We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Empowering Women". If you have expertise in Empowering Women and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I just returned from two weeks hiking and touring in Southwestern Ireland. Some places I visited: Ring of Kerry, Skellig Michael, Cork, Dingle Peninsula, Cliffs of Mohr, Connemara National Park and the Cliffs of Mohr just to name a few places.
As I traveled, I carried a journal and forced ... Views: 1145
The doing part of leadership is the ‘form’ leadership takes: setting goals, accomplishing, taking action, communicating, etc. It is the answer to the ‘How?’ question.
The being part of leadership is the ‘essence’ that leadership is: Holding the space for open conversations, insightful, self ... Views: 1208
Except for the baby stroller her nine-month-old daughter Jessica was in when she was on her daily run, my friend, Joanne, lost everything she owned in the Oakland hills fire 25 years ago, on October 20.
When she was able to get access to her home, several days after the fire began, all was ... Views: 1328
“When you can’t see straight ahead, it’s because you’re about to turn a corner.” – Myrtle Reed
Resiliency is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Dictionary.com defines it as springing back; rebounding; returning to the original form or position after being bent, compressed, or stretched; ... Views: 1116
live with intention. walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
... Views: 1092
live with intention. walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
... Views: 1055
live with intention. walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
play with abandon.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
... Views: 998
Recently, there have been a number of terrorist attacks in England and, naturally, this has had a big effect on the country. However, this is not the only country in Europe that has been affected in his way.
These kinds of attacks are becoming a regular occurrence in the western ... Views: 1215
“Service to others is the payment you make for your space space here on earth.” ~Mohammed Ali
A while back, I received an email from a friend who was looking for a few good women to help her lead a leadership program at a girl’s camp. I read the email and almost skipped right by it until I ... Views: 1028
During a leadership coaching workshop, I came upon the idea that for everything I say “Yes” to, I am saying “No” to something else.
That started me thinking about what it is I say “No” to. I kept finding that it was much more effective for me to say “No” to things to make the space to fully ... Views: 1018
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” ~Plato
I’ve been telling a lot of people lately that I think we as a society currently lack basic human kindness toward each other. It seems we were a lot kinder to each other a mere six months ago. I think our full, busy and ... Views: 971
Dru Rivers is the co-owner of Full Belly Farms located in the beautiful Capay Valley of northern California
Since she attended U.C. Davis and majored in agriculture, she has played her bigger game by feeding her compelling purpose of having no chemical farming. “We are committed to fostering ... Views: 973
Self-Esteem–My Lifetime Battle to Accept Myself
Self-esteem. Two simple words. But they can dramatically affect how we feel about ourselves and how they can control our lives.
Having positive self-esteem enables us to live an inward life of security and self-respect.
Having negative ... Views: 1647
I remember when one of my sons was in 2nd or 3rd grade and was practicing reading out loud. He would take a breath after almost every word. Teachers explain to children in that age group that they should wait to take a breath until they come to the end of the sentence. At that age, there are ... Views: 2316
So, I started this differently but then realised I had a particular bug bear to address and so here goes – RNK is about to rant!
Right now, there are people dying…
In various countries round the world, people are in danger, they are hurting, it is horrid…
And I hate it.
Peace, ... Views: 1708
I have always felt a little out of place…
Born in the wrong place, to the wrong family, or so it felt, because I never felt like I fit into anything…
Never felt black and African enough…
Obviously not white enough…
I found what felt like my place within various churches…
As long ... Views: 1584
Gosh! Life can feel tough at times…
Incredibly tough!
I could tell you all my sad stories about what this parent did or what that friend did and how it hurt me and yep, it did…
It hurt me so bad, deep down inside of me…
It made me clam up, build walls around me…
It made me ... Views: 1600
Come on now, you have tried to do things that way, have you not?
You have toned yourself down, tried to be obedient to every rule that the gods of business and the internet and social media propose…
You have tried to be polite and nice and to kinda be under the radar while trying to tell ... Views: 1604
It was only 8 or so years ago when I wondered this – When will my life begin? I was humming the tune to Tangled in my head and wondering when things would change, when I would have the dreams I longed for, when I would feel alive again, when I would love life again.
I had been bankrupt a few ... Views: 1645
It will never be enough to simply say ‘yes’ to every amazing and inspirational post you read on social media…
It will never be enough to say ‘amen’ and then to retreat back into your regular life where you do not do anything scary or stretch yourself…
It will never be enough to sit around ... Views: 1473
There you are, sitting on the ledge…
You are there on the line between greatness and just being one of the masses who dream a big dream but get absolutely nowhere…
You have within you the ability to change lives, starting with your own…
But the fear of making a mistake holds you ... Views: 1455
The biggest obstacle you face in getting the life you want, is the one in your head…
The one that says you have to follow the rules put in place by some other human being just like you…
The one that says that you need some person’s permission to be all you want to be…
The one that says ... Views: 1552
Sometimes, peeps get way too spiritual and not in a good way…
They try so hard to ‘be’ because hey, we are human ‘beings’, right? not human ‘doings’ or so the silly saying goes!
Honey, seriously, there is no being without doing!
In order to ‘be’ anything, you have got to DO ... Views: 1474
I wanted to build a business online for a very long time…
I dabbled and tried all those get rich quick scheme things where you click this button, follow that other step by step thing and money would somehow automatically get thrown at you…
A lot of my university days were ... Views: 1476
Oftentimes we get to a point in life where we feel stuck. No matter what we do or think we are doing or have done, we can’t seem to move forward or things are not changing for us.
Now if you are really stuck, as a life and business coach, I can help you get unstuck by helping you create a ... Views: 1352
YOUR MINDSET will determine your success at building wealth be it via a business or career. More important than how much money you have or can borrow; your level of expertise in your industry or the amount of time you invest in the business, you must develop and maintain the right ... Views: 1166
1. Know who you are.
Stop focusing on things, situations and conditions outside of yourself. I know it can be hard to do this when things are not as they should be in your health, relationships, business, career or finances.
Remember that your creator made you great and that your ... Views: 1537
It is easy, oh so easy to talk and talk and dream and plan but never actually do ANYTHING to make the vision a reality…
It is so easy to pray, to affirm, to think, to journal yourself into ecstacy and still never DO anything to make the vision real…
You actually have to move, you ... Views: 1512
So many people say they want to be rich or financially independent or impact and influence people for good or reach whatever level of success they feel born to reach…
And yet, not many people choose to do it…
They come up with excuses…
“Oh, I don’t know what to do” – No one does at the ... Views: 1184
It is one thing to say you want to achieve financial independence and it is another thing to actually get to work making it so.
It is one thing to say you want to change lives with a service, ministry, product or art, books, music and it is another thing to actually do the work to make it ... Views: 1160
Honey, I can see you…
YOu want to say certain things but you hold back, worried that you might lose all your friends…
You want to do powerful work, change lives and create a super-successful business but you are scared that someone, somewhere will think you are mercenary…
You worry ... Views: 1322
Your heart is stirred…
You hear words that speak to your very soul…
And you know it is a “YES!!!!’ for you…
BUt then you go to move your feet and… nothing happens…
The fear rears its ugly head again…
And so, nothing.
You retreat…
You beat yourself up a little more…
You ... Views: 1309
Yesterday, I doubted myself…
It was pyjama day so I allowed myself to indulge in it and guess what?!
I regretted it.
I ALWAYS regret it and yet, I never seem to learn.
I allowed the doubts a voice in my head for about 4 hours and then I realised that I was getting absolutely nowhere ... Views: 1429
Since the early days of civilization Greek, Roman and Mayan Goddesses instinctively understood a "Woman Code". One of
empowerment, resilience, inner strength and class.
In today's competitive and stressful society it is all too easy to fall prey to feeling unheard and voiceless, overwhelmed ... Views: 1451
Honey, today is the day that everything starts to change…
Not tomorrow when you have learnt something new…
Not tomorrow when you suddenly have some more time and the children don’t need you, or the partner is happy or the parents don’t want you to run an errand or something…
Not ... Views: 1234
There is a longing inside of my heart…
It is painful at times…
This desire to open up brains and hearts and help them see what they seem to be blind to…
The power inside of them…
The ability to create life the way you want it…
The ability to get ... Views: 1974
You know what you are capable of…
You know that if you really set your mind to do something then it has no chance against you…
But you are surrounded by regular people with regular thinking and you have started to doubt yourself…
You have allowed their negativity to seep inside of ... Views: 1262
Getting a divorce is one of the toughest and possibly lowest points in anyone’s life. In fact, fully getting through a divorce can even take years for some people.
With this in mind, there’s no harm in trying to make living through a divorce easier for yourself. After all, there is no way ... Views: 1224
Most people live in a bleak world…
They don’t mean to…
They don’t think they do…
But they do.
They tell you and anyone that will listen that they are being realistic…
And because most people around them think and talk in the same way, these people think they are accurate…
And ... Views: 1225
Is it really freedom if you can only choose within the constraints and boundaries that others have set up for you?
Is it really freedom if you cannot express what you actually think, without fear of being cast out of your church, your work, your friend circle?
Are you really free?
Or ... Views: 1157
I was passive for so long…
Waiting for the spiritual magic bullet to come find me…
Begging and pleading with God to save me – I called that prayer…
I never felt like I belonged anywhere…
I was both rebellious and submissive…
I wanted to be liked so much that I sold my birthright ... Views: 863
I had a question yesterday from one of my private clients and it went –
“How do you manage all that you have going on? What’s the secret?”
I stopped for a moment to consider it and the truth is, I don’t think I get all that much done. There is always a great number of things that I want ... Views: 931
I resisted for so long…
Pre-children, I was scared a heckuva lot of the time…
Scared to play full-out for my big dreams…
Scared to go all in…
Scared that I would lose the little stability that I had gained after years of working my socks off to become a pharmacist…
Years of not ... Views: 951
Just start writing…
Just start speaking…
Just start doing whatever the heck you want to do…
Stop over thinking it…
Stop trying to be the guru…
Stop trying to be super-professional…
Stop trying to be anything other than YOU!
Stop telling yourself that ‘you’ is not good ... Views: 884
Compromise – Such a lovely sounding word that firmly shuts you off from the abundance, the wealth, the freedom you want…
We were all told that it is the thing to do to keep the relationships going, right?
We were all told that we will have to compromise if we want to get on in the ... Views: 907
Do you feel somewhat unhappy?
Even though you kinda know that you should be happy…
Things are okay enough but something is missing for you, isn’t it?
The excitement, the thrill, the joy of knowing that you are living your real life…
And do you know why you are not really ... Views: 844
It takes courage to be the leader…
To be the one that keeps showing up even when it feels like no one is listening…
To have a dream, a huge big dream that no one else can see…
It takes courage to believe enough in yourself to just keep putting it out into the marketplace…
To keep ... Views: 1045
Some days, it feels like you are walking through a fog…
With nothing working the way you want it to…
You have moments of clarity when it feels like the light is switched on inside of you and you KNOW, absolutely know what your life is to be about…
But then, the fog comes back and it ... Views: 915
I used to live an unquestioned life…
Passively agreeing with anyone that seemed more knowledgeable than me…
Passively believing that I was inherently flawed and unable to make wise choices for myself…
Passively trying to avoid hell…
Desperately avoiding having to look within ... Views: 1041
You long to be free…
Free from the shackles of a life that is okay but not quite what you want.
You kinda know what you want but you are scared that it is too big…
Or it is impossible for you…
Or you are simply scared that you have invested so much time and energy following the rules ... Views: 835