All Effect has a Cause. Every circumstance we face in our lives has an internal point of origin. Not only search for the cause, but find it. There are many reasons why for more that we want to find answers, we just don’t see them. Well, if you feel in some way related consider this:
“I am Avoiding” Usually we blame someone else for our results. Have you ever considered that your pain, no satisfaction, uncertainty in your life and your results has nothing to do with no one except yourself? It’s hard to even think about it! I know! But I tell you this: Pay attention to your reactions. Something has not healed yet if your reactions are strong and out of control. Meditate on what that could mean to you.
Let me give you a hand! Because there are also many ways to create a proactive action instead of reactive actions that take away peace and wellness of your lifestyle. Please just consider for one brief moment the possibility that one or more of the following are integrated in your ways of being and you did not even know about it. Discover and see what happens!
Indifference... What I am pretending not to know. From here we usually are not available to pay the price of connecting with “that” is holding me back. Here, we know we are getting separated of our greatest possibility of life quality. However, is to challenging. And usually scary because it means go deeper and heal letting go of everything else.
“I don’t Know” Excuse. This is usually the answer to our biggest questions of our lives at any level. Knowing the answers usually comes with great responsibility. And usually it takes a great commitment that just many dare to take. If we are one of those people who wouldn’t dare to take that extraordinary challenge, then we go “auto-pilot” and just build a defensive system that unable us to take full responsibility of our lives. Ouch! Is it here where we really want to be?
Weakness Giving for free and to everyone your inner power away. Just like that! Even having no consciousness of it at all. You are victim of anything and anyone. You are vulnerable to every condition and limit yourself to an emotional jail. Sounds tragic, right? More than that is sad. Not realizing that you have all you need including the power to make your biggest dream happen. There is so much to achieve and discover! Retake you life. If you don’t do it, No one will do it for you and your service to the World will be lost.
Perfectionism and Control. Everything most looks certain way, and if we are not in control, we think we are weak. It is so hard to trust people and everything else. There is so much distraction from here. Everything comes from our head. Nothing coming from the heart. Reaction take place when we feel “in danger” (proven wrong, looking bad in front of people, inadequate etc) We abandon excellence to be attached to control and reason. What is getting more important than my inner peace and happiness?
Inauthenticity. You thought to be on this one inner place where you really are no yet. You thought that you healed and overcome specific limitations and barriers. And when you see deeper, you realize that you haven’t truly healed. Because you haven’t truly healed, you act from a place of no authenticity. And that IS NOT A BAD NEWS. If this is your case, in any way, don’t lose your precious time getting mad with yourself because you think you are going backwards or start to invalidate your life journey because you’re not where you thought. You have GAIN territory in your heart if you honestly realize where you really are. It is so valuable! And from that authentic place... you can do anything!
Fear. What’s the worst thing can happen? What are you choosing for fear? Don’t be scared to the results in your life. Fear attracts more fear. Make the mathematics! There is no win; there is only weakness and confusion in this “fear place”. YOU ARE NOT YOUR RESULTS. Results are only information of who you are choosing to be and what are you choosing to do. Nothing more and nothing less! You want freedom and success in your life? See your results and what they are telling you and make an action plan from a place of risk and love!
No Inner Peace. Too much mental activity. Fears, judgments, disorientation, expectative, Reaction. Where there’s no peace, there’s no true happiness. We pass by the detailed gift of the present moment thinking on what already happened or what’s going to be next.
So, where are you? If you actually fully flow and expose yourself to the every day challenge, is possible you have felt a little of every one of these. Which it’s great if it is your case! It means you are open to life! Now, you just need to stop and finally take a stand for what you truly love to live for. Discover and tune your feelings, thoughts, vision and your life purpose and align them with your results. Put into action your unique service to your world. You have what it takes!
Saritza Zambrana is founder of Fine Edge Coaching, a company devoted to teaching high caliber leaders to reach up their mastery manifestation in their life. And how create a highly successful and meaningful personal and professional life attracting and evoking spiritual community in their leadership practice. Creator of high-impact master leadership programs in Puerto Rico. Certified Coach, transformational trainer, Yoga teacher and latin magazine collaborator. To experience Saritza's coaching and find out more about her programs access:
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