Lets cut straight to the chase here and it may hurt and make you angry with me for stating the obvious but I have to do it because honey, surely you are tired of this merry-go-round thing you seem to be doing…
You claim to want a freedom lifestyle…
You claim to want to impact and change more lives…
And yet, when it comes down to it, you are stuck in place, worrying, thinking, planning, hoping…
Don’t you see that you have to actually take the leap?!
Actually put something out there!
You actually have to do the work…
The work ALWAYS works!
That is it!
No magic, no deep breathing required…
No voice from the heaven because really, it already spoke and you are still waiting for some other thing!
No meditation needed unless you want to for some other reason…(It can’t hurt!)
Nothing but the work is required to get you to success…
But you are not doing the work!
You are thinking about the work…
You are planning the work…
You are beating yourself up for not doing the work…
You are doing EVERYTHING but the work!
I mean, seriously!
Do you think your freedom lifestyle is going to happen by itself!
Yes, I am all for internal clarity…
You do need to figure out what is getting in the way of you doing the work, but really, if you cannot figure it out fast – DO THE WORK ANYWAY!
Communicate with your people – Tell them who you are, what you stand for, how you can help them, invite them into your world and then…
Capture them onto your social media platforms (You do have a page or something, right?!) and then onto your mailing list (Start manually if necessary)
Close them – What problems do they want solving? What problems do you WANT TO solve? Make them an offer, make enough people an offer in the way that they understand – Don’t overthink it, simply make the offer!)
And then some will buy…
Others will stick around your world, waiting to buy…
Others will cheer you on and share your stuff with their peeps…
Others will hate you and leave…
And you will be doing the work and slowly but surely (or maybe even rapidly), you will be making the money, helping the people and creating the rich lifestyle you want.
I know you don’t think it is this simple…
Because it feels like you have been trying and trying to get through…
You have been trying and trying to get traction…
But really, be honest now, have you been DOING the work?
Not just thinking, planning, stressing out about the work…
No? then there is your answer…
Yes? Then for goodness’ sake, get some support! You are too close to the situation to KNOW what you are missing!
But, let’s be honest here…
The biggest leap for you will be to simply keep on putting yourself out there…
Even when it feels like nothing is working…
Even when it feels like no one is listening…
Even when you feel abandoned by Spirit…
Even when you feel like going back to bed and pretending you did not want anything…
If you will keep putting yourself out there and you choose to get an objective opinion AND ACT ON IT, YOU WILL WIN!
Because nothing will be able to withstand the strength of your resolve!
If you would get relentless and resolute in the KNOWLEDGE that YOU ARE GOING TO WIN THIS!
Then you will win this!
You will get the millionaire lifestyle…
You will change YOUR world and the world of those around you!
You will be the star you know you are born to be
You will get everything!
And I do mean it!
And right there, catch your resistance to the idea of everything…
Catch it!
Notice it!
Be aware of it!
And ask yourself why you think you are not allowed everything because honey, that thought is getting in the way of you having everything!
And any other thought like it – I am not good enough, No one cares what I have to sell, Don’t want people to think that I am too greedy, God might hate me and throw me into hell for wanting so much, it is impractical to think that I can have everything – Blah, blah, blah!
All these thoughts under the surface that you are trying not to look at, all keep you from your win!
Because every moment you spend indulging any of them is a moment when you are not figuring out how to serve more people and how to simply DO THE WORK!
You are powerful, so very powerful
And this journey to a successful business will probably be the hardest journey you will ever take because you have to face all of that power and figure out why you will not simply unleash it!
But you cannot keep figuring that out forever or else you will go the grave with your music still in you and I KNOW you don’t want that!
So freaking do the work, faster, harder than ever before…
Drown out the crazy thoughts inside of you with thoughts that empower you!
Tap into the intuitive nudges and act on what bubbles up within…
Start acting to get the result!
Stop holding back!
Get yourself into a powerful state simply by choosing what you want to believe in this next moment…
And then act as that person who believes what you have chosen to believe.
After all, you chose your current beliefs though it may seem like they chose you…
They did not!
At some point, you decided to believe whatever it is that you are believing right now that is keeping you from your destiny.
So choose something new and keep choosing that until it becomes your new reality…
And act as the person who believes your new thought.
Do you get it?
And even if you don’t – JUST DO THE WORK!
Fight for, deliberately design the life you are born to live
Because you want to
PS – Business growth is within your reach. Doubling, tripling, 10x-ing your business is something you can absolutely do when you have the right support system in place. The Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Club is exactly what you need to attract all the customers, clients, recruits you want now.
You are born for more and you can have it
Come join the Club and access personalised support
Join the Club and access over $3000 worth of sales, marketing and leadership training…
Join the Club and connect with go-getters…
Join the Club and elevate your normal
And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.
Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online
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