Your inner strength is where you draw your power from. It could be from past experiences that you learned from, it could be from faith in yourself, or from your faith in your religion. Your inner strength is constantly evolving.
As the New Year approaches you anticipate the changes that ... Views: 1352
As time goes by we find ourselves shaking our heads in disbelief more often. It has begun, a time to mourn the loss of our yester years. Our familiarities are fading away with the dawn of each new day. People are changing, the job market has changed, the housing industry has changed; leaving ... Views: 1382
When you care for others you get wrapped up in their world and sometimes forget about your own. It’s ok to step outside your comfort zone and dare yourself to dream, it is very good for your soul. Is your life going the way you intended it to be? Is your daily routine dragging you down? If ... Views: 1453
The holidays are such special occasions. Many people do not celebrate the holidays due to the loss of a loved one. Life is meant to be enjoyed and you can be at peace with the loss of a loved one.
You can go visit my gravesite, but I’m not there. My spirit lives on, everywhere. I can see ... Views: 2312
Re-create who you once were and say goodbye to what once was. If you live with uncertainty or have had troubles in your past, change those events. You have to re-create those events and turn them into lessons. Turn those lessons into positives events that will mold you into the person you ... Views: 1338
We are all connected. Everything we do and everything we see and everything we feel connects us to all living things. What draws us together are our emotions and experiences. Our common bonds are the things that we seek out and manifest in our daily lives.
What happens to one has an ... Views: 1365
I have always admired those who always knew what they wanted to do with their life. Some people knew the exact career they wanted to pursue, while others knew the kind of man they wanted to marry, and how many children they wanted to have.
Life changes you and sometimes it changes the ... Views: 1437
No matter how near or how far; you inspire me. No matter how rich or how poor you are; you inspire me. No matter what language you speak; you inspire me. No matter the color of your skin; you inspire me.
No matter if you have new clothes or if they’re worn thin; you inspire me. No matter ... Views: 1441
There is a saying “you cannot be mad in nature.” You may start out being upset, but as you walk amongst the tall oak trees and pines, nature brings peace to your soul. As you walk further you hear things; a squirrel running, birds chirping and the sound of water from a nearby creek. Being in ... Views: 1471
You get busy with life, there’s work, baseball games, soccer practice and not to mention all the housework that goes along with it. You live a life that is constantly on the go. You learn early on how to manage your time wisely. You might cook most of your meals for the upcoming week during ... Views: 1876
What makes us the kind of person that we are today? It is a number of things! Who we are is a combination of our past, present and future thoughts and actions. Let’s look at it more closely.
Your past-regardless if you had a great childhood with only minor struggles or if you had a hard ... Views: 1773
Years ago meditating was a huge part of my daily regimen. As time went on I kept meditating, but I did not stick to any set schedule. Within the last year I have been working on meditating more. I am quite pleased with my progress.
I had a vision of an Indian man riding a horse. I focused ... Views: 2237
Sometimes in life we face challenges. While some days go by with great ease, others are a bit of a struggle. We can say don’t stress over the small things, and some occasions that is easier said than done. We spend countless hours of our life worrying about things that we have no control over. ... Views: 1908
You are such a happy baby! No matter who or what you become in this life, I will love you the same as this very moment. I will be proud of you no matter what! I will respect you for being you. I will love you forever, unconditionally.
My darling husband, you have your faults and I have ... Views: 2015
Our life struggles come in many forms. Some struggles may be regarding money, love, careers or about things we cannot fathom. Our life struggles know no age, race, and religion or where you are located in this vast world.
The struggles that we endure in our lifetime might be a cakewalk to ... Views: 7630
With the drop in the job market people are looking for other ways to be successful. Sometimes people look at what others are doing in their profession and consider changing their own, they might look at a different trade, or they might go to school to further their education. People look at ... Views: 1781
We all create something every minute of every day. It doesn’t matter if you are creating a sacred spot to call your own for reading or whatever you choose to do. Some people create relationships; some create artwork while others create time efficiency. We are continuously creating.
While ... Views: 2326
When you are going through a rough time the last thing you think about is the light at the end of the tunnel. Regardless of what the situation is, you are drowning in it. Your emotions are running rapid and you can’t quite get a grip on things. You have tunnel vision at this point and the ... Views: 2630
Here it is 2012, for years many have questioned our mere existence after this year. The world is changing, for the better, but some still don’t see it. It is not the end of the world, but the end of our old way of thinking. It is a time of renewal. This means renewal of our souls, it is a ... Views: 2208
Sometimes we women just need a break every now and then. Sometimes if the smallest chore is done for us, it will totally make our day. Sometimes a compliment will carry us through a hard day. Sometimes when we face a challenge we have the self confidence that we need to conquer it. Sometimes ... Views: 1795
Perfection, what is it really? Is it a designer dress or a designer bag or a face that is coated with a lot of designer make up? We can all have perfection if we had a pocket full of money that would be easy. Oprah’s phrase “if you have it, fix it” was totally taken out of context. It gives ... Views: 2088
Sometimes it’s hard to get a grasp on how large our world really is. This is how I look at it. We are all living someone else’s dream. We can take each and every moment and the things that we do in that moment and spread it throughout the world. Here are some examples:
Let’s take for ... Views: 4303
Sometimes the hardest step to take is the first step. What makes that step so hard is that we have our plan down, but then we second guess ourselves. We play out different scenarios in our mind, which in turn builds fear. Fear stops us from moving forward. That is why some people cannot move ... Views: 1922
I wish I didn’t know what a broken heart felt like. I wish there was no illness. I wish I never knew what homeless meant. I wish there was no such thing as war. I wish I never heard or said an angry word. I wish my heart didn’t know what it was like to ache for someone not with us anymore. ... Views: 2771
We have all heard from them at one point in our lives or another. You know the ones that think that they are above all others. You know the ones that think that you don’t have a right to succeed if they aren’t. They are the jealous ones; the haters.
You will hear from the haters, they will ... Views: 1444
We all have opened up a door or two that should have stayed closed. It’s equivalent to dating an old boyfriend/girlfriend, the feelings just aren’t the same. This happens because the energy’s do not mix well.
You either have a change of heart and think” it’s been long enough,” or “they’ve ... Views: 1436
Our world is full of wants and needs. When you don’t have material things, you feel underprivileged. When you don’t experience the same pleasures as others, you feel underprivileged. When you get older you start to acquire the things you lacked growing up. Your path in life changes and the ... Views: 1494
I decided to write about this subject because every person has experienced this at one point in their life or another. I refer to this as the ultimate art of growing. Read on and you will learn why.
When you are in a relationship you have someone to talk to. You have someone to share your ... Views: 4986
Stress wreaks havoc on our mind and our body. We will examine the impact of stress and use traffic as an example. If you do not commute back and forth to work, just imagine you are leaving town on your vacation.
We are on our way to work; we have traveled the same route a million times. ... Views: 1543
I often wonder what sentence or phrase would best describe life. This to me sums it up; life is like a stairway. Only YOU can determine where your stairway will lead. Some days you can climb to the top, some days you can only climb a couple of stairs, while other days you don’t climb any at ... Views: 8069
A mistake, no matter how large or how small, is still a mistake. It doesn’t matter if it happened on a personal or a professional level; you have to learn how to recoup from it. If you are a perfectionist, this is a bitter lesson to learn, you are human. Some people mentally beat themselves ... Views: 1823
After I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer, I knew my life would change. I had no idea how drastic the changes were going to be. It was hard because you hear different horror stories, in reality; everyone's body is different so the reaction to chemotherapy and radiation will differ. I ... Views: 2150
We see the same sun although we are a great distance apart. We look at the same moon and the same stars, even though an ocean divides us. I awake in the morning and think about all the possibilities this new day will bring.
I, like you, go to work for more hours than I would choose. I ... Views: 1325
You drive that very long drive to the old neighborhood. You see all the familiar surroundings along the way. We are getting closer to our destination; we are still 10 miles away and are already seeing the signs of destruction. There is a line of trees that have been uprooted and stripped of ... Views: 2024
Two simple words, “I’m Sorry” are so hard for some to say. Some say those words and never mean them. Some people wait for many years to hear those words and expect a closure that never comes. So why is it that the simplest of words in the English language, or any language for that matter, ... Views: 2042
There are so many things that happen on a daily basis to add to your stress level. A new project just landed on your desk, the school called, new bills in the mail, and you are waiting for that important phone call or letter.
This is the hardest thing to do, just wait. Sure, you can occupy ... Views: 2215
Peace is such a wonderful word. It brings about change, a change in mindset, a change in behavior and a real humbling sensation within. When you say peace, it means drop all the weapons both physically and verbally. Peace makes you go deep within yourself and you realize, I don’t want all ... Views: 2049
This story is fictitious but there are life lessons contained in it. I hope you enjoy it.
I had just received that dreaded phone call two days earlier. My grandma had been sick for a long time. Everyone went to see her as much as possible. She had hung on for a long time, we all told her ... Views: 1629
There it is, that four letter word that means so much too so many. Hope is such a strong word, just like the word help. To get a better understanding of the word hope we have to research what it means to others. When you lose all hope, you feel despair. When you are in despair you are in ... Views: 1832
Valentine’s Day might be considered to many as a Hallmark holiday. For some it might just be another day that they want to forget, and for other’s it will be a day that they will always remember. Some will go all out lavishly as a token to express their love. For some an “I love you” will ... Views: 1472
While you were gone the kids grew an inch taller.
While you were gone the air grew smoggier.
While you were gone the washer went out.
While you were gone the cat snuck out.
While you were gone that old car finally gave out.
While you were gone I tried that recipe.
While you were gone I ... Views: 1466
Unconditional love is the act of loving someone regardless of one's actions or beliefs. It is the act of loving without expecting anything in return. It is about not looking at their skin color or any of their physical features, but looking right into someone’s soul and loving them the way ... Views: 2376
When you’re down it seems like life isn’t fair. Then like a flash of light all those instances when life treated you unfairly passed before your eyes and you remember the feeling of helplessness with each situation. On some days, life just isn’t fair.
Life is about that moment when you ... Views: 2084
A simple act of kindness goes a long way. It doesn’t matter if it is something huge or something small, it is appreciated. Children are naturally kind to everyone. They learn this while playing and watching adults. Somewhere along the lines our sense of kindness, thoughtfulness either grows ... Views: 1446
I always thought that forgiveness was solely on an individual basis and never really comprehended the full meaning of it all. Forgiveness comes in layers and with each layer you have to dig deep within yourself and re-live each circumstance. Each layer may take you back a few years while ... Views: 1646
Inspiration comes to us in many forms. It could be a person, people, a song, a painting, something written, a play, or words spoken. We always remember those that inspire us. I truly believe that people come into your life for a reason. One person’s way of life can be so inspiring to ... Views: 1513
You look toward the horizon and you see a glimpse of the water. You still have one heck of a hike in front of you. You take a sip of water and readjust your backpack. As you walk closer and closer you imagine the coolness of the water against your hot, sweaty skin. You can’t wait to just ... Views: 1518
The holiday's are hard for those missing their loved ones, so I wrote this to ease your soul.
My whole life changed once the diagnosis was made. Now doctor appointments fill my calendar days. I’ve had to learn lingo that only a physician should know. I’ve had to learn side effects and what ... Views: 1482
What is the other side of life? It is the side that is the opposite of the life that you are currently living. Why would you ever contemplate going there? What is there to gain? You will learn compassion; you will learn strength and nobility and be humbled by what you feel. Come with me and ... Views: 1567
This is for those of you who are missing that someone special at the table. For those of you who are trying to cope with the holidays. Here is a heartfelt hug for you. You will never understand the loneliness of a holiday until you have lost someone that means so much to you. I pray that this ... Views: 2320