I feel so much curiosity when people describe themselves as "giving persons". And there is a question that seems to be out of sight. And that question is: what is it you give? The same thing occurs every time a leader describes himself as a committed person. And then their results show a completely opposite thing.

There is no doubt that we (in general) are committed because commitment is always there. We just focus that commitment to the opposite direction of our dearest dreams. So, the question is: what you are committed with? Are you committed with the life drama, control and reason? Or are you committed with love, discipline, being result oriented or with your spirituality?

So! Of course we will never have the life of our dreams if we insist in focus in those things that doesn't grow us at all. Particularly when we are unconscious. When we let ourselves to step aside and look the big picture from the right perspective, we may realized that we will never be able to give unconditionally until we understand and learn how to receive in a unconditional way.

Well, what we have so far? As simple as this: No matter if you think that you are committed with those things that matter most in your life, if you do not have the results that aloud you to experience inner peace in everything you do, you are wasting your energy in everything else. If you think that you are a giver and your results say that you are taking away... You should pay attention in those things you are not listening.

There are people who give everything to everyone and keep nothing for themselves. This is admirable, and thanks God for them! The thing is that not everybody is cut out for that kind of service. There are people who want to be in "balance" and they keep postponing their own happiness by not giving to themselves what they truly deserve in first place. Having said that, if is it true that there's nothing we can give that we don't give to ourselves; then are we really giving? We most take care of ourselves; otherwise we will be filling cups without filling our own jar.

Once a wonderful woman say to me: "For my family I jump mountains. For me, I am afraid to heights! When we take a closer look to her results she realizes that is a community leader and professional with serious health challenges... Again! Everything out... nothing going in.

Have you ever thought that every relationship issue in your life has nothing to do with the people that don't value your presence? What if they are actually giving their 100% and it's you who feel is not enough and want to control the way they demonstrate love to you? What if where you say there is love in you, there's Ego instead? Oh! I know is uncomfortable, to look inside is the hardest thing to do; we usually don't want to reconnect with stuff that we try to forget, right? But please, try it!

Today is a new day. And there is no doubt that you have a great opportunity on this present, right now! To choose wisely, deeper, higher and heart felted. Are you accessible to let go any expectation? Today is your day! Go and fill your Jar!

Author's Bio: 

Saritza Zambrana is founder of Fine Edge Coaching, a company devoted to teaching high caliber leaders to reach up their mastery manifestation in their life. And how create a highly successful and meaningful personal and professional life attracting and evoking spiritual community in their leadership practice. Creator of high-impact master leadership programs in Puerto Rico. Certified Coach, transformational trainer, Yoga teacher and latin magazine collaborator. To experience Saritza's coaching and find out more about her programs write to us! at: Info@fineedgecoaching.com