It was more than twenty five years ago, and it was a day that I will never forget. I had given birth to my second son in the beginning of September. I brought him home to a one bedroom apartment. The bedroom was big, both of my sons slept in there and my husband at the time and I slept on a ... Views: 1567
I wanted to talk about that moment of desperation. In that moment of desperation, there comes a change, an inner change. Some people do not welcome change, they are resistant to it. Some people are just too comfortable with the way things are; they can only see the negative side to making a ... Views: 2361
It’s rough out there right now for a lot of people. For some people, they have barely noticed anything different. I was one of them. I’d go to work and when I was done, my husband and I would go out to dinner, and we couldn’t believe there was a recession going on. The restaurants were ... Views: 1809