Ponder The Impossible: This Is Your Creative Journey

This is your creative journey that you alone discover. Go ahead and ponder the impossible. Give yourself the liberty to take ownership of your natural gifts! What if what seems to be impossible can actually be very possible? Are you willing to find out just how creative you really are? Would you dare to imagine something bold, unique and unbelievable and then know that it can come true? Are you brave enough to risk the task of trying? It is a choice to delight in your creativity as a personal perspective on life. When you live your life from this creative state of being, you can transform the ordinary into what may seem to be extraordinary. Your creative encoding is your unique self signature; So now its time to recognize it as a gift to be offered and not to be hoarded. You have an opportunity to take your creative vision and share it with the world!

It has been common knowledge for some time now that all individuals possess a variety of multiple intelligences which lend themselves toward excellence in specific fields of work. There are at least seven or more intelligences that include musical, kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal according to Howard Gardner (1993) in his book “Multiple Intelligences”. Here in this article, I am discussing the source of creative intelligence that lives in the consciousness of imagination. It is that nonphysical place of potentiality! This creative intelligence is not mutually exclusive. It is also characteristic and seen in many of the other seven categories of intelligence. This “raw” intelligence is usually quite evident during the earliest stages of life, as early as toddler age. It manifests as a distinctive aspect of self expression; however, there are also times that it may lie dormant for many years until a pivotal moment reveals it. What is your opinion regarding this so called natural creative genius? Do you believe it is something you are born with, or can it be made? Have you taken any time to give this any thought? What do you think? The incredulous debate of Nature versus Nurture has long challenged much of the research literature. Research in the field of neuroscience has shown us that the brain has an inherent plasticity and that imagination and thoughts affect reality. Which do you think plays the more important role, imagination or knowledge, innate gifts or achievement?

Proclivity and personality are certainly influential in their roles on creative expressiveness. Research does support evidence that creative artistry is detectable by discernible dispositions of the artist. According to Gabriel Cohen’s article in Spirituality & Health’s March/April edition, “How Imagination Shapes Your Reality” the function of “cognitive disinhibition” is a common denominator across artistic domains. This is openness to extraneous ideas that can be explored and channeled into useful ends. This is somewhat akin to the old fashioned process of trial and error as the tried and true way to generate ingenious ideas. When at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. This holds a great deal of value to me, as I recognize validity in perseverance, dedication, commitment and follow through in spite of negative feedback which, of course is only information.

I cannot help but believe that the true heart of the creative thinker holds an intrinsic motivation that supplies him/her the energy to conceptualize, contemplate and cultivate new ideas! A deep sense of autonomy or self directedness builds in the necessary energy and feeds the production cycle. These ideas can spontaneously occur like spiral formations in that one idea can lead easily into another and another and then oftentimes even another. Additionally, one can also set an intention to engage in brainstorming strategies that unveil brilliance for both indulgent as well as practical reality. The resulting outcome is the cherished ideas which are the currency that offers new meaning for developing an enrichment of life. The greatest rewards of all are the sense of fulfillment, happiness and inner satisfaction that come as the natural by-products of the creative pursuit. The full spectrum of creative artists in varying mediums knows this about themselves. It is known because the creative artist is not just inspired but feels compelled to do what their innate gifts prompt them to do. Novel ideas can take you on a contemplative journey that may lead to incredible insight for all creation.

So go ahead and Ponder The Impossible. This is Your Creative Journey!

Author's Bio: 

Moreen is a New Jersey Licensed Social Worker who has earned her MSW degree and also holds a BA in Psychology. Her holistic philosophy integrates traditional and alternative modalities in all of her creative endeavors.

She has completed her certification as a Life Purpose and Life Career Coach with The Life Purpose Institute. She enjoys coaching in this arena because she believes in principles that access intrinsic motivation. Additionally, she has been trained in Heart Centered Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (Level II), Masters’ level Reiki Practitioner as well as other Communication modalities, such as Parenting Education.

She has worked in both clinical and non clinical settings with individuals ranging from as young as pre-school age throughout the geriatric population. She is a free lance writer currently dedicating her time to this passion. She reads and writes metaphysical, transformational, self-help literature. She has co-authored a metaphysical book for both children and adults that has been submitted for publication. She has also written a chapter in PWN’s “The Confident Woman: Tapping Into Your Inner Power” which will be released August 2, 2013.

She can be reached at (732) 754-8681