We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Creativity ". If you have expertise in Creativity and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I have a cool memorabilia board, and I switch it out every now and then. Through February, it still had Christmas cards and the like hung on it. As it came to my consciousness that it was time to change it out, it occurred to me that I was freshening up the energy.
There's a difference ... Views: 1178
A couple of weeks ago, I led a local, in-person meeting of a women-in-business support group. This was the fourth time we'd met, and all the meetings before had been full of amazing connection and even transformation for some of us. I always came home energized and filled up.
This time, ... Views: 961
"I have an article to write, so I'll just start writing."
A few moments go by.
"Hmmmm. Why aren't the words coming to me easily? Ah, it must be because I struggle to write."
A few more moments go by.
"This is hard."
"I'm not very good at it."
You stare at the screen.
"I give ... Views: 986
Much of what I do for my clients is to create sacred space. When I'm leading a workshop, I'm creating sacred space for my clients and students to write and create. When I coach, the coaching session is a sacred space where my clients feel safe to share, to stretch, to take risks, and to uncover ... Views: 851
There are many reasons we procrastinate or simply don't do something we say we want to do. Something that will forward our goals. Something that moves us toward our dreams. Something that is EXACTLY what we want to do.
But we don't do it.
It's being stuck, and it's not just a lack ... Views: 802
A few weeks ago, when I was feeling quite overwhelmed, I took a break and sat in my living room and looked out the big picture window with its view of the valleys and mountains. I had been DOing so much that I felt I was losing a bit of the soul and the why of that doing.
So I sat in my ... Views: 767
The water that is stored in the cloud in the form of vapor in the sky manifests itself in the very shower of rains. The juice that is secretly accumulated in a tree is expressed in mingled forms through leaves and flowers. In case of music also, there are manifestation of these forms. One is the ... Views: 1247
All too often you hear so many people telling you why you cannot be wealthy, or why you cannot be successful and that success is based on pure luck, or family fortune, or tell you their opinion on what will not work, instead of telling you what will work or what can work and why it can work. ... Views: 1461
Artist’s Integration: A Unique Blending
The artist spins and blends ideas inasmuch as the concept of Spin Art portrays this process so vividly well. This surrealistic technique embodies an intrinsic abstractionism by splashing an array of color and hues upon a spinner, so that it may ... Views: 1587
It's hard to believe that 10-years ago I set out on a mission to touch the world. I had been a massage therapist for 4-years and had provided treatments for close to a thousand clients, but I wanted to do more to facilitate healing for my community. You see, I grew up in Detroit, an automobile ... Views: 1439
Perspective Shifts With Possibility
The Art of Possibility is to see the unseen! This is a unique inner process that is reflected by the magnitude of your creativity. You may already realize that the creative drive is ultimately your life force. It drives authentic expression of the essence ... Views: 1299
Live your life. Switch off. Unplug. Experience things. This was the advice I read the other day from a writer.
I think about it every day. I look around during my commute to work in a crowded train and I see strangers with their heads down, plugged in. Smart phones, e-readers, iPods, tablets, ... Views: 1894
When I was growing up everyone around me gave me suggestions for “what to do when…” I grew up. My friends and I wrote on our notebooks and in our journals what we wanted, to do, to be, to have and to hold. We girls tried different names on with our “first” names, we got “married,” wore “big” ... Views: 3826
Creativity is the cornerstone of the human existence. It’s a fact that a majority of the world’s most remarkable creations were birthed by individuals with (what was considered) hair-brained ideas. Although, I believe creativity is a gift everyone has, I equally believe, most are unable to ... Views: 2059
Is a real life perfect? Is your life perfect? Is your life real?
There is no way to know where you will see the most beauty in your life, or have the most profound experience. Battlefields and graveyards are as full of enlightening and profound, happy and beautiful life experience as the ... Views: 9576
What is creativity? Use these quotes from famous people to think about what it means to be creative.
1. "Creativity is the infinite capacity that resides within you. It involves combining information with your life experiences." - Wayne Lotherington
2. "Creativity is not in the execution, ... Views: 1773
Did you know that you possess the most powerful idea factory in the world on your shoulders? Your thoughts, ideas, insights, and intuitions can be brought to life by using the creative power of your imagination.
What is the imagination?
Imagination is the ability to create a mental picture ... Views: 2467
"A man with a supply of idea fears nothing for he has become the master of his own fate." - Robert P. Crawford
How do you use your mind to create ideas that open the floodgates to other opportunities? One way is to set an intention to create a great idea and then to follow the thought up with ... Views: 1587
1. Ideas come to you effortlessly.
• Creating ideas is as easy for you as putting on your shoes in the morning. Thomas Edison said that ideas are waiting to be discovered. You discover ideas constantly by creating ideas without really trying to create ideas. No matter where you look you see ... Views: 4862
1. Using an idea journal is fast, easy, and convenient.
It will take you less than 15 minutes each day to record your ideas, goals, and dreams into your idea journal.
2. Your idea journal will motivate you to take action on your most valuable and promising ideas.
Use the idea journal ... Views: 1586
Making a transition in life can be difficult to accept and face head on. There aren’t many people who enjoy the process of change or accepting a new reality in their existence. Whether you have made the decision yourself or someone has made it for you, these times can be ... Views: 3958
A June 2012 issue of Writer’s Digest quotes George Orwell as having once said, “writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand". ... Views: 1169
Schumann Resonance Meditation, Energy Psychology through Earth Breathing and Alpha Brainwaves
The earth is surrounded by air, and the ionosphere, and it is a wonderfully resonant system. Any energy trapped within this earth-ionosphere cavity, like lightning storms, etc., will cause it to ring ... Views: 2152
Happiness exists in everyone. Happiness and love are your natural state of being. All the happiness that you can possibly imagine exists within your very Self being right in this moment. This is good news! The happiness that we are seeking is right where we are says Lester Levenson, founder ... Views: 2100
We live in a science-driven world of charts and statistics, we listen to the hum of experts telling us the data from their fields of expertise. I grew up in the last half of the last century when those in the “know” were convinced we would be eating pills of compressed food ... Views: 5379
There is a saying most of us have heard, “curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought him back.” Curiosity is one of the most valuable states of mind we can have. If we are curious we can be open to what is in the present moment. It’s when we get caught up in the past or the future that our ... Views: 3860
The Body eavesdrops on the mind.
What makes each of us so unique? We are always being told there is no one else like us. We are unique. How can that be? How can we believe this and why would we want to?
We are community-driven beings, nurtured in common, educated in groups, labeled by the ... Views: 3803
To change your life, change your mind. Everything in your life is an expression of your mental diet.
The three steps to change are: 1) Awareness, 2) Practice and 3) Curiosity.
The articles that follow will outline the process and practices you will need to achieve the goal of a happier, ... Views: 4074
Unleash Your Ultimate Uniqueness
What exactly does ‘ultimate uniqueness’ mean to you? How might you attempt to define it? Is it captured by your strengths, abilities, beliefs, traits, mannerisms, behaviors, energy and/or personality profile and perceptions? Well, of course yes it is; ... Views: 1458
Open Your Heart Path
When you open your heart path, you open yourself up to life.
When life opens you to real possibility then real possibility opens you to life! It’s a reciprocal dynamic action that makes it all so amazing. With that said, a psycho-spiritual journey through self- ... Views: 1473
We Create From An Internal Vision
Where does this internal vision really come from? Many may respond by saying that it comes from God or the Divine Source. This implies that as God chooses which gifts he endows to us, that we can allow such vision to gracefully unfold. You and I and all ... Views: 1337
Spirituality Transforms Negative Emotions Through Creativity
Emotional spirituality is the wellspring from where our deepest energy resides. It is here that our creative ideas are born. When we wonder where our creative energy comes from, we’re really wondering about the fundamentals of ... Views: 1523
Dare To Become Dazzled By Your Dreams
This title expresses a marvelous inspiration of inner truth when actualized. You need not judge or doubt the imponderable inception of your dreams. Just know they are simply divinely you! Trust your dreams and bring them to life.
We’re all ... Views: 1775
Your Journal To Spiritual Awakening
The Journaling Journey is about Reflective Writing. This process accesses self-knowledge from the depth of your being and captures the sense of who you are.
The healthy relationship you long to have with your self evolves from your immutable essence that ... Views: 3063
The Life of A Vision: Bring Your Images To Life
Do you have a Life Vision that brings your images to life? What ideas do you have that will take your ‘soul purpose’ and let it flourish? A Vision lives outside of artificially imposed boundaries that are laid out by societal norms. If you ... Views: 1465
Step into her world. She is still there.
Sometimes you wonder, don’t you? If she were still the one you knew and loved, why would she look at you that way, so blankly? How could your face and touch be so unfamiliar to her at times, when it used to be so comforting? After all you do to ... Views: 1610
Reruns can be fun at times. Relaxing to King of Queens or Big Bang Theory, or going old school with MASH can be soothing. There is something comforting about knowing. Something safe about safety, or at least the illusion of it.
At least for a while.
Then it becoming painfully ... Views: 1597
Many of us conceptualize “struggle” as “bad.” In our limited view, we consider that to struggle means to be in pain, and that to be in pain is bad. But it is exactly this reasoning that has caused so many of us to fall repeatedly into cycles of struggle recreation (often called self-defeating ... Views: 1433
by Annabelle Drumm
Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes. From nudging you into a different driving lane on the highway, taking you into a shop where you find just what you’re looking for, through to a jolt from the blue that changes your ... Views: 1798
One glance at a full pregnant belly reminds us instantly of a deep truth of the human condition. We are creative beings. In our bodies, in our most sacred and holy core, resides the essence of pure creativity. In women, with the right germination, that essence of creativity is actually capable ... Views: 1447
Self-revealization acceptance brings into functional and tangible form ALL the creative energy of the universe as it is instructed to reveal itself as. Self-revealization acceptance affects the release of any and all limitations and restrictions: mental, physical, and spiritual. It will ... Views: 1437
Ever had one of those surreal moments when you realize you’ve become the person you once imagined? You don’t fit the original vision exactly, but there are similarities you can’t ignore: you’ve finished your novel, agents are calling and you can almost afford that European vacation. ... Views: 1613
Most of the creative ideas and the solutions are the result of insights. Each and every person has an ability to generate an insight but the spiritual people have the tendency of generating more powerful insights because they have understood the process of generating an insight. Insight can be ... Views: 1571
People are taken in by propaganda that abets their beliefs, especially in the realm of religion and politics. They are unaware that a conditioned mind interprets everything according to its conditioning. Their native intelligence remains stunted.
The human mind functions very much like a ... Views: 4715
The strength of Mother Earth resides in her oceans.
Our hearts are like the ocean, beating with a force like an undercurrent that provides us with such tremendous power and strength to swell us up and beyond the surface of our fears. The ocean is our passion, and when we survive, it is not ... Views: 1293
Every problem or issue has two distinct components.
One is the actual Event, the second part is Perception and these two parts creates what is known as Outcome.
An Event which by virtue of universality is neutral in its nature. Perception on the other hand is colored with what we believe is ... Views: 1465
Impel your Inner Vision
Do you have a vision you’d like to make real? Inasmuch as your vision feels real for you, and has the potency to move you, will you be able to imagine it all the more clearly. This is where it all begins! As you earnestly believe in it, you can enthusiastically immerse ... Views: 1897
Your Dream Reservoir
As we all face the necessities of life, its no wonder that we live in a world where adapting to day to day challenges has become so commonplace; however,in order to truly flourish our hearts must stay open to keep our dreams alive! Could you imagine if the world ... Views: 1162
Ponder The Impossible: This Is Your Creative Journey
This is your creative journey that you alone discover. Go ahead and ponder the impossible. Give yourself the liberty to take ownership of your natural gifts! What if what seems to be impossible can actually be very possible? Are you ... Views: 1859
Everyone is aware now that December 21st, 2012 marks the end of the Mayan calendar. Not only has this information become mainstream; it has provoked apocalyptic fears, doomsday books and films, and even triggered outbreaks of panic in Russia and France, as reported in a recent New York Times ... Views: 1599