We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
It can be a cold cruel world out there. You don't have to look far to see it. That's why so many people sleep through life. Asleep in their pity, their judgments, and all the other anesthetics currently on the market. Sleeping because it's too painful to wake up.
It can be hard to find ... Views: 5875
Depression, from my point of view, is cured when we become aware that it is a spiritual issue and not an inherit physical flaw or defect. This is my story about how I cured myself of chronic depression when the medical profession failed me. I am not advocating that what worked for me in regards ... Views: 2283
Welcome! Moving to Joy and Harmony is a free e-zine that explores holistic solutions to the problems people face in their lives. It is intended to be complimentary to the services of your medical health professional. If this newsletter is informative and helpful, please forward it individually ... Views: 2514
Depression is exhausting and everything feels like a struggle … your sleep can be affected … as well as your performance at work … or in the bedroom. What to do if you don’t want to take medication?
According to the Report of the Surgeon General on Mental Health “many episodes of depression ... Views: 4889
WordNet defines a rut as a groove or furrow (especially in soft earth caused by wheels) or a monotonous routine that is hard to escape; as in "her job made her feel that she was stuck in a rut".
What is this thing that we call a rut? Is one man's rut another man's rapture?
I. ... Views: 1078
My mom told me it was because Grandma saw WW I, the Depression, and WW II. In the sixties, when she lived in a house with an attic, Grandma kept barrels of oatmeal and rice. She had canned goods of all kinds stacked in the attic. Things would get outdated, and she'd have to use them real quick ... Views: 1562
Today I sit at my computer desperately fishig for input of hope and inspiration, and practical ideas to further battle this "Thorn in My Side" called depression.
I read some very good articles written my people who, to my surprise, were and are going through the same feelings I am and want to ... Views: 986
Thinking about depression is . . . Well, it's . . . It's depressing.
If I wanted to think about love, I'd have a much better thought pattern than if I thought about depression. If I thought about the weather, I'd normally have a better thought pattern than if I thought about depression.
If I ... Views: 908
Is every day a nightmare? Is the person you are living with finding fault with everything you say or do? Or are you finding fault with everything the person you are living with does? Do you wonder how it got this way?
I used to be that way. I was finding fault right and left. Our baby was a ... Views: 805
Massage & Dieting - Can the weight be rubbed off?
Nothing spells relaxation like a massage and relaxing while dieting is essential. Most dieters are changing their eating habits as well as adding physical exercise and massage is the answer for those spent, achy muscles.
There are claims ... Views: 2736
There has been much news about the side effects of antidepressants, but I believe there is a deeper health issue that needs to be recognized.
I clearly remember the day my mother passed away. I was just starting university. A friend put their arm around me and comforted me. The tears were ... Views: 1415
Depressed people are angry people who won't admit it. They tend to say nothing when they should be saying: "Get out of my way!"
Anger is a natural emotion which occurs whenever there is something in your way. We probably get at least a little angry about 20 times each ... Views: 957
We get angry about 20 times a day. If we believe our anger is bad or that it's scary to be angry, we keep it inside. This unexpressed anger wants to get out and it takes so much energy to keep it bottled up that we get tired from all that effort.
Also, since we are not ... Views: 736
In working with clients as well as on my own personal growth, I've noticed a unique human characteristic that few people recognize. When you understand this insight, you'll be able to use it in your own life to propel you to greater levels of happiness, success and fulfillment. I'll reveal this ... Views: 827
The meaning behind this one simple childhood utterance can literally change your life...almost overnight.
Here's the scenario. Little Tommy intentionally pushes little Suzie. Suzie runs to the teacher and exclaims "Tommy pushed me on purpose!" Of course, Tommy gets punished for his act. You've ... Views: 1087
A friend once remarked I was a wonderful role model for how to live a great life despite suffering from depression. At the time, I was unable to see the value in that since, the ultimate goal is to be depression free - isn't it? Suffering from depression means we’re flawed, right? It means ... Views: 923
According to the National Institute for Mental Health, approximately 10 percent of Americans currently suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (also known as SAD) and related disorders.
SAD is a disorder characterized by drastic mood swings and depression that occur during the winter months; ... Views: 1054
Ever experience a sense of hopeless for a prolonged period of time? Ever feel like the “dark cloud of gloom?visits you much too often and sticks around way too long? Think that it could be depression rather than the “blues?we all get from time to time? If so, you’re not alone. Depression is a ... Views: 2239
Sara* experiences extreme emotional patterns including: feelings of sadness, tearfulness, low confidence, anxiety, distress, mugginess, imbalance, irrationality, lethargy and tightness in the chest.
For the last 9 months things have been spiralling and were getting to the point of being out of ... Views: 3566
The Importance of Feeling Great via Euphoric Cleansing
This is an article posted online here about the beneficial effects of Raynor massage on depression. It was written by a student of ours that did our massage course. Here it is in its entirety for your benefit:
Endorphins and my ... Views: 5039
Do you get depressed easily?
If you do, ask yourself not "why" are you depressed, but "how" are you depressed.
Now, don't look at me like I'm crazy. I just happen to think it's interesting to know "how" a person gets depressed.
I would just like to know, if I were in your body, "how" would I ... Views: 8570
Loretta asked God about her twenty-three year old son who has not left his room in three years. The mother and son live in Italy, and this true account has been translated through the courtesy of Paula Launonen.
March 3, 2007
Loretta to God:
My Lord, We are One, but there are times when I ... Views: 987
It's an age-old battle. Pessimists think optimists are foolish, optimists think pessimists make themselves unnecessarily miserable. A lot of research has been done on this issue in the last 30 years. Have we answered the question yet? Is the glass half-full or half-empty?
Martin Seligman and ... Views: 1477
In 1982 Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank. He was out of the shipping lanes and floating in a life raft, alone. His supplies were few. His chances were small. Yet when three fishermen found him seventy-six days later (the longest ... Views: 1012
Did you know research has shown that our body’s ability to produce enzymes decreases as we age? And, while this is taking place, malabsorption of nutrients, the breakdown of tissue, and chronic health conditions as a whole increase. Some folks believe that enzyme supplementation is vital for ... Views: 2864
Have you ever been comfortably miserable? Have you ever found yourself in a bad situation that you wished would just go away? It might be a relationship you are in or that dead-end job you have. Maybe it is that small, cramped apartment? You are unhappy and frustrated. You complain and complain ... Views: 5187
Maybe you are feeling blue, down in the dumps, nothing seems to be going right and everything is an effort. Most of us at some time go through a period of feeling "depressed". This type of depression is often termed reactive and is generally brought on by difficult life circumstances - stress, ... Views: 2244
I AM DESERVING OF ALL THAT IS GOOD is a wonderful affirmation to begin your day.
Let's break this down a bit and dicuss what the affirmation really means and how it can empower you.
I believe there is great power in the words "I AM". These words make a situation or circumstance true for ... Views: 678
Anger is a natural emotion that each of us experiences. When used correctly it can motivate us into action to complete a task or right an injustice. This type of anger can give us a strong sense of accomplishment when we take immediate action to correct the injustice or perceived ... Views: 1448
I found this information in two separate sites the day i tried it...and within 24 hours i was feeling 30-40% improved in my depression...as i kept doing the "exercise" for the next two or three days i found that i stopped a bad habit i had all my life..that i was not even concious of....i was ... Views: 12154
Many people who try antidepressants to relieve their depression find that the antidepressants just don’t work. Living with depression is painful and can even become debilitating, and those who live with it know that depression can rob them of energy and motivation. Those who suffer from ... Views: 10221
Only one in five people suffering from mental disorders seeks help and yet broaching the subject with a loved one can be difficult for many reasons. Since May is Mental Health Month, this is a good opportunity to bring out in the open this often taboo subject. The fear of being told to "mind ... Views: 7127
Life is filled with a variety of experiences and depending upon life circumstances it is quite appropriate to be feeling any of a number of positive and negative emotions. Such emotional states include excitement, frustration, fear, happiness, anger, sadness, and joy with many more ... Views: 886
Question: Can you help shed some light on why we are here in this life?
GF - All of our deeper personal experiences eventually come to reveal some lesson that we needed to learn. This process of events that leads us to the discovery of their cause proves both the existence of order and ... Views: 2365
During the past year, the use of extracts of Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) for the treatment of clinical depression has attracted considerable attention in the popular press. Increasingly, physicians are being asked by their patients about this herbal medication: What is it? Does it ... Views: 3221
Someone suffering a clinical depression needs medication and therapy. In addition, here are some things you can do for them as a loving person in their life, or as their personal life coach.
1. Be clear in your mind that they need medication and therapy, and project this. Encourage them to ... Views: 12589
Recently, while visiting some of my family, I walked Dean Star Dancer’s land and was saddened by the deadness and emptiness that I felt. During my growing up years, Dean had been a close friend of my family’s. As a child I would often go to her place for hot chocolate, laughter, and a good ... Views: 980
Problems. We all have them, be they health, relationship, financial or career related, life is full of these seeming nemeses that cause us pain and suffering. Problems exist in many forms and degrees of difficulty. Some are minor and have solutions that are apparent, while others are complex and ... Views: 5839
Why does a depression diet work? It’s been proven that what we eat affects our mood.
"Food can affect your mood, and what you choose to put into your mouth can influence your state of mind." - Amanda Geary, in her book The Food And Mood Handbook: Find Relief at Last From Depression, Anxiety, ... Views: 2195
Andrea Yates shocked the nation when she admitted to systematically drowning her five children in their Texas home. This 36-year-old mother had previously been diagnosed with depression and consequently was prescribed antidepressants. Depression is an ancient and prevalent mental condition that ... Views: 2146
Do you often go to your Doctor complaining of one or more of the following ailments?
-I feel tired all the time
-I have no energy or stamina
-I can't concentrate and my memory is shot
-I've always got a cold or sore throat
-How come I'm developing allergies?
-I ache all over
-I can't seem to ... Views: 2927
I feel that it's safe to say that in our society today, depression is more common than many people realize. Depression can be exacerbated by other events and occurrences like abuse, heartbreak, betrayal, death of a loved one, divorce, being fired, lack of purpose, losing, failing, and so on. ... Views: 2211
It is widely believed that antidepressant drugs are the best treatment for stress, depression and anxiety. After consulting with their health professional, many sufferers will be put on a course of antidepressants, but how effective are these drugs? Not very, in fact they cannot provide a ... Views: 1614
New self-help program for depression and stress provides support 24-hours a day.
By Sharyn Alden
Clinical depression is on the rise says the World Health Organization (WHO). The organization’s 1990 report said depression was the ... Views: 1012
"The Mini-max Instructions For Life" is comprised by just 11 (minimum number), yet extremely effective (maximum effect), easy to understand, short and practical instructions. They are meant to help people meet life's challenges. It is a holistic approach aimed at raising the quality of your ... Views: 909
Self esteem, self accpetance and a sense of self-worth are vital to feeling happy. When we lose the sense that we are worthy or loveable, it is easy to become depressed. In this example we find that a woman's depression is rooted in both seeing herself as worthless, and in wanting to avoid ... Views: 6054
Although many factors can trigger depression, most often, depression is caused by the suppression of feelings.
To understand why, we first need to understand what feelings are at a physiological level.
Feelings are caused by vibrations of muscles in various parts of the body (as recently ... Views: 13244
The Wonder Drug
It is now becoming more accepted that a fitness program can act as a depression medication; that as a depression treatment it can boost mental fitness for life and at the same time it can reduce the risk of strokes? But why?
The simple answer is that it is now understood that ... Views: 2151
In a study of over 25,000 patients at 15 primary care centers on five continents, Seattle researchers found that 50% of all depressed patients worldwide reported many unexplained physical symptoms.
The trouble is, too often your physical pain may be sending you or your doctor on a wild goose ... Views: 869
Freedom from Depression
By Shaun Davis
It is estimated that more than 3/10 have suffered or will suffer from depression at some time in there lives, the problem with low grade depression is that often those suffering from it don’t actually know that they have a problem and therefore don’t seek ... Views: 7438