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So much energy…
So much vigour…
You gave it your all…
You showed up!
You spoke your truth!
You did the videos!
The livestreams!
Wrote the blogs!
Did the quote images!
For about ... Views: 741
Oh man! This is the kind of thing that I have been wanting to write for ever but never thought I could…
Because I thought that my people, the ones I am called to serve, only wanted to hear about tips, tricks, strategies and honey, I have an abundance of those – Work with me, you ... Views: 688
Who on earth are you asking for guidance?
Your parents?
Your older friends?
Your pastor?
Or some other Spiritual Guru person?
I suppose that that sounds great and they are probably very wise about keeping you safe but do you want a ‘Create abundant wealth doing the work I WANT TO and am ... Views: 766
Wouldn’t it be great if we could wave our magic wand and no one would relapse? Until we understand more about addictions (and we have work to do there), we will have to tackle relapse in other ways. Let’s look at a couple of possible breakdowns that might lead to relapse and find some ways to ... Views: 1279
Leader, leader, LEADER!
I see you doing this thing again where you forget that you are leader…
Where you forget that there is no push button strategy that will completely show you in your glory…
Where you forget to put your energy and power into delivering the truth of you…
Because you got ... Views: 792
Leader, leader, LEADER!
I see you doing this thing again where you forget that you are leader…
Where you forget that there is no push button strategy that will completely show you in your glory…
Where you forget to put your energy and power into delivering the truth of you…
Because you got ... Views: 702
Leader, leader, LEADER!
I see you doing this thing again where you forget that you are leader…
Where you forget that there is no push button strategy that will completely show you in your glory…
Where you forget to put your energy and power into delivering the truth of you…
Because you got ... Views: 676
Hey you, spiritual entrepreneurs…
I am speaking to you…
And to anyone willing to listen…
How has worry ever helped you?
How has it made anything any better?
Has it grown your bank balance?
Has it made your body heal?
Has it gotten you more love in your life?
Has it done ... Views: 794
Aaaargh, I am watching you…
Seeing you doing exactly the same old, same old nonsense over and over again…
Each time, you coat it in reasonable sounding nonsense that allows you ONCE AGAIN to lay down your dreams and give way to the fear and procrastination…
And yet you keep lying to yourself ... Views: 781
I see you, at the bottom of the mountain, looking up at the hugeness of it…
And you wonder if you have what it take to climb up to the top…
And unlike most who would then walk sadly away back to their boring old life because they think they do not have what it takes…
You decide to begin ... Views: 770
Right now, you are living this version of life which is ok but not quite awesome and you cannot quite see how to switch sides…
You know there is something more, you catch a glimpse of it and you long for it…
And yet, you are still here on this side of the coin…
Where ... Views: 773
This is an excerpt from The launch book and bootcamp which is currently being written and held within the Facebook group (Facebook.com/groups/stepuplead)
“Remember success is literally a habit…
A habit of doing things that lead to success on ... Views: 823
What are the components of successful people? So many people over time have dissected this and put the pieces together backwards and forwards. They have used it to sell courses. The formula has been used to sell everything imaginable. I don’t want to sell you anything. I want to give you ... Views: 1223
Some people live their whole life trying to appease people who currently don’t like them or could potentially not like them…
What do I mean?
Some people, maybe even you, live a less extravagant life just in case you make people think that you are too much…
Just in case people think that you ... Views: 790
So, this morning, I decided to level things up…
I mapped out the plan for where my daily £10, 958. 90 was going…
Why that number exactly?
Because for whatever reason, I have decided currently that £4 million pounds is what I am working towards as a yearly sum?
You have heard me mention the ... Views: 768
So… it is about 3 am and I am awake…
I did consider going back to sleep, and I probably will at some point…
But I felt something…
A frisson of excitement as I considered the day ahead…
One where I was starting up the FREE 10 day Launch bootcamp (Have you joined in yet? ... Views: 874
Yes, I know it is the done thing…
To look at life as it is presenting itself to you right now and then to decide what you do next as a result of the reality all around you…
More of the same reality that you do not much like…
More telling yourself that ... Views: 712
We live in a world where a huge proportion of the people on the planet live in poverty…
And even you may be doing ‘okay’ but really, you have just enough…
You could not really call it abundance except when you compare it to the lot of other people…
And so you may read the title of this blog ... Views: 618
There is a switch inside of you, waiting, waiting, WAITING for you to flick it on…
When you flick it, you will suddenly realise that you have always been limitless…
That everything you desire could have been yours…
Whenever you wanted it…
If you would have just made the decision to create ... Views: 751
There is a longing within you…
To know yourself…
To know higher power…
It has always been there…
Always whispering within you…
YOu have been to the religious institutions and they have attempted to dam the hole within you…
But something has been missing… STILL!
And yes, you have tried to ... Views: 781
So, you are spiritual and maybe you even have a religion to go along with it…
And yet, you are struggling to get your message out there…
You have this big idea of a ministry that will help people connect more with their creator, a product that will really help people, a service that you can ... Views: 790
Yesterday, I had a bit of a scare and ended up back in hospital for a few hours…
And it made me think of you, the leader, making a new decision about who you choose to be, what you choose to do, what you choose to have…
When you choose to step into the mandate, the calling on your life, you ... Views: 761
OK, so honestly, I don’t even know that I should be talking about this yet because I have no pat answers to give…
Maybe, there will never be any pat answers…
But let’s talk about it anyway…
This is the thing…
When you are one of us, Deliberate Millionaires ... Views: 747
Let me prepare you a little by saying, I intend to sound uncaring and harsh and unfeeling but it is mostly because I love you!
And you need to be free of this craziness…
Let’s begin…
I have person upon person tell me their sad story of woe when it comes to their finances…
“Oh, everytime I ... Views: 778
You keep thinking it is an either-or situation…
That you can either have the money or impact/serve the people
And I am telling you that I am going to have both and I am creating a community of people who want both too…
(It is the Deliberate Millionaire Community, if you are wondering – ... Views: 751
You have had this big dream, this big idea for as long as you can remember…
The one where you impact a whole lot of people for good…
The one where you do something that changes the world…
The one where you do not just read the news but where you actually make the news happen…
And you dreamt ... Views: 795
There is a light inside of you…
It has always been there…
Some days, it shines brighter…
And on those days, you feel clear, sure, focused and ready to do whatever it takes to heal, teach, speak, coach, support, help, everything…
Some days it is covered up by the nonsense that has dogged your ... Views: 678
So, as I write this, I am sitting in my hotel room about to take myself off to do some shopping for my princesses and hubby, who I am missing incredibly badly…
Just a little over 48 hours and I will see them again, if all goes to plan and no crazy IStanbul uprising breaks out again…
Anyway, ... Views: 706
A few days ago, I watched Tony Robbins do his thing in a documentary created by Netflix. If you have not seen it, you need to. It is powerful.
OK, so I must admit, I am currently in between pain and no pain in a hotel in Turkey so I watched, dozed, watched, dozed the whole way through ... Views: 642
Forever, you have looked at your history…
Felt sorry for yourself…
Kept thinking that if you had had a different upbringing, a different set of parents, a different whatever…
Then somehow, you would be better…
You would have achieved more by now…
You would be richer, wealthier, happier, ... Views: 706
With the New Year just around the corner, festivity is in the air. It’s the time for parties, celebration, but the holiday season could be reminiscent and nostalgic.
This is a perfect time to meet up with friends and family, express your thoughtfulness, interact, have some beautiful times ... Views: 883
Yes, I get it…
You are afraid…
When you consider all the things you really dream of doing, you get worried that it is too big…
Too much for someone who has lived a fairly normal life to date…
A fairly mundane existence where you tried and failed to do what you were told to do but you still ... Views: 769
You feel it in the pit of your stomach…
The uncertainty…
The fear…
The wonder if you are doing something completely crazy…
The almost fervent wish that you could be anyone but you…
That you could be happy to settle for a life less lived…
But you can’t…
YOU tried…
You tried hard to dampen ... Views: 637
You have struggled and struggled to get anywhere…
You have worked your butt off…
You have not shied away…
And yet, you are not there yet…
It is as though you have a heavy blanket on you, keeping you from everything that you want, that you desire…
And you are done with walking in the ... Views: 642
There is a part of you that doubts that you can have it all…
And because you doubt it, you will always put the brakes on…
You will subconsciously tell yourself to chill out and enjoy this moment because this might be all you can get…
You will be indecisive about what to do next and even when ... Views: 1033
It is tempting to look to Facebook to get you organic reach and think that every algorithm change is a call to battle stations…
So much frustration is brewed this way.
It is tempting to think that if you throw enough money at it then THAT will solve your business issues…
Again, lots of ... Views: 647
You spent all your life at a job where someone told you where to be from 9am (maybe 8 or even 7am) until about 5/6/7pm…
And in each day, you racked up about 8 hours or more at work…
In theory, you worked for that period of time with a break or two for meals and a snack and well… a break…
And ... Views: 857
Yes, honey, it is true…
Everyone around you, well, if they are norms anyway, wants you to just fit into their little narrow box…
They want you to conform, to play nice, to be nice, to be whatever they want you to be, to keep them comfortable…
You may think it is because your loved ones love ... Views: 723
Ok, let’s get real here…
You are a leader with a message…
You want to teach, to speak, to coach, to heal, to transform people with that message…
But to date, you have not got the traction you want with this message of yours…
And mostly because you think you have to wait for the right ... Views: 619
For a long time, money made me uncomfortable…
I felt I did not deserve it…
I felt it was greedy to want it…
I felt I should be willing to work for peanuts or even ‘better’, free…
And needless to say, I was not able to make money or keep money…
It seemed to flow away from me.
Yes, I looked ... Views: 735
I know you have a calling that you desire to see fulfilled…
You want to see lives transformed by the power of what you have to say…
You want to teach, inspire, coach, motivate, heal so many people and you want to start doing it now…
And it is a given that you want to make money at it though ... Views: 739
You have always known that you were born to win…
It has been a constant burning within you…
A refusal to settle for the nonsense…
A refusal to be less…
A refusal to back down and give into the fear and shame and guilt of mistakes made…
And you have been tempted, OH SO tempted to give up ... Views: 666
Yes, Leader, you can have it all…
And right now, I see you at the starting point…
Waiting for the order – Ready… Steady…
You see the goal…
You want it…
The wealth that just keeps flowing in…
The people you are called to impact…
The work ... Views: 665
Oh… you did not sleep last night… the child was up with some illness or the other…
Oh, I am so sorry…
You worked 20 hours in the job you hate and now you have no time for your biz…
Oh I am so sorry…
You feel down and unable to get your head in the game…
Oh I am so sorry…
You feel ... Views: 702
You are a spiritual being…
You know that but you are not always sure how to tap into the power that comes from being intimately connected with Source…
In fact, if you are honest, you have not always connected with Source, with Spirit…
You have found the heavens silent…
You have been knock, ... Views: 695
You have always wanted to be the centre of attention…
Be honest, you know you have…
But you did not think that you were allowed to be that person…
You did not think that it was something that people like you were allowed to do…
And yet, YET, YOU WANT TO!
To be noticed by the world…
To be ... Views: 825
It is scary and exhilarating to see how much power people have over their own financial futures…
Just this morning, I woke up to a question on one of my Facebook adverts asking how it is even possible to make $5k a month from online courses in just 180 days. And I must admit that at ... Views: 804
You have strong, powerful desires…
Big dreams, ideas of how life could be…
And you try.
Yes you try to make it all happen.
Except you think that the current version of you is somehow going to transform into something else, someone else and get better results somehow and needless to say, IT ... Views: 742
You are just about ready to quit…
You are fed up with the lack of response, you are fed up of putting yourself out there…
You are fed up of having passivity thrown back in your face as you try so hard to help people see how you can help them…
And you are ready to quit!
QUIT AND DO ... Views: 745
Man, sex is such a beautiful thing…
Such a pleasurable feeling…
Such a powerful sensation…
And most leaders, especially the more spiritual types (or maybe I should say, religious types), do not speak of it…
Well, in most cases, they do not speak of it because they are not having amazing ... Views: 829