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Have you ever had a patient that sits through a whole report of findings and looks at you with the deer in the headlights look? It's obvious that they don't really understand the treatment program that has been implemented and your communication is off target.
If your patients do not have ... Views: 1435
According to an article published in the journal of the American Family Physician, there are at least 106,000 deaths each year in the United States from the side effects of properly prescribed medications[1], and that 10 percent of hospital admissions may be attributable to drug-induced ... Views: 1904
For many emerging from winter-overeating-inactivity, spring’s clarion call to resume long abandoned fitness routines, and accelerating the firming of enervated bodies, may result in serious injuries. In fact, according to a US CPC study, over 149,000 were treated for exercise related injuries in ... Views: 1755
We’ve all suffered from joint pain at one time or another. It not only is an uncomfortable experience but it can be debilitating and lead to emotional problems. The thought of struggling with such discomfort is a fear that can be difficult to face, but thousands of people every day have to deal ... Views: 1922
Coccydynia is pain in the coccyx, the tailbone, which can cause a great amount of discomfort and limit mobility. Sometimes, this pain is not taken seriously by general practitioners but it is important to learn the cause if the pain persists. In some cases, the cause is obvious as pain develops ... Views: 5308
The healing art of chiropractic was discovered in 1895 by D. D. Palmer and since that time has become the largest nondrug natural healing art in the United States. On average, each year, over two hundred million visits are made to the sixty thousand plus practicing chiropractors. By 2008, it is ... Views: 3553
My patient Bob told me his story: “Look, Doc, all I did was bend over to pick up a paper clip. Wham! I was down on the floor, sucking wind. The pain in my lower back was so intense, it brought tears to my eyes. Just breathing caused excruciating pain. I don’t even want to remember what happened ... Views: 1578
At no time in human experience are there more vital developments in the female body than in the periods before, during, and after pregnancy. Being in an optimal “state of being” will allow the mother-to-be the best oppor¬tunity for a more comfortable pregnancy and give her new baby the essential ... Views: 1727
On Friday afternoon (Mother Nature’s favorite time for medical and dental emergencies), my tiny Maltese Chiclet starting limping. Viewed walking from behind, her back legs crossed strangely, one dainty paw touching ground in front of the other, traversing an invisible tightrope.
As far as I ... Views: 2860
SPINOLOGY…Non-therapeutic maintenance for the spine.
By- Michael Meyer, Certified Spinologist
Director of the European School of Spinology
Non-therapeutic??? How in the world does that work? Those were my thoughts in that order when I was first introduced to the philosophy of Spinology ... Views: 8080
According to a recent article in the Ladies Home Journal, 35% of ALL visits to the pediatrician in the United States are for reoccurring ear infections. Sometimes these ear infections are due to bacteria and other times they are due to viruses. Well, then why is the same course of treatment ... Views: 1816
What is typically done when a child has an illness or symptom?
They are given medication. Unfortunately, drug use as a first step has become the norm in our society with no thought of the effects on our bodies. We are raising “drug dependent” children. Parents feel pressured to do something ... Views: 1277
One of the most common reasons for health problems that I see in my office is faulty posture. Having poor posture will almost guarantee that you’ll have Chiropractic structural problems. But luckily, if you get proper chiropractic spinal & extremity adjustments and are put on a postural ... Views: 2773
The road down the birth canal and out into the world can be a trying one, particularly in the case of medical intervention and high-tech births (Of 13 countries in a recent comparison, the United States ranks an average of 12th (second from the bottom) for 16 available health indicators – ... Views: 2648
At no time in the human experience are there more vital developments than in the periods before, during and after pregnancy. The mother's physiological, psychological, and spiritual state can't be overstated enough in the process that transforms two cells into a trillion of interweaving cells ... Views: 1733
Many people simply do not know how much of difference Chiropractic adjustments can make to an infant or child’s health because infants and toddlers are usually unable say that their necks or low backs are hurting. When a child is old enough to tell an adult about his or her neck or back ... Views: 2844
Chiropractic care facilitates a more comfortable transition from early to late term pregnancy and through to postpartum recovery. No one has said that pregnant women should silently endure the aches and pains of pregnancy. The good news is that pregnant women do not have to suffer these pains ... Views: 3390
Let me start with the facts. These “facts” are not just hypothetical ideas. They are actual statistics and actual studies that show that chiropractic care for children is not only safe, it is vital. Take these figures into account:
- A study done by Abraham Towbin, M.D., an expert ... Views: 1257
Pregnancy can put pressure on the sciatic nerve that causes leg pain. Some chiropractors say they are able to resolve this problem. They also say there are techniques that will help ensure a safe and easy delivery.
The actual goal with chiropractic care during pregnancy is to make the ... Views: 1063