you are turned on by eyes, you may have a form of partialism, or in other words, a fetish for one particular part of the body.
Many people have heard about people with a foot fetish, but not that much is known about other weird attractions to bits and pieces of the body, not including ... Views: 2640
When someone has the desire to achieve something, they can end up imagining what their life would be like if they were to achieve it. On one hand, they could believe that it will have a small impact on their life, and on the other hand, they could believe that it will have significant impact on ... Views: 1633
When it comes to fixing something, it is not uncommon for some kind of diagnosis to take place. Once this has taken place, the appropriate action can then be taken, and before long, it could be back to normal.
Alternatively, someone could find that something doesn’t work and instead of ... Views: 1476
For some people, experiencing intimacy will be a normal part of life, and it is then not going to be something that they will need to worry about. If this wasn’t the case and they were unable to experience intimacy, it could be something that ends up consuming their whole life.
Their need to ... Views: 1602
While some people can maintain their sense of self in a relationship, there are others who are unable to do this. As a result, their experiences are going to be radically different, and this could be how they have been for most of their life.
A Big Difference
When one is able to maintain ... Views: 1801
The biggest erogenous zone for women is not between her legs but between her ears. Stimulating her body is the easy part. Stimulating her mind shows her what you are really made of. There are many different ways to stimulate a woman’s mind so try different techniques. Study, listen and ... Views: 15088
Success In Sex?
You are probably wondering what kind of title THIS is, or is it just some kind of scammy hook to get you to read yet another bland article about another bland topic!
Nope! Neither. This time around, I am venturing outside my normal business/lifestyle topics into the spicier ... Views: 1144
Phone Sex and Sexting have become a huge part of our society over the past decade.
It has become such commonplace among young adults that no one is surprised when they run across sexually explicit material on another person's smartphone. They most likely do not even think twice about it. ... Views: 1972
If you do for others and neglect your own needs, you are not nurturing yourself and you are not aligned with your true self. Often people are told they are selfish if they think of themselves and and put their needs before others, but really we strengthen ourselves when we listen to our own ... Views: 1321
Do you want to get back with your ex-boyfriend? Remember what brought you together in the first place: Attraction. Bring the spark back by getting his attention and exciting him for the things to come. A way to light the fire up is to flirt with your man. Flirting with your ex and other guys are ... Views: 8335
How to make your ex girlfriend come crawling back even if she was the one who called the relationship off? That might seem like a super power technique or a mind control machine but the truth is you can do it without any high-tech machine or a magic spell. If you did the things we will discuss ... Views: 10920
My intention with this article is to bring to the light of day the process that is born between, in this case, two individuals who clearly have a lot of love for one another, yet don't know anymore how to share it and simply end up on a path of mutual recrimination, often, or perhaps mostly, ... Views: 1281
"My ex boyfriend won't talk to me and I still love him." If you've been saying or thinking this lately, don't panic. It's frustrating and confusing when you still have strong feelings for a man and he won't even give you the time of day. Many women find themselves facing this exact set of ... Views: 8082
If one was asked to think about a time in their life where they have been hurt by someone, there is a strong chance that it won’t be long until someone comes to mind. And while this might cause them to think about a certain event; they might think about a number of things that took place.
The ... Views: 1439
You've lost your Aquarius man. It's come as an enormous emotional blow to you. You loved him and imagined a future filled with wonderfully, fulfilling moments with him. Although many people will tell you that the best thing you can do is to pick yourself up and move on, that may not be possible. ... Views: 19975
"I want my ex boyfriend to miss me." Have you said that recently? Do you wish for nothing more than a second chance with your ex? Sadly, many women feel exactly the same way you do. Going through a break up is hard enough. It's overwhelming when you are still in love with your boyfriend. It's ... Views: 1737
Pornography has been a huge part of the Internet since its inception, but it did not really become a global epidemic until Internet Protocols like file sharing became readily available to the public.
The adult entertainment industry was not as profitable and sophisticated then as it is today, ... Views: 1610
We don´t like to be vulnerable. We don´t like to be at the mercy of pain and sadness or any other intense emotion that runs through our body. We like to be in control of what we feel and experience, to defend ourselves whenever we are hurt, to appear strong and powerful.
So we run from our ... Views: 1014
Dr Romance recommends couples increase their mutual respect and appreciation by having a regular "State of the Union" meeting. Here are two simple techniques you can use in all kinds of relationships: couples, families, even work partners and friends, to enhance your cooperation, ... Views: 1153
When we say the word testosterone, most people will automatically think of men. Typically known as a male hormone, it’s quite rare for women to be concerned about their testosterone levels, but they should be.
Although testosterone plays a larger role in men, women can still suffer if their ... Views: 827
I woke up quite early this morning. Strictly speaking I do not know whether I woke up or whether I was really woken up by a dream. It was one of those very real dreams, the one you want to go back to and complete it. In it I was with my best male friend, whom I really was in love with. I was ... Views: 981
Your ex boyfriend hasn't called. You've waited and waited and waited and still no call from him at all. No text messages or emails either. It seems he's gone silent and with each day that passes you fear more and more it means that he's moved on and left you in the past. That's not necessarily ... Views: 1421
Being in love with an ex boyfriend is never an easy thing. Any woman who is in this situation typically spends hours each day reminiscing about when things were good between her and the man she adores. She wishes she could turn back time so he'd love her all over again. If this sounds like you, ... Views: 11390
How someone behaves at the beginning of a relationship can be different to how they behave as time goes by, and while a certain amount of change is normal, it doesn’t mean it is normal for someone to completely change. This could mean that as time passes they end up becoming someone else, or it ... Views: 1334
Leaning Back is all about existing in your Feminine Power.
Leaning Back is purposely NOT doing anything from your Masculine Power when interacting with a man.
Remember, being in your Feminine Power involves:
and ... Views: 5973
Even though a woman wants to be in an intimate relationship, it doesn’t mean that this takes place. However, while there will be some women who realise that this is because they fear intimacy, there are going to be others who are unaware of why they are unable to experience it.
In the first ... Views: 2457
While there are some people who embrace their inherent vulnerability, there are others who do everything they can to come across as invulnerable. This is not to say that these are the only options available, as there are likely to be people who alternate between the two.
There will then be ... Views: 1971
Ever since Daniel Goleman wrote Emotional Intelligence, we have heard that phrase a lot, but perhaps you never heard it explained. Emotional intelligence is a valuable skill, because it means you know how to work with all kinds of people, understand them and get along with them. Once you ... Views: 1167
There are going to be times in one’s life when they meet someone for the first time, and how they greet them is likely have a big impact on what happens after they have met. This is because the other person’s first impressions are going to be heavily influenced by what takes place during this ... Views: 1922
While some people can let go of a relationship once it is over, there are others who are unable to do so. When someone is able let go, it will be possible for them to move on and to embrace the present moment.
However, if they are unable to do this, it is not going to be possible for them to ... Views: 6261
We all need a minimum sense of safety and security to relax and get on with our life, whatever we are doing. That level will vary from person to person but the need is universal.
The following story is typical and scenarios similar to this get played out in many relationships.
Michael ... Views: 1098