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You long to be free…
Free from the shackles of a life that is okay but not quite what you want.
You kinda know what you want but you are scared that it is too big…
Or it is impossible for you…
Or you are simply scared that you have invested so much time and energy following the rules ... Views: 839
It is so easy to fall into the trap of looking for affirmation about who you are from other people. It is even worse now with social media. You look for engagement as a measure of how well loved you are but really, it is no measure at all.
Tell me, how many pieces of content do you read a ... Views: 862
It is easy to forget why you do what you do in the heat of everyday challenges…
And I certainly forgot yesterday…
All kinds of events being thrown at me…
Facing fears…
Teaching children…
People trying to tell me what to think…
Me forgetting that I don’t have to listen…
Me ... Views: 851
It is hard to just show up…
To just be you…
To believe that you are enough…
You want to dress it up…
You don’t want anyone to see the real you…
Because you don’t think they will like it…
And so you ask questions like “How long should my videos be?”
“How many words should I ... Views: 975
One day blends into another day into another day INTO a week and you still have not done what you promised yourself you would do by now.
I know how that goes, I used to live that way.
Being pulled in every direction…
Being yanked from my own vision-focused, narrow path to fulfil the ... Views: 1025
You know what?!!! I KNOW it feels real, very real!
The reasons why you are stuck in place doing nothing much.
It all feels legitimate!
You tell yourself that you cannot do anything while you feel this way…
You tell yourself that you do not know enough…
You tell yourself that no ... Views: 914
Today, I am starting the ‘FREE YOUR SEXUALITY’ free 3 day mini-course and it scares me a little because I will be asking people to think through the rules they live to in terms of their sexuality.
And people get scared when their foundations get shaken.
And scared people can lash out at ... Views: 1074
I was actually going to title this something about – DEATH IS COMING. ARE YOU READY?
But I thought that might be too morbid and so I changed it a little. I am not sure if that was a wimpy decision or not. Probably wimpy Views: 874
Stop looking around!
Stop comparing!
Stop thinking everyone else is better than you!
the word you are really looking for is ‘DIFFERENT!’
Everyone is different from you – NOT BETTER!
You are a category of one and there is no one, NO ONE like you!
And if you would finally own ... Views: 861
You have been working your socks off!
And so far, nothing much to show for it!
You look around and see others that do less than you and you feel angry, resentful, kinda yukky inside…
And that brings you right down, honey…
Down to a place where you cannot win.
Down ... Views: 1021
You have that ‘deer stuck in headlights’ look again. I see it in your eyes!
You are not sure which way to go and so you stay there stuck, not doing anything rather than risk doing the wrong thing.
As if there is a wrong thing.
And if there was a wrong thing, it would simply be you ... Views: 902
Having found myself single or away from my sweetheart plenty of Valentine’s days gone by, I’ve tried a few things over the years to keep from being among the jaded every time I see a balloon or rose that doesn’t have my name on it (we’ve all been there!). If you’re looking for an alternative to ... Views: 1252
Your past mistakes stifle you.
They make you think that you have to be so careful not to make the same mistake again and again…
And yet, honey, that very same fear keeps you from experiencing all of life. It keeps you stuck in a safe place but far away from all the big wins that you want ... Views: 986
If you think the gender gap is on a slow and steady path toward closing in the next 25 years, think again. If your guess is closer to 100 years, that’s warmer — but the snail’s pace of progress is still slower than you think.
The latest Global Gender Gap Report from the World Economic Forum ... Views: 2588
If you would just read this and simply do it, you would win but you probably will not because it took me years to get to the point of actually just believing this and getting on with it.
There is simply something inside the driven, determined maverick, that wants to complicate life, business, ... Views: 863
Sometimes, I wonder if you really understand what it takes to win. The win is so worth it but will you allow yourself to get there?
You have these big dreams, big ideas, big plans and you want it so bad, so very bad but right now, it feels tough, doesn’t it? It feels like you are pushing ... Views: 1680
Lets cut straight to the chase here and it may hurt and make you angry with me for stating the obvious but I have to do it because honey, surely you are tired of this merry-go-round thing you seem to be doing…
You claim to want a freedom lifestyle…
You claim to want to impact and change ... Views: 885
Don’t you understand that the dreams you have are just so different from most people? Don’t you see that you cannot keep comparing yourself to other people when you are simply not of this world!
You ARE different! You have always suspected it and now you can completely confirm that it is ... Views: 832
Hey! Pay attention to these words, listen to what I am saying…
Stop reacting!
Stop allowing someone else’s action determine who you be today…
Stop looking around in fear, worried that your world is coming to an end because of the actions of anyone…
Stop reacting with all the other ... Views: 844
You wake up and you already want to go back to sleep
You make yourself get up but you know you want to do anything but what you have to do that day…
And you have obeyed all the rules about what you are supposed to do to have a happy existence…
You have the religion, gone full immersion ... Views: 956
You are so capable…
So full of drive and determination…
So full of big ideas and you know you are born for more…
Born to dominate in your chosen field though at times, you are uncomfortable with the idea of domination because really, all you want to do is make money doing what you love ... Views: 759
So, you sit there with your computer in front of you, wondering what to write about.
And if you are completely honest, you will realise that you have discarded about 10 ideas because you wondered if they were good enough, sweet enough, attractive enough to everyone out there when really, the ... Views: 930
You know why I meet every single goal I set for myself, the money goals, the impact goals, EVERYTHING? Because it is not optional.
When I set the goal, there is no room for ‘erms, buts, maybes’! It is simply happening and that is that!
I make a decision and once I have decided?! There ... Views: 1016
I see you going around thinking that unless you are perfect in all of your ways then you do not have the right to win.
And it is just a silly excuse!
A silly crazy excuse that keeps you from even giving your dream and vision a great big go!
You can tell yourself that you made a mistake, ... Views: 840
You forgot who you are, didn’t you?
You forgot that you were born for great things…
You let it go because of the disappointment.
The disappointment of living so long and still not getting the dream of your heart…
You started to lose faith, you felt abandoned by Spirit…
And you ... Views: 956
What if…
What if you just let it be fun?
What if you stopped taking it all so seriously?
What if you let the real you, the heart of you, the part that is full of desire and fun and joy, what if you let it all out?
I know, I know you think that business, life should be taken ... Views: 949
We are living in a bright new age for women. Though we have not yet reached true equality, the opportunities now are well and beyond those even a few decades ago. Our daughters can be anything. But along with such benefits come the stresses of life, which can have a serious impact on their self ... Views: 1626
Do you ever do this thing where you keep holding back on doing the thing you are great at, while staring at the thing you think you want to be good at?
Let me try to explain…
For a long time, I would look at the prophets, seers, healers that would come round my church and think that I had ... Views: 793
In the last few days, I have been led to focus on releasing elements of my past…
It is as though every book, every blog, every EVERYTHING that comes my way is directing me towards releasing the drama of my past so that I am powered forward to my chosen future…
And I am so thankful that Spirit ... Views: 855
You feel held back, stifled…
You look at that person over there, getting every single thing you want and you feel the green-eyed monster coming up to play…
You feel annoyed that you are just not there yet and it eats at you…
The jealousy that you can stifle temporarily until you see them ... Views: 734
I know…
I get it…
You feel as though you have just about enough money to get by, at the moment…
And the crazy thing is that it really does not even matter how much you are earning, you could be making millions at work and still feel as though you do not have the extra you need, to do what you ... Views: 969
Renee L Richardson, M.Ed.
Knowing the "Love" Within:
So many times, we find ourselves sitting on the wayside of love, extremely disappointed, hurt and totally exhausted; simply because we failed to receive the love of which we have given. Were our expectations too high? Did we ... Views: 1361
There you are, sitting on your awesome arse, waiting for a shot of powerful inspiration.
There you are, with so much to say and yet you hold back because you are worried it will not be great enough!
There you are, wishing, waiting, hoping that whatever you do finally come out with, will be the ... Views: 897
OK, so I admit that I use that word and phrase quite a lot in the work that I do. People want to feel called, I want to feel called and yes, I admit that I am called but you know what?!
I still have a choice!
I still have a freaking choice as to whether I do the work I feel called to do ... Views: 894
Simple Answer – NEVER!
Your life is your life at the moment and actually, it is the life of most entrepreneurs – at least the ones who are honest about it!
If you want to make money doing what you love, if you want to impact people with your product, service, if you want to ... Views: 851
As I write this, I am taking a group of people through the EMPOWERED TO WIN bootcamp and also working with more than the usual number of private clients and something that I know more and more to be true is that most people do not understand the level of discipline required to live a rich, ... Views: 947
Man, one of the most freeing things that happened to me in 2016, was just releasing the need to look good, to get it right, to be perfect all the time. It held me back sooooo much and I imagine it is doing the same thing to you.
There are so many things you want to experience, so many ... Views: 884
Just because you have always acted a certain way does not mean you have to continue acting in that certain way. The moment you decide, truly decide to drop the act and become whoever you want to be, you can.
There is a distance between the vision of who you see yourself being and ... Views: 896
Most people, and I am sad to say that I used to be one of these, think that you can give things a go for a little bit and then quit if it gets too hard, quit if it seems impossible, quit if all your friends seem to be happy to settle for nothing, just simply stop and settle for the okay ... Views: 868
Honey, you went through some bad shit!
You went through it and you kept on walking, you kept on doing what had to be done to hold everything together and no one honoured you for it!
It was a horrific thing that you went through…
You carried the weight of it and no one saw just how much ... Views: 926
It is the last day of the year when I write this and I wonder what you are creating for next year. Surely not more of the same old stuff. The same reactive stuff where you wait to see what happens and react to it accordingly. Surely not that!
I just spent hours reading, dreaming, creating, ... Views: 923
You say you don’t want to be greedy…
And so you downplay your goals…
Making them smaller and smaller each passing year…
You don’t see that you are living from a place of lack.
You think that you getting yours means someone else has to lose theirs…
And as you say, you don’t want to be ... Views: 840
What was your immediate response to that headline?
An indignant ‘YES, of course I do’ followed by an uncertain, more silent ‘NO, I am not sure that I do, actually’…
And guess what? The ‘no’ rules you at the moment if you are not at the income level you want to be at.
That silent ‘No’ is ... Views: 1076
Go on, take a deep breath and consciously choose to breathe in peace and as you release the breath, let the tension in your body go.
You just got through the Christmas period, you spoke to family, cooked with family, tried not to kill family, tried not to talk too much about your dreams because ... Views: 803
If one was in a position where they have just learned to drive, it doesn’t mean that they will know what car they want to buy. This can come down to the fact that there are so many car manufactures out there.
What they can do here is to ask their friends and family for their advice when it ... Views: 1302
I see you all stilted, trying to be proper, trying to say the right thing, do the right thing, BE the ‘right’ thing…
Let go, Let loose, Dance naked in the rain…
You are so scared to be seen…
So scared that you will not be liked…
So scared that you will end up in hell…
Wanting to know the ... Views: 2280
You feel tense, anxious, fed up with the struggle…
Year upon year, the struggle remains and you wonder when you will be free…
And you will be free as soon as you choose to do the work to be free!
Your finances have been a stronghold round your neck, constricting your creativity, keeping you ... Views: 821
One of the hardest things you will face in this quest for unlimited success and freedom is your past history. It is such an all-pervading thing and in some ways, you do not even realise just how much your past story holds you back because you have always lived this way. And everyone in your ... Views: 1274
The resistance feels strong within you. So strong that you keep holding back on saying the words that you want to say. YOU think no one cares and so, you stay stuck doing work that you do not really want to do because you think that that would make you safe.
Except you are bored to ... Views: 1079