You say you don’t want to be greedy…

And so you downplay your goals…

Making them smaller and smaller each passing year…

You don’t see that you are living from a place of lack.

You think that you getting yours means someone else has to lose theirs…

And as you say, you don’t want to be greedy…

But you only think this because you have not deliberately spent time getting aware of the deeper thoughts inside of you that hold you back…

The deeper thoughts of the negative thing your mom said about the rich when you were 8 years old…

The fact that your Dad left home early in the morning and came back grumpy and snappy and it was all connected to money in some way…

The fact that some rich friend you had when you were 10, betrayed you and you connected it to the money…

That TV program you watched over and over when you were 9, that showed how money corrupted nice people…

The every day family dinner banter of how you wasting the food on your plate would lead to the Somalian children going hungry…

The pastor who went from being nice and poor to having extra-marital affairs and being rich when you were in your early teens…

Or some other such tale that you now think does not affect you because you are passively walking through life, trying not to see what you don’t want to see.


Don’t you see how your passive beliefs affect your current reality!


Live life deliberately and examine your thoughts, your heart, your beliefs…

Instead of blindly following along with something your 6 year old self picked up on and it has never been examined since.

This kind of internal work takes guts and many do not want to face up to it as they tell themselves that they are doing okay and it is all hocus pocus and silliness…

But you know what, honey?


YOU want to win harder than the norm!

You know there is a call on your life to be more, to do more, to HAVE MORE!

And you will not get there by conventional thinking!

And conventional thinking keeps people down.

Conventional thinking is designed to keep everyone the same because how else will you control individual people if every single person was determinedly and deliberately going full pelt after differing goals. (Why anyone feels populations must be controlled is beyond me?! Who died and gave them God like powers, I ask you?!)

The world is just an expanded school system…

Our children go to school and they get the individual kicked out of them…

Sorry but it is true…

Some of us escaped it…

But it took its toll on us as there are still hidden ways of thinking that we have to face up to and address if we are to win this game of life and get everything we desire, if we are to impact the numbers of people we want to.

The problem is, you don’t even know these patterns of thinking are there until someone points them out to you…

This way of thinking that “it is greedy to want to make lots of money” – It is so prevalent and people have built all kinds of economic theories around it and you may have been taken in by the nonsense.

It is all lack thinking.

If you do not see that there is incredible abundance in the mind & spirit of man, you will look at the world as it is and tell yourself that there is lack everywhere.

And yes, looking at it that way, maybe it looks that way but actually, how the heck do YOU KNOW?!

Have you been all over the world?

Have you personally seen all the resources hidden within the earth?

No, probably not because you believe in lack and so you do not have the money to go all over the world!

And so you listen to the nonsense propagated by other people who listen to the nonsense propagated by OTHER PEOPLE who listen to the nonsense propagated by….  (I think you get the picture)

And you forget that there is limitless wisdom available to create things out of nothing…

The light bulb came because some dude – Edison – tried something different – He saw something in his imagination that was not real yet.  Spot the difference between him and the people you are listening to…

He saw the lack and did not base his life on what he saw…

He created something that was not there to solve the lack.  Instead of letting the lack tell him how to be.


You get a picture of what you want to create…

And it matters not what it looks like in reality…

You just open yourself up to ways to create it and you follow those intuitive nudges that come up, no matter how silly they may seem and given enough time and probably lots of mistakes, YOU WIN!

While others around you are all lamenting the lack of this resource or that resource and telling you that you are deluded.

One day, they deride you…

The next day, they emulate you!

People are fickle so be careful whose opinion you allow to control you!

Again, hear me…


So what do you really want?


Write it all down and commit to making it happen, even if you do not know just now exactly what to do.

Simply commit and tap into intuition and ACT on the ideas that bubble up within you, even if they seem a little kooky or SCARY.

Do that for a year and I promise you that life will be more of an adventure than you ever thought possible…

And you will be closer to your big ideas.

Don’t try to believe me…

Just simply act.

Fight for, deliberately design the life you want to live!

PS – I have this brand new, FREE eBook for you – REPLACE YOUR INCOME – How to create, promote and make money from your own online product in under a week, even if you have never done it before.  Go get it completely free at

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Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online