Everyone experiences self-doubt from time to time. When we challenge ourselves by taking on new jobs or responsibilities, it’s natural to wonder whether we’re up to the task. Self-doubt actually can be helpful, as it spotlights areas of weaknesses where we would benefit from more ... Views: 2015
Authenticity is our greatest superpower. To use our own voices in order to give shape to our own thoughts — there is no contribution more valuable than this.
But what is authenticity? Authentic people are true to who they are. They don’t make excuses for their shortcomings, and they don’t ... Views: 1390
If you think the gender gap is on a slow and steady path toward closing in the next 25 years, think again. If your guess is closer to 100 years, that’s warmer — but the snail’s pace of progress is still slower than you think.
The latest Global Gender Gap Report from the World Economic Forum ... Views: 2600