There it is. A blank page.
An hour goes by.
There it is. A blank page.
Dreaded writer's block. Welcome to . . . something I have never once experienced.
I have written thousands of articles, blogs and a host of other things and never once had writer's block. Sometimes, I do ... Views: 979
“Everything is energy.”
Einstein said it. The ancient master before him said the identical thing. Modern quantum physicists have proven it. Everything is energy.
Keep this principle in mind as you continue to read. . . . . .
A week ago, my wife and I went for our Tuesday run on the W. ... Views: 1574
Go to any of the remaining bookstores and you will still see a huge number of titles involving the subject of diet. Each one proclaims to be the best. Or the most original. Or the fastest. Same case with exercise. Do this for 12 minutes and you too can look like Arnold. Or you can try to the 11 ... Views: 1167
About a decade ago, I make a major decision to purchase an investment home. The reason was to have my money make money, or so I told myself. The real reason was because everyone was doing it and I fell into the Trap.
The Trap is a societal "black hole" that pulls you into what is hot at the ... Views: 1043
We are in an age of information. In fact, often it is TOO much information.
Walk into a health store and there are 1000s of products. Go online and find the same number of articles, just on one topic.
You want to live a healthy life, but just are not sure how to even begin.
There is now ... Views: 1315
It always amazes me how great things can arise from difficult experiences. Like the Phoenix, light always shine more powerful than the dark.
Such was the case a few weeks ago. My wife and I were struggling with some personal issues. It seems like every piece of news that we heard was ... Views: 1317
Do you dread Mondays? Research consistently shows that Mondays (mornings in particular) are viewed in a most negative light. More heart attacks occur on Mondays versus any other time of the week.
How can we create a feeling of hope and optimism for Mondays, as well as any other time.
The ... Views: 1277
Depending upon the study you read, some 80-90% of New Years Resolutions will fail. The intention to change is great. The means of going about it is not.
How familiar does this sound? You want to lose weight, run a marathon and start a new business. You target January 1st and the launch day ... Views: 1669
If you are still one of those few people who insist on watching the news, you will be undoubtedly bombarded with "It's the holidays. Time to be depressed. You need to take this medication." messages.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is, more people are happy during this time ... Views: 1378
The bills are due.
The job is not going so well.
The kids and wife are unhappy.
Even the dog is not your best friend these days.
What to do?
Ever have this experience? If you have been on Earth more than a couple of years, you certainly have, or at least variations on the themes. ... Views: 1281
I have written 2 books, countless articles, features in magazines, speeches and about a dozen others in between.
This may be the most important thing I have written. There is a strong feeling that it can be of great benefit to each of you. It certainly has improved the quality of my life and I ... Views: 1754
It may not be the first substance you think of for enhancing sports performance, but perhaps it should.
Sage is an herb that allows your heart to work at high capacity, thus delivering blood and nutrients to and remove waste products from the muscles.
Adding Red Sage (also known as Salvia ... Views: 1361
I don’t watch the news or read newspapers. Nevertheless, it is virtually impossible to NOT hear about the strange new pathogens that are around. Ebola and other “stars” slowly making their way into various countries, including America.
What can be done? This is a common cry among many. As such, ... Views: 1609
There are so many diets, often conflicting ones on the market today. Truth of the matter is there is no one-size-fits-all approach. On the positive flip side, there are a series of guidelines that anyone can use to super-charge their fat loss goals. They are as follows:
1. Protein power. ... Views: 1326
Ever wonder how the body goes from food on the fork to building your physique? Protein is the major key and here are the 5 steps it takes for protein to become muscle.
aminoStep 1. Once your finish your meal, enzymes in the stomach and small intestine break apart protein to form what is called ... Views: 1502
Who would have thought THIS combination would lead to steady and safe weight loss. I will give you 20 guessed and it is unlikely you would have thought of this one. Take 30 even.
This combination of nutritional supplements can prolong a strong, fast metabolism and give your waist a desired ... Views: 1443
Hot for coffee, boiling for tea? That has always been the suggestion passed down from generation to generation. There is more to it than that though. Different teas perform best at different temperatures; that is, you will reap the great rewards in terms of health benefits and taste if you ... Views: 1463
It is the perfect way to eat. Not a perfect way, THE perfect way. It works 100% of the time, for 100% of the people. No exceptions, unless of course you don’t do it.
It cannot be turned into a book. Too short. Only 2 sentences.
Many people will cast dispursions on it, doubt it or worse, ... Views: 1313
Dear Marathon,
We really need to talk.
Dear David,
I am always happy to. What is on your mind?
I cannot seem to shake you. I say I don’t want to run you again, but somehow, someway, you find your way into my life.
Why do you think that is?
I have no idea.
I think ... Views: 1629
Doc Wellness Webinar #2: Kidneys
Date: Tuesday, April 29th.
Time: 7pm EST. Please note: If you cannot make it, the replay of the Webinar will be sent to you.
Cost: Only $10
Tired of living in fear?
Unwilling or unable to take risks, to experience true joy and passion?
The ... Views: 1422
For 20 seconds, run like you have a pack of pit bulls behind you while a big steak is in your back pocket.
For the next 10 second, lightly jog and recover.
Repeat 8 times.
Welcome to the world of Tabatas.
Tabatas are a high intensity training named after its founder, a Japanese ... Views: 1284
Given my last adventure of a hamstring tear, this latest research caught my attention in a hurry.
According to Scandinavian researchers, the negative (eccentric) leg curl is the perfect solution to hamstring injuries. In 2003, a study from one of the leading institutes in Stockholm found that ... Views: 1213
Starting April 8 at 7 pm EST, I will be hosting "Doc Wellness Webinars." These highly informative, interactive calls will feature the most prominent questions and topics from the world of Natural Medicine. During each 60 minute call, Dr. David Orman will present cutting edge information, ... Views: 1262
There is something about balancing hormonal levels that turns back the aging clock, helps you look great and perhaps most importantly, feel like a million bucks. The sequence is this - the more the major hormones are balanced, the more energy you have. The more energy you have, the more active ... Views: 1486
You will end up investing a few hundred dollars a year on average. This is just for the basic, no frills gym. If want the hot tubs and saunas, add another zero into the mix. Is it worth the investment? Here are a few items to consider before joining:
1. Ask the salesperson about the capacity ... Views: 1262
What is small. . . . about the size of a tennis ball. . . .
Fury of sorts, though not “real” fur. . . . (this eliminates your favorite puppy). . . .
And does a remarkable job of among other things, alleviating depression?
If you have a case of the blues, go with Kiwi. According to the ... Views: 1288
I met the greatest teacher during the Disney Marathon this past Sunday. Better than the great martial arts masters I trained with over the years. Better than the college professors. Even better than my dad who, when I was young, knew everything. Or so I thought.
The Teacher was almost ... Views: 1384
“Addicted to the rapid weight loss, some woman are taking this new diet craze to dangerous extremes. Women who do these juice cleanses can, and do, die from heart problems.” This is the conclusion of Dr. Oz, based upon recently published studies.
In a juice cleanse, you eat no food, just ... Views: 1267
If you are hypersensitive, easily offended or non-desirous of true change, this is not the article for you. If however, you are willing to be truthful with yourself, look in the inner mirror and take the plunge of change, you hit pay dirt!
This article is about the cure for ... Views: 1531
I said I wanted to do one marathon in my life.
In a week and a half, I will be running my 10th.
I do so for many reasons. I want to feel alive. I mean fully alive, and the marathon takes me on virtually every emotion known. I also learn some of life’s most valuable lessons and am a better ... Views: 1370
Throughout the past 60+ years, we have viewed fat as a substance stored in various parts of the body as an "emergency energy reserve." A place for extra calories in the event the system calls on them when needed. The past decade as shown a shift in this thinking. "Extra" is now viewed as ... Views: 2061
New research published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research has identified how cranberry juice works at the molecular level to fight virulent E. coli infections in the urinary tract. The team of researchers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts that ... Views: 1492
The majority of people consume more carbohydrates than what is needed, and lack sufficient protein. Numerous studies show that even small increases in protein intake along with a lowering of carbs, helps a person become healthier and drop fat.
When you look at the labels on foods, you will ... Views: 1346
For years now, we have been told to load up on carbs at breakfast. Having a big-carb breakfast will fuel us up for the rest of the day and keep hunger at bay. It was said to “kick start” the metabolism, and though it is calorie dense, no problems. You will burn it off as the day goes ... Views: 1167
I have said it for years. I have debated in person, on line and in writing. Finally, justification.
According to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, using ice to aid in recovery has been shown to slow muscle repair.
If your muscles ache and there is no swelling, you are much better ... Views: 1421
Recent studies have shown that the microwave popcorn you’re family regularly eats can be harmful to your health. The FDA and the EPA are conducting studies, but what is being done to ensure your family is safe?
The studies show that the chemicals used in all popcorn bags, known as ... Views: 1542
Every few years, a new fad enters the world of Nutrition that takes a stronghold for a while. Be it Atkins or Cabbage soup, it is pushed via the hype machine until the realities come to the forefront that all is not as advertised.
The "newest" approach is detoxification. (Of course, detox ... Views: 1279
I will never win an award for running (unless you consider slowest marathoner of all time an award) but I finish what I start, be that projects or marathons. So the last month has been a puzzle. I cut short 2 long runs and completely bonked on a 10 miler. The last 20 minutes of my aikido class ... Views: 1424
They are the gateway to the soul and one of our most precious gifts – the eyes. Many people assume that there is a pattern of excellent vision in youth, reduction in middle age and poor vision in the winter years. Such need not be the case. Much can be done to improve and to maintain a high ... Views: 1132
Reruns can be fun at times. Relaxing to King of Queens or Big Bang Theory, or going old school with MASH can be soothing. There is something comforting about knowing. Something safe about safety, or at least the illusion of it.
At least for a while.
Then it becoming painfully ... Views: 1597
Few things can ruin a day like a bad night’s sleep. You feel a step or 2 behind for the whole day. It decreases memory, blunts the release of HGH, speeds aging and lowers immunity. Just for starters.
Here are a series of easy to do things that can greatly improve sleep:
1. Train in the ... Views: 1155
Is neck pain becoming a well. . . real pain for you? Tried different substances and no relief?
Yoga may be your answer. A recent study conducted in Germany and published in the Journal of Pain, studies 50 people who had chronic pain in their cervical area (neck).
About half participated in ... Views: 1216
I have written about the benefits of cinnamon many times. Here is a partial list . . . . .
Cancer Prevention. In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
Anti-Clotting. It has ... Views: 1197
For a large portion of my life, I have been an end-product oriented kind of guy. Success or failure was defined by the end results, period. If the end result was what I wanted, all was well. If not, it was considered a disaster.
I “failed” at baseball, having only made it to the college ... Views: 1399
If you are active, you will find this article interesting, refreshing and one that will bring a smile to your face.
If you are not active, you will either not like this article or be motivated to start moving. It is that important!
In short. . . . the more you sit, the worse your health ... Views: 1424
Can sports make you smarter? According to a recent study, the answer is a resounding YES. Researchers at the U of Granada compared subjects who participated in sports versus sedentary people. Those who played sports --regardless of the sport - exhibited better cognitive performance and reaction ... Views: 1873
From the Journal of Clinical Oncology. . . .
Whereas observational studies have suggested that increased physical activity is linked to lower breast cancer risk, Canadian researchers explored how sex hormones were positively influenced by aerobic exercise. Specifically, the team examined how ... Views: 1199
Dear Money,
I am writing this letter to you, a long overdue letter. It is time we get it out in the open, once and forever. This subtle, up-and-down non-sense has gone on long enough.
Let's start on a positive note, shall we?
Thank you. I do appreciate the opportunities you have ... Views: 1332
I know, going out of your way is time consuming. But there really are certain foods that a trip to the local Farmer's Market is a great idea. More often than not, you will find superior products at competitive prices. Why settle for the piece of fruit with the least amount of bruises at the ... Views: 1348
Some of you will really not like this post. Too invested in the disease and the same way of living.
Some of you will love this post. Very invested in health and a new way of living.
An article was posted regarding the "inventor of ADD and ADHA." It reads. . . . . The German weekly Der ... Views: 1980