We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Chiropractic". If you have expertise in Chiropractic and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
About 11 years ago, this weekend warrior participated in a good old fashioned Sunday morning touch football game. As I extended my left leg, outstretched to defend a receiver from catching the ball, I felt a pop in my left hamstring. I came away limping, unable to put any pressure on it. With ... Views: 6917
Neck is an important body part which joins head to lower body system. There is a nerve which comes out through the spinal cord which runs from neck to hands and fingers. So, pain in fingers or in other part of hands means that there is something wrong in the neck.
Neck is composed of a curve ... Views: 1078
Scoliosis consists of several abnormal curve of the spine that pushes out laterally and creates visible or non-visible defect to the affected person. This is not contagious nor a disease developed due to lack of care or certain actions that causes curvature in spine. This has been studied by ... Views: 1679
One of the painful injuries a man could get is whiplash which can result to chronic or serious pain, so it is a plus or an advantage if you be aware of about any possible treatment for whiplash.. Most people know at least one person who had some kind of vehicular accident which resulted in ... Views: 1132
Before delving into ideas about sciatic pain relief there is a need to define the term. This is characterized by a shooting pain due to sciatic nerve inflammation, and the pain usually only happens on one side of the body. The sciatic nerve, longest nerve in the body with a diameter of a finger, ... Views: 2491
Breathing is a natural occurring movement in our body for gaining much needed oxygen to remain alive. We can use diaphragmatic breathing to activate additional oxygen in our bodies, when we need to calm our body or increase motivation in our activity. It will help change a lethargic, inactive ... Views: 3344
Lower back exercises when done properly can significantly reduce low back pain by activating muscles of the low back and “core.” 80% of people will experience some form of low back pain in their lifetime. Therefore, people should be doing some kind of exercise for the lower back to prevent ... Views: 3095
Decompressive Traction System - DTS Therapy is a leading non-surgical alternative for disc related syndromes of the lumbar and cervical spine.
The therapy comprises of three phases:
• Treatment
• Stabilization of Structure
• Support of Muscular System
PHASE I: The Treatment ... Views: 1390
According to the National Institutes of Health, Americans spend $50 billion annually on back pain. Yes, that is Billions with a B! It is the most common cause of lost work but is second to headaches as the most frequent neural disorder.
A frequently overlooked cause of lower back pain is ... Views: 2695
I am a consultant with Ardyss International and NC Vendor
I offer a variety of Health & Wellness Products such as Skin Care, Nutritional Supplements & Body Reshaping Garments that are MEDICALLY APPROVED BY INSURANCE ... Views: 1638
A person is prone to injuries specially athletes, you may be a trained or an amateur sports enthusiast. Numerous stresses in the bones of your spine and joints can cause slight loss of suitable movement which will get in the method of working your muscles and nerves. You will suffer from ... Views: 1213
Cranial Sacral Therapy is a technique taught in Applied Kinesiology based on Cranial Osteopathy which was discovered by osteopath Dr. William Sutherland after he had a remarkable insight while examining the specialized articulations of cranial bones. Contrary to popular belief Dr Sutherland ... Views: 5836
So you have severe bloating, and belching, problems w/ elimination and general abdominal discomfort and growing fatigue and other vague medical symptoms. Or you may have been diagnosed w/ either Crohn’s disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the standard procedures are not working for you. You ... Views: 2952
Chiropractic treatment has become very popular nowadays not only because of the medical community's growing acceptance of this natural health method. The recognition of the study or the treatment can also be attributed to the constructive testimonials and feedbacks that majority of the patients ... Views: 984
Spinal Cord is the most important part of our musculoskeletal system. An unhealthy spine can result in a wide range of disorders and pain in the back. One of the most widely used medical treatments for its treatment is Spinal Decompression. It is practiced in two forms: Surgical and ... Views: 985
Chiropractics these days has been developing into one of the alternative approaches to health. The study is under the notion that the nervous system has a general impact on one's physical condition. Different techniques are done to align the spinal joints to improve the overall wellness of the ... Views: 1056
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), can also be called premenstrual tension is a complex of physical and emotional symptoms that occur repetitively in a cyclic fashion before menstruation and that diminish or disappear with menstruation.
PMS is merely annoying; severe PMS (or PMDD) causes serious ... Views: 1134
Someday by Dr Bill Toth
Looking at my calendar it’s easy to see Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday….and now I’m confused…where is “Someday”? Everybody talks about it. Everybody has all kinds of great things that they’re going to do or have accomplished on that day…Someday.
You’ve heard it ... Views: 1458
Are people nervous to go to the chiropractor? Yes, most people are nervous. Why, because most people have no idea what to expect.
First and foremost, in most cases there is nothing to be nervous about. If you are one of those people who are afraid to hear the “crack” of joints, you have ... Views: 1167
What is DTS Therapy?
Today we hear and see a lot of people suffer due to lower back pain, a pinched nerve, sciatica, neck pain, a variety of symptoms related to damaged or degenerative discs, as well as syndromes of the lumbar and cervical spine. Our life style and food habits are definitely ... Views: 1452
I am a chiropractor and I practice in Bellevue, WA at Bellevue Center for Health, (mybcfh.com). I have decided to write a short explanation of the chiropractic health philosophy. Chiropractic Doctors have great success with helping people stay or become healthy.
Chiropractic revolves around a ... Views: 1388
Self correction of spinal occlusions (misaligned spinal bones) occurs in nearly everyone, everyday very naturally. Digestion occurs without our conscious thought, as do millions of other functions within this miraculous body of ours. This is something that we can observe and describe, but to ... Views: 1857
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the body’s adaptive response to mechanical imbalance. Poor alignment of the Axial and Appendicular Skeleton (spine and extremities respectively) place uneven mechanical forces on the bones and joints. When a car’s tyres are out of alignment the rubber becomes worn both ... Views: 1651
In regard to your health, the most important piece of furniture you own is your mattress. You spend approximately one third of your life in bed. An uncomfortable mattress can have a negative effect on the quantity and quality of your sleep. This is especially the case for millions of back pain ... Views: 3083
A body signal such as back pain is healthy. It is a warning sign that the spine and central nervous system are under mechanical stress. This means that the Neuro-musculo-skeletal system is breaking down faster than it can heal. Misalignment of the spine and extremities caused by poor posture is ... Views: 1456
I spoke to 3 different chiropractors about my skiing mishap, my uneven body weight distribution (right side was heavier by a few pounds as revealed at a Total Health expo), and about top performance health and long life.
I experienced three different levels of chiropractic adjustments, from ... Views: 7264
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321 of Tampa, Florida has been practicing chiropractic for over 14 years. As a south Tampa chiropractor, he has had the opportunity to help people with a variety of issues. He is an expert at helping people to eliminate the cause of most pain. He is also an expert at ... Views: 1339
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Move and Live Now! - by Dr Howard D Cameron Expert in Health and Healing
Move to, and Live in, the place in your mind where you have always been healthy and happy! “Simple” I hear you say!
Our Neuronet or Brain Network has an unlimited ability to form new connections or networks. These neurochemical networks or thoughts, along with our environment, determine our ... Views: 1446
In a recent study published in one of the chiropractic journals they were reviewing the average number of hours chiropractors in North America worked as well as how many weeks per year they worked!
I was not terribly surprised by the number of hours the average D.C. worked (37) but was a bit ... Views: 2558
The numbers of chiropractors that burn-out of practice early is something that makes my heart bleed! I contend that one of the main reasons this happens is because many do not understand this key concept of service and end up giving and giving until ....... there is nothing left to give their ... Views: 2120
Many people have espoused from the chiropractic platform that the purpose of our practice is just to serve others! I have heard axioms like "never let your service hand know what your business hand is doing," and "don't worry about fees just serve the people and the dollars will look after ... Views: 1820
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321 of Tampa, Florida has been practicing chiropractic for over 14 years. As a south Tampa chiropractor, he has had the opportunity to help people with a variety of issues. He is an expert at helping people to eliminate the cause of most pain. He is also an expert at ... Views: 1482
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***Magic Moments - by Dr. Tom Preston, the Official Guide to Chiropractic
For those of you that have been in practice for more than a couple of years tell me if you have ever experienced this scenario.
You are on your way to the office and as you drive into the parking lot you get the funny feeling that you WERE JUST HERE! Time and space warps and you suddenly feel ... Views: 2099
I have clients that see a thousand patient visits per week that are an outrageous success in their ideal and I have clients who see 100 patient visits per week who are just as big a success. How is this possible you ask?
Aussie is my 17 year-old golden retriever. She is one of my best friends and one of my greatest teachers. The cool thing about hanging out with Aussie is you never have to guess where you stand with her. She lets you know with her body language (usually her tail wagging furiously in a sign of ... Views: 2093
Many of the clients I coach want to increase the volume in their practice. They believe that by doing this all of the pain and problems in their life will be over. They believe that "there” is better than “here" and so they fight and scratch to get to the next level of practice volume.
What ... Views: 2103
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321 of Tampa, Florida has been practicing chiropractic for over 14 years. As a south Tampa chiropractor, he has had the opportunity to help people with a variety of issues. He is an expert at helping people to eliminate the cause of most pain. He is also an expert at ... Views: 1189
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321 of Tampa, Florida has been practicing chiropractic for over 14 years. As a south Tampa chiropractor, he has had the opportunity to help people with a variety of issues. He is an expert at helping people to eliminate the cause of most pain. He is also an expert at ... Views: 1536
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321 of Tampa, Florida has been practicing chiropractic for over 14 years. As a south Tampa chiropractor, he has had the opportunity to help people with a variety of issues. He is an expert at helping people to eliminate the cause of most pain. He is also an expert at ... Views: 1748
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321 of Tampa, Florida has been practicing chiropractic for over 14 years. As a sout Tampa chiropractor, he has had the opportunity to help people with a variety of issues. He is an expert at helping people to eliminate the cause of most pain. He is also an expert at ... Views: 1305
Fate Or Choice: Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321, chiropractor in South Tampa, discusses wellness versus dis-ease in today's article. Keep in mind that chiropractic is a natural way to help your body work at its peak or maximal potential. Diet, exercise and a positive frame of mind are other ... Views: 1449
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321, Chiropractor in Tampa, Florida, has over 14 years of experience in helping to eliminate the causes of health problems. He is an expert in helping people who suffer from injuries derived from an auto accident. He does not advise you to cover up your symptoms with ... Views: 1260
Dr. Steve Edelson of south Tampa, (813) 831-8321, often teaches his patients about ways to maintain good health.
Chronic disease affects so many people in America. These complex problems - cancer, diabetes, and heart disease - require complex solutions. Part of the solution involves people ... Views: 1199
The SPINE Centre
1st Floor GAA Building
Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
13 Reasons to get Your Spine Checked for Spinal Occlusions (misalignments) on a Regular Basis!
We all know that maintenance is the best policy when possible. Spinology ... Views: 6218
SPINOLOGY—Living at Your Fullest Potential
By- Michael Meyer, Certified Spinologist
Director of the European School of Spinology
Spinology is a fairly new profession, having been founded in 1980 by Dr. Reginald R. Gold from ... Views: 2896
Most people do not realize how much they move their neck during the day until they are unable to do so. The degree of flexibility of the neck, coupled with the fact that it has the least amount of muscular stabilization and it has to support and move your 14 - 16 pound head, means that the neck ... Views: 1334
Dr. Steve Edelson of South Tampa (813) 831-8321 has been treating people who suffer from back pain for over 14 years. I have also been a patient. In the past, I have suffered from severe back pain. It is no fun. I can really empathize with patients who I treat for back pain.
The low back can ... Views: 1482
Who uses Chiropractic? Many people do as this is probably the most popular way to naturally heal the back. The chiropractor not only specializes in back pain, but focuses on the neck, work related injuries, vehicle accidents and sports injuries. Let’s take a look at what a chiropractor can do ... Views: 1402
Dr. Steve Edelson (813) 831-8321 is a chiropractor in South Tampa. In today's article he discusses Asthma. People who suffer from asthma can get relief from chiropractic care. Many chiropractors consider their role in caring for patients with asthma, especially those subject to severe attacks, ... Views: 1725
It was in October 1982 in my home town of Berlin located in the suburbs of central Connecticut. It was a brisk 60 degrees outside and fall was reaching its peak. I was waiting to pick up my stack of newspapers from the New Britain Herald on the corner of Wildemere Drive and Lower Lane. I ... Views: 1553