The primary thing I like about teaching is what I learn in the process. I am teaching a webinar that I call Success Essentials. Have you ever considered what is absolutely essential for success?
Most people have never really thought about it. In the webinar, I start with the definition of ... Views: 1190
Perhaps you aren't looking for any of those. Those of us who continue to grow, expand and learn are constantly looking for ways to improve what we do.
There can be a lot of overlap between those terms and perhaps we aren't always clear on what they mean. Here are my ideas.
We ... Views: 1991
Yesterday's Labor Day blog was about the importance of both labor and business.
I have written about the importance of visions and goals. For many of us, I believe that is the most difficult. We default to goals of others or goals others have told us that we should have. When we do that we ... Views: 1187
When it comes to success, you have heard that it is not what you know but who you know that matters. However, what is most important is who knows you.
In the context of business, I do not mean that people who recognize your face and know your name. I mean people who know what you do and like ... Views: 1148
When I was more actively involved in practice, my associate and I went to a continuing education seminar. We were so excited about applying what we learned that we talked about it during the entire 2-hour drive home. We stopped by the office. Four patients had left voice mails that they wanted ... Views: 1247
According to the National Institutes of Health, Americans spend $50 billion annually on back pain. Yes, that is Billions with a B! It is the most common cause of lost work but is second to headaches as the most frequent neural disorder.
A frequently overlooked cause of lower back pain is ... Views: 2708
I've come to believe that we are intelligent. By that I mean that part of us is part of a creative intelligence that created the universe. That intelligent part of us is the source of true inspiration. It is the source of major achievement because it gives us the vision of our heart's ... Views: 1949
Many people ask me if I think the real estate market has bottomed out. I don't know. However, for a lot of people, now is the time to buy.
Look at the numbers. Every situation is different. My mother is a great example. She was renting a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo for about $1300 per month. In ... Views: 2009
These days everyone is looking for a competitive edge. The enlightened entrepreneur understands and conforms with two universal laws: The Law of Fair Exchange and The Law of Appreciation.
The Law of Fair Exchange enforces our activity. We must give something in return for what we want in life ... Views: 2214