Learn how easy and fast it is to detox, with Energy Healing. With so many toxins – in your cells, food, and environment, how can you know where to begin detoxing? Zillions of experts all give you conflicting advice. You need to find out what is most important for you to detox. Scroll down for a Free Energy Healing Detox!

“Detoxing” (the Now Healing way) is not about working directly on the physical level to remove physical toxins. It really means completely detaching from the field of influence of the toxin - not just physically. Because the physical level is just one of many parts of existence – the universe is not just matter, it is mind, and energy, and information, and life! So our Energetic detoxing takes all that into account. That way, you’re not resonating with toxins, on any level - emotional, mental, and through resonance.

The essential thing is for you to remain Whole, in the presence of the so-called “toxin.” And you can really only do that energetically, because when you use a detox diet or supplements or chelation or any kind of physical detox, it only works on one or two levels of existence. You need to zap them all!

The “mind” and “information” levels are just as important as the level of “matter.” We need to remain non-attached to standard thought forms and definitions of what is “bad” for you or “good” for you. It’s not about bad or good, it’s about what disconnects you, and what connects you. Some of what you assume is “bad” may not actually be a problem for you, because it may not disconnect you – you remain Whole in its presence. But maybe your energy field crashes in its absence.

Reversals like that can often wreak havoc; because maybe your field is nice and strong and whole in the presence of, say for instance, parasites. But perhaps it’s when you have no parasites that your field crashes, because you want to be a good host, karmically, or you want to have more life energy inside you! And you obviously won’t be aware of that on a conscious level.

Get a Free Alignment for your individual detox needs here: Instant Energetic Detox - Free Sample.

Author's Bio: 

Elma founded NowHealing.com to give you clear, down-to-earth techniques for effortless transformation. She shares how you can upgrade your own healing ability.For more details visit http://www.nowhealing.com/ .