Michael Mohoric is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Energy Healing and Energy Medicine". You can find complete information on Michael Mohoric and his products by visiting qigongenergyhealing.com.
In Part I of this series, I wrote about how extreme sensitivity (or Highly Sensitive Person) is both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it enables you to notice subtle sensations that allow you to more deeply understand how others may be feeling. On the other hand, you can feel bombarded ... Views: 1645
There are some moments in our life when we sense something is just not right. It happens several times that we can feel a typical unusual moment quite strongly; but we can’t express the feeling or find out the likely reason responsible for triggering that awkward situation. The presence of ... Views: 3750
While I have my opinions, I rarely discuss politics especially in a professional capacity, but I have to say, I am thrilled this year's elections are over. Maybe it was all the disparaging ads (and the millions of dollars behind them) or the way it brought out the worst in people on social ... Views: 1076
Do you ever feel like the world is against you? Like you are working so hard to move toward your goals, but your feet are encased in thick mud? Or you are doing everything right, but something…some unseen force is wreaking havoc behind the scenes and everything is coming out wrong?
If ... Views: 1135
I hear this often from clients:
“I’ve done everything I can to find my soulmate. Setting intentions, visualizing the perfect relationships, and actively looking through online dating and social events. But nothing works…I’m never going to meet someone!”
“That promotion I’ve worked so hard ... Views: 1220
Do you have great ideas, but find it hard to speak up in meetings? Or maybe you procrastinate and can’t get tasks done on deadline? For every common mental block we face in the workplace, there’s a root cause. Generally, it comes from some negative belief about yourself that you picked up way ... Views: 1302
Is it really possible to get everything done all the time? I used to live with a written To Do list that was a mile long – full of my kids’ activities, errands to run and areas I needed to clean or organize. I gave up this list years ago and said I would only have on my To Do list what I could ... Views: 1174
How many times have you wanted to do something in your life, such as a trip, go to a program, visit a friend, and for whatever reason, you told yourself no… I cannot do this.
Why, I wonder do we do this? We take away what joy, passion or experience our spirit wants to have. We do not give ... Views: 1414
Have you ever had a bright idea that excited you and sounded incredible? Your energy was flowing and you couldn’t wait to get started or move to the next step. So you decide to commit yourself to it and begin. This happens all the time to me. I will have lots of great ideas for myself, my ... Views: 1342
Have you been labeled by coworkers or family members that you are “too sensitive” or “overly emotional”? Do you often feel overwhelmed when working with certain people or being in groups, and need time alone to revive? Are you fine one minute then go somewhere and feel drained and depressed the ... Views: 1535
Information based healing is a new and unique type of energy work based on accessing energetic information from the body and activating it for the purpose of healing.
The Science of Information
Science reporter Mark Buchman wrote in New Science Magazine that “an increasing number of ... Views: 1279
I was talking with Jill a few weeks ago and she was saying that the crystals she had to help her sleep weren’t working. With a little further conversation and enquiry I soon deduced why. If you, like Jill, are having trouble sleeping, waking tied and far from refreshed, it may well be worth ... Views: 2581
When I began my Reiki energy healing (now energy medicine!) practice over two decades ago, I did not intentionally focus on healing animals. But come they did, as their savvy humans knew that the same Universal Life Force that was healing them, would be effective to help their beloved ... Views: 1182
It's true.
We all have them.
You know what I mean. Don’t pretend you don’t.
** Relatives who manage to get under our skin.
** Co-workers who get away with murder while we dutifully do our jobs and get passed over for raises.
** That friend from ten years ago who stole your ... Views: 1381
If you are like many people, you may have had an inner response to the title of this column. "Energy medicine" is an emotionally loaded term that encompasses everything from the most extreme woo-woo to commonly accepted practices, like Therapeutic Touch. But there is a scientific basis for ... Views: 1108
t a Holistic Health expo in Ft. Lauderdale a few years ago I was serving on an Intuitive Panel with some very well-known psychics. A woman in the audience asked our panel, “Do people ever come back (reincarnate) as animals?” There was a long pause as panel members politely waited for each other ... Views: 1542
Do you need a hit? Great, because I can pump you up with a few therapeutic dosages of electrical energy. Don’t worry. I am not going to use an actual defibrillator. I am old school, and I am just going to do it the same way our ancestors did, with my bare hands. Oh! You didn’t think that I ... Views: 1341
We walk through life wondering why there are people that hurt us in the world. What would happen if we began to realize that they are not there to hurt us but to help heal us?
In many ways we walk through life not realizing how we affect others. We do not realize that one smile, action, or ... Views: 1666
When we are in a state of balance, we maintain optimal health and well-being. Our health is affected on all levels, including mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually by the experiences that we have in our lives.
All emotional, mental and spiritual issues, as well as, physical ... Views: 1621
Learn how easy and fast it is to detox, with Energy Healing. With so many toxins – in your cells, food, and environment, how can you know where to begin detoxing? Zillions of experts all give you conflicting advice. You need to find out what is most important for you to detox. Scroll down for a ... Views: 1583
Lent started the day before Valentine's Day. I find this interesting since they are quite the opposite. If you didn't know, Ash Wednesday is the kick off for Lent. Remembering that you came from dust and to dust you will return. This is the time of year you give something up that you have ... Views: 1358
I love irony. Irony is the reason why I was captivated by the character Hannibal Lecter in the movie “Silence of the Lambs.” He was a brilliant psychiatrist, who also happened to be a violent psychopath serving a life sentence in prison. He committed murders do to his insatiable appetite for ... Views: 2083
Have you ever watched a bag of popcorn in the microwave? The bags are relatively flat with kernels creating indentations. We normally place the bag on the microwave plate, hit the on button and watch the bag spin around and around. Then we hear the first kernel pop. Then we hear a succession ... Views: 1548
Everyone has there own technique when it comes to clearing energy. From wearing a cross, to splashing holy water, to smoking out a house, to praying close to an altar. There are dozens of wives tales about negative energy and how to clear it. I have been studying spirituality for some time ... Views: 2174
There is one thing that is an absolute complete turn-off, bad breath. It is even more disgusting when we start to understand why someone’s breath smells bad. When you don’t brush your teeth properly, you are allowing food and left over debris to literally rot in your mouth, resulting in ... Views: 1190
First of all, let’s see what are those things so many people call chakras? While the word “Chakra” means vortex or wheel, we could say chakras are energy centers. They also act like an energy filter, when they are maintained healthy your health is in a good state too, and you find it a lot ... Views: 1607
Energy healing, sometimes referred to as “Energy medicine” by many people, is one of the most effective therapies in the world that works directly with a human mind curing any physical illness, mental stress which further helps in improving overall health of a human being. Energy healing is ... Views: 869
A medical report about a child was published in France’s Medical Times and Gazette wherein electricity manifested in is body that gave a shock. This boy born in Lyons city lived for 10 months and was dealt with great care. Else he would fall down on the ground due to a shock. His daily chores ... Views: 2326
In order to overcome deadly diseases like cancer etc the sun’s rays of various hues are utilized for healing purposes. Diseases related to digestion, skin and muscles are cured via solar healing. There are many incidences wherein deadly TB too has been cured in this manner. Dr Reliyar prefers ... Views: 1256
Lord Savita Narayan or Sun God is the focal point of nature or Prakriti. All our energy is obtained from the sun. Just as without the soul our bodies cannot exist similarly the world exist because of the sun’s presence. Just as honeybees in search of honey wander near flowers so too planet earth ... Views: 1446
Let's begin with what a pendulum is...simply stated, a pendulum is a weight hanging from a fixed point. When pulled and released, the force of gravity and inertia create movement. However, when no force is inflicted on the weight something begins to happen naturally, energy moves the weight ... Views: 3665
by Don E. Brown II, MSIS
Certified Instructor; Chi Energy Heals
Qi is the electric energy associated with living organisms. Electricity, defined by Merriam-Webster, is as follows: a fundamental form of energy observable in positive and negative forms that occurs naturally (as in lightning) ... Views: 2150
As odd as it may seem, the temperature of light is not fixed; in fact, it is possible to freeze light. The usefulness of this discovery did not go unnoticed in the scientific and manufacturing communities. As stated in the article “Physicists freeze light, propose optical CPUs”, the ability to ... Views: 1339
“When you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you,” Nietzsche.
Nietzsche’s aphorism has a profound truth that is now being investigated by the scientific community. It also has important ramifications for those doing any type of chi development.
From a scientific viewpoint, the ... Views: 1763
Listen to the wisdom of your heart
Your heart is one of the most amazing organs in your body. Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 35 million times in a year. During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times. The heart is more powerful ... Views: 1366
The art of chakra healing has been used for centuries to balance important energy centers in our body called chakras. We can use a number of different tools such as stones or meditation during chakra balancing. The end result will be a physically healthier body and a happier, more peaceful ... Views: 1139
It is 2013, the Newest Year yet in recorded history as we enter the beginning of the next Mayan cycle. For some time I have been feeling, well, different. It is a bit hard to pinpoint. And so am I! I have been bumping into walls a lot. Seriously. I don’t seem to know where my body begins and ... Views: 1100
O Sun God that rises in the morning! You are the very life force of all energies. You fill up that light which gives everyone energy, health and vigor. While eulogizing sun god the Vedas say: Sa na bhudati tanvetra jugo sajan. It means: O brothers and friends! See that ball of light rising in ... Views: 2983
Life. It is the birds of the sky, the verdant lush plants that grow on the ground, the beasts of the land, small and great. It is the air we breathe, the vast stretch of water that covers over 75% of our planet. Life is the resounding breath of God in the cosmos, emanating from the stars in the ... Views: 1524
By itself, the human body can be called a statue of blood, flesh etc, a toy of clay or an admixture of the 5 great elements. The gist of all this is that when the body faces strife it can be destroyed too yet if we cogitate over its underlying existence it can be proved that it is very powerful ... Views: 1336
By itself the Prana or vital force principle is one only but in a creature’s body based on its function it is divided into many classes. The chief organs of the body are made up of flesh, muscles etc but due to differences in the union their shape etc are different. On this very basis its naming ... Views: 2514
In the world of healers there are some of which that have no experience or understanding with dealing with your kind of issues. These healers may be able to work on certain things about you that they understand but have no experience or understanding with your particular problem.
I think we ... Views: 5373
Then issues concerning using energy manifestation in a negative way, or as some would call it “Black Magic”
Today a client who was very angry with a man who had treated her horribly, asked me about using black magic and creating negative energy to make him as miserable as he had made ... Views: 1585
The Shrutis (Vedas) say:
Devi vachamjanayanta devastam
Vishwaroopaha pashavo vadanti.
Sa no mandreshvamurgam duhana
MEANING: Subtle speech is Goddess. It is the entire world manifest. She is the mother of demigods. Demigods are Mantra in nature. This ... Views: 3104
Too often as a massage therapist I work on clients who complain about chronic shoulder or neck pain. They discuss with me the diagnoses given to them from their doctor that they now have bursitis or arthritis in their joints, even sometimes with degenerating bone mass.
Too often these ... Views: 1177
Its no coincidence that during this era of our life time Mars is the planet of exploration. In fact the planet Mars has everything to do with emotions that are running wild in different parts of the world. Mars is the known as the red planet, and the color red has long been associated with ... Views: 1315
Everything in the Universe is vibrational in nature, including you. In other words, the essence of what you are is pure energy, oscillating at a certain vibrational frequency. Maybe you’ve never given much thought to your vibrational frequency before; however, once you understand how it governs ... Views: 5216
The latest in the meditation practitioner’s world is all abuzz with stories about the “healing power of sounds” also know as “sound healing”. Sound healing has been around for a long time but now only recently has started to be used and recognized as a legitimate therapy practice, from simple ... Views: 1413
In Yoga Vashishtha (6/1/81/39) text while throwing light on Mantra Energy it is written:
Yathavireka kurvanti haritamya swabhavataha.
Bhavanavashataha karya tatha paralvadayaha.
MEANING: O Rama! Just as by eating yellow myrobalan the digestion system functions more quickly and thus ... Views: 7281
Did you know that physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues are handed down for numerous generations in your DNA? You may be addressing challenges in this life that were cellularly handed down from your grandparents and great-great-grandparents.
If You leave unresolved matters in your ... Views: 2550